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Everything posted by static

  1. OK well for 2000+ (incl. xp obviously) you'll have to give me a bit of time because I need to get it right - so far, despite having obvious things like directory permission correct, I can't write to the linux box at all. But I can read from it... gimme a week! I'm ah-trying! (Thanks for the compliments - anything I can do to help - linux deserves classy gentlemen <and women> like yourselves)
  2. <shrug> There needs to be a CD in them to mount them...! What error do you get?
  3. But I thought it didn't matter (hence the scroll bar deal) as long as you were the first to apply..? I want breathing - aw yeah - a patent on breathing. Then I can afford to get myself an audio recording of that storm on Jupiter (the red spot the size of 3 earths) {that's my dream}
  4. Aw yeah - next week is gonna be sweet! Seriously though, I believe Mandrake goes by a 3 release-per-year schedule... And then they up the major number. That's why 10 comes after 9.2 (<shrug>) and I hope it rolls that beautiful new bean footage (aka 2.6)
  5. By coincide I hope you mean reiser's out first - that way support will be in the kernel...
  6. No one else seems to care about this thread :'( OK about 9.1 - It looks 10 times better (I know - just aesthetics) the control center has some improvements, newer packages means better security/stability/bugfixes, my scanner worked for the first time (in fact - for the first time ever for me in linux EVREYTHING worked outta the box - only dvd needed to be setup for movies - took 10 seconds!) Obviously mel is screwed for 9.1 though, but otherwise I recommend it. (I'm going 9.2 tonight!) About the network - what version of windows are the boxes running? I use samba through the control center and a switch to connect the machines at 100 mbit/sec ; full duplex (aka 100/full). This is useful for small networks not sharing the internet to transfer large files quickly. When I have a better idea of the versions of windows, I should be able to help more (you too FN if you want help!) Apparently the windows newer than 98 use CIFS instead of SMB, so you need certain kernel options enabled I believe, as well as the newest samba pkgs. (Gurus? Where are you?)
  7. Looking good man! I downloaded them last night and it's going on tonight! Yee-haw! Are there updates yet? Considering the 2.6.0 kernel is at test4, I'm guess Mandrake 10 (or X) will use it I hope? (probably 10.1) I read the list of why it's so much better and I was blown away. I can't wait for a mandrake that uses it - and the hardware vendors to awaken and see the ease of making drivers for it. We're about to witness a new era in linux acceptance worldwide.
  8. static


    Learning how to make rpm's is my next desire...
  9. You in windows for that? gaim still works... plus in xp I never tried (but I don't have .NET extensions installed, and I use gaim in win anyway) ;)
  10. static


    The download link at the top of this page will take you to our very own ftp site, where iso's for 9.2 rc1 are now (release candidate means if no bugs are found it becomes the final - there were betas before the rc)
  11. F$ckin' SWEET man! That gets used for a bunch of good games! Ooooh, linux gaming is just goin to get better'n'better!
  12. Oh! No! Don't worry guys - it's a security thing - should be ok when I get home :) Thanks for checking though! Anyway I just asked because I can't check at work - Turning my PC on tonight depended on whether or not we had rc1
  13. So ? They now have gentoo iso's that have everything pre-compiled for your arch!! PS pentium3 is better than i686 if you're running a p3. Check it out!
  14. RC1 is. Just check the downloads link. :wink: No-can-do. That's why I asked! :) Thanks!
  15. shoegoo: They are ahead of us timezone-wise ;) So do we have all the iso's in our own mirror?
  16. static

    Modem speaker

    Well, I'm assuming you use kppp to dial up your ISP and is the options for the connection in kppp you can turn it on and adjust the volume. Cheers dude! Let me know if you have troubles!
  17. static


    I know that xp doesn't network so well even with 98 machines. Does the 9.1 see the xp box at all?
  18. Welcome! Use samba on the linux box. You only need the samba client if the win boxes aren't going to the lin box. Otherwise you'll need the samba server stuff I believe (correct me if I'm wrong gurus!) Samba is really easy to setup. No need for manual configs - It should all be in the control center. If I were you, I'd get my hands on 9.1 though, for a couple of reasons.
  19. It's looking for ncurses. -lcurses is the GNU c compiler (gcc)'s way of using a switch.. i.e. it's like -l curses ib -leststring -lcurses -ldl -lm -lstdc++ is running ib and linking (-l) eststring, curses, dl, m, and stdc++. Try installing ncurses and then try again. Let us all know if this does the trick!
  20. well first off welcome to linux, freedom, and choice - also welcome to the board! It's always great "meeting" newbies who are potential top posters who enjoy a good chat or debate around here (keeps it interesting). About Apache - if you aren't using it <shrug> I wouldn't worry for now. The audio problem, however, is really strange. I began typing this post thinking "this guy needs an audio cable going from the drive to the soundcard" but then I remembered you saying it does work in that drive for xmms! OK Are you using supermount? (Go to the CLI - command line interface- and type "cat /etc/fstab" and post the results here) [*]Do you get any error messages? [*]Does your sound work for other things other than cd audio, like games or mp3's? I have a feeling supermount is the culprit. Hang in there - we'll solve this...
  21. I've personally given up doing the distro surf. I always end up back at mandrake, so why leave I guess? :) Wait - haven't you already tried gentoo? I'd say debian. I personally like gentoo and keep a partition for it, but you know <shrug> mdk does it all. Slackware does have ISO's and I liked it. My sound didn't work though when I last tried it (v8.0? 8.1) so I should try again... You might try the newest beehive... (maybe Libranet?) or fiddle with devil-linux or gibraltar to make yourself an asset in the business market when you're eventually looking for a job...
  22. Well said. (obviously a musician myself) I personally feel, considering (as you said) the performance is key, that the recording should be free. I'll send a cd or two to anyone who askes, some tunes are downloadable on the webpage (see sig ;) ) because I don't want a record deal. I'd like people to like us, not our poster, and I just want people to come to the show! We're better live, and playing shows is my favorite thing to do, over even partying or sleeping. This works with the current p2p scheme, and best of all, if you suck: the media can't make you a Britany Spears just because you're slutty :) If people don't want to go to your show - what have you done to deserve what being a famous musicain pays? Obviously it's different for classical musicains or people headed for orchestras or backing bands or whatever, but they get paid differently anyway. Currently a band usually makes maybe a dollar for each $25 CD sold :roll: But they make around $25 x 20,000 when they play a stadium for about $50 a head. That's $500 000 for 2 hours of work! I say screw the record companies. It's not like the other $25 of the ticket goes to a company for nothing - it goes to paying roadies, renting the stadium, travel costs, etc...
  23. It probably had something to do with other services as well, so the reboot got those. If you had stopped and restarted all the services it might have worked... IMO rebooting IS for windows!
  24. FINALLY! An HDTV product introduced for the Linux market, by and for the Open Source community! pcHDTV announces the limited release of its new HD-2000 HDTV pci card. Made for Linux at an eye popping price of just $189.89. The pcHDTV HD-2000 Hi Definition Television Card is the first digital television card to be produced especially for the Linux video hobbyist market. Shipped with the open source multimedia player Xine, the card provides a ATSC stream to the Xine mpeg2 decoder and playback. READ THIS!!! Open drivers!! W O W - I want one!
  25. Does anyone else find it a gray area though? Like how do you differenciate between a "hard" product (that originated as an idea) i.e. something tangible and a "soft" product (also an idea) like software programs when it comes to patents? Should anyone be allowed to be the only one to do something, even if it is your idea? That sort of goes against the monopoly rules we try to hold against our favorite tyrant M$, doesn't it? There's a great article on newsforge right now by Matt Asay that talks about this. To quote him: Now, having pointed out that article, I'd like to say I agree with him for the most part. (this won't make sense unless you've read it) I just wonder how the "service" fits in when you're talking about software written by one person. It would be hard to "provide" people with anything unless you have teams of troubleshooters, etc. Dunno, seems it only fits the business world maybe. Then again, the more I think about, the less I can find very wrong with Matt's ideas in this article.
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