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Everything posted by jkerr82508

  1. Try reducing the size of the Firefox cache - Edit/Preferences/Advanced/Network Although your real problem is probably that your /home partition is not large enough. Jim
  2. I have an entry in the kmenu under "Sound and Video" for PulseAudio Volume Control. If you have the kmenu configured to show Descriptions rather than Names, then it may appear as just "Volume Control". The command to run PulseAudio Volume Control is pavucontrol. If for some reason PulseAudio was not installed in your system, then it can be installed by installing task-pulseaudio. Other than the man pages and brief references in the Release Notes and Errata, the only place, that I know of, to find any information about PA is on their web-site: http://pulseaudio.org/ Jim
  3. I have two sound devices - onboard and usb - and have edited /etc/modprobe.conf to delete all references to sound devices and add the following: This worked on 2007.1, 2008.0 and on 2008.1 (with or without PulseAudio). My edits are retained after a re-boot. I don't have an /etc/modprobe.d/sound. I confess I've really no idea what actually goes on "under the hood". I just stick with what seems to work :) Jim I just had a thought - perhaps /etc/modprobe.d/sound is created because you have two non-usb audio devices. I do have an /etc/modprobe.d/snd-usb-audio.
  4. In 2008.1, if you use PulseAudio (which is activated by default), then in the PulseAudio Volume Control/Output Devices you can set the default device, by right-clicking on it. (Not the most obvious place to look for this option, but a (small) step in the right direction.) Jim
  5. I have seen reports of this. IIRC when someone has a USB drive attached on boot (but not on installation), it somehow is identified as sda. Personally, I only power up my USB drive when I want to use it and have not experienced this. For me, using UUIDs solves a problem that does not exist and so I've removed the "alphabet soup" from fstab and menu.lst. Perhaps this should be added as an option in the installer. Jim
  6. That option is still there on my system. I'm using i586 - powerpack. Jim
  7. One of the reasons that I enjoy using linux is that there is almost always a way to "get the job done". It just requires perseverance - sometimes rather a lot of perseverance. :) Jim
  8. It's a long time since I used mdv2006, and so can't remember if I had any problem getting kwrite to print. A few places that you might look for "oddities" or fiddle with settings (in no particular order): - /var/log/cups/error_log - Printer font settings in kwrite's config - Options in kwrite's Print dialogue - kcontrol's printer config module - The properties of the file that you are trying to print - http://bugs.kde.org/ You may also try with another "pure text" editor such as kedit or kate. (If one of those works, then It should be possible to set that as the default text editor, if you can't get printing to work from kwrite.) Jim
  9. Probably this: https://qa.mandriva.com/show_bug.cgi?id=40005 Jim
  10. Try installing the rpm with rpm -ivh --replacefiles pipslite-cups-1.0.3-1.i386.rpm Jim P.S. My reading of the installation guide suggests that there should be a basic driver available after installing the rpm. You only need to run pipslite-install if the basic driver does not give the full functionality that you want. (I could be misinterpreting what it says. I always find the Avasys "help" files to be difficult to understand.)
  11. It may be called something else. I'm not using the Epson drivers at the moment (Mandriva has a driver for my present printer), but I seem to recall something like "Epson printing system" being used and the driver was to be found at the very end of either the Epson list or the entire printer list in Printerdrake's Driver Selection tool. There should have been an installation guide of some kind available on the page where you got the rpms which will tell you what the driver is called. Jim
  12. Use the rpms: http://www.avasys.jp/lx-bin2/linux_e/spc/DL2.do If that link doesn't work then go here: http://avasys.jp/hp/menu000000900/hpg000000859.htm and follow the directions to get the drivers that you need. Jim
  13. You are probably experiencing this bug: https://qa.mandriva.com/show_bug.cgi?id=38054 Jim
  14. Details here: http://wiki.mandriva.com/en/2008.1_Errata#...em::uniq_called Jim
  15. 2008.1 repos are present on the primary mirrors. When your mirror will have them depends on its syncing policy. Jim
  16. To use an existing .vdi file in a new installation, create a new VM and point the set-up wizard to the existing hard disk (the .vdi file). Jim
  17. If you store the VM's in the default location, ~/.VirtualBox, then either keep your Home partition, or back up ~/.VirtualBox. If you store the VM's in some other location, then I think the files that you need to back up are the *.vdi files (one for each VM). If this VM is mission-critical, then I'm surprised that you do not back it up regularly. Jim
  18. I have a different model Epson scanner, but what works for me is to install the rpms with the following command in a root terminal: (Substitute "filename" with the name of the rpm to be installed.) Jim
  19. jkerr82508


    There are other KDE apps that use "click on column header to sort on this column". Konqueror in list view mode is one. Jim
  20. jkerr82508


    Clicking on the Date/Order of Arrival column header seems to still work for me. Although I'm only testing 2008 Spring at this stage and so don't have a lot of emails to display. Jim Edit - Just to confirm I copied over my mail store from 2008 and clicking on the column headers does work. Clicking again on the Date column header changes the order from Ascending to Descending. There are also two additional options for Date of Arrival. Repeatedly clicking on the Date column header cycles through the four options.
  21. I'm no hardware expert, but it sounds as though your hard drive may have a terminal illness. Jim
  22. If you selected the option to copy the DVD to your hard drive during installation then that would account for the filling up of your / partition. First set up on-line media sources, if you have not already done so, and then either just delete the contents of the DVD from /var/ftp/pub or move them to your /home partition. Doing the latter, you could use them to set up local media sources. Jim
  23. I think drak3d may be what you're looking for. Jim
  24. As root, edit /etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg and replace each instance of cdrom2 with cdrom1. Jim
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