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Everything posted by spinynorman

  1. The Register reports an attempt to submerge a slick backdoor in the next version of the Linux kernel. For the geeks amongst us, Kerneltrap.org describes the incident in more detail.
  2. Don't know if this is any use for what you want, but PCLinuxOnline reports the release of E/OS LX 0.2.3. The main site is in Spanish, but there are English pages. :unsure:
  3. You can change it yourself by editing your original post. :)
  4. To quote their web site, "Webmin is a web-based interface for system administration for Unix", so yes, it will do that... Other posters have said that it's easy to use, but it looks complicated to me! I'm sure they'll be able to help if you proceed with it. :) BTW my previous post was supposed to be humorous...
  5. Sorry, kilimanjaro, my advice was based on disabling shorewall and setting up iptables - which worked fine for me. :D I guess all the other firewalls you configured should be disabled too, but I can't be held responsible for the modifications you've made to the standard setup! Must put a disclaimer in my signature box... :P
  6. Thanks, pmpatrick, I wasn't sure about that, but I thought we'd get there in the end! :) just trying out some of my newbie skills on the fly! B)
  7. The worst that can happen with iptables is that you won't have a working firewall, which you don't have already... I'll resend the message. Give it a try. :)
  8. What happened with the iptables instructions I PM'ed to you? :huh:
  9. If you can log in as root, login and go to a console and type ls /home This will list all users. Then do su username Type the actual username not 'username'. This gets you in without a password. To set a new password, use passwd If you've forgotten the root password, and you use lilo as your boot manager, reboot and use the escape button when the lilo menu appears. Type linux single This logs you in as root. Use 'passwd' to set a new password. Then use the preceding code to set a user password. To get into KDE, Gnome or whatever, use 'init 5'. Hope this helps. :)
  10. PCLinuxOnline links to this critical ArsTechnica article. :( :( :( [Edited to restore the original title]
  11. I had the same problem. If you choose the 'Home and Home Office' link on the welcome page, it takes you to the 420 page and sets up a cookie which lets you go direct to the 620 page next time... :wink:
  12. The Register reports that the US Army has abandoned Windows and chosen Linux for a key component of its "Land Warrior" programme... :) http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/54/33611.html
  13. Mad Penguin has a link to a document published by the EU - The IDA Open Source Migration Guidelines (October 2003). As IDA is Interchange of Data between Adminstrations, perhaps we'll see other governments producing national guidelines. :)
  14. Mad Penguin are reporting this problem with a link to this thread. :) As are Linux Orbit :)
  15. PCLinuxOnline now has a review of an installation on an Athlon XP 1900+.
  16. OSNews has a review of the Download edition - http://www.osnews.com/story.php?news_id=4878
  17. I've found this command called 'enscript', which you can use at the command line - or do you want to print from within your applications? Anyway, the link describes how it converts plain text to PostScript, and further on, in Outputting Text as a Poster or Sign, it uses word-wrap. www.tldp.org/LDP/linuxcookbook/html/cookbook_19.html#SEC288 Use 'man enscript' for all the options... :)
  18. spinynorman

    Boot problems

    I think you need some spaces - these commands are not single words... lilo -v lilo -M /dev/hda :wink:
  19. Shorewall recommend that you download sample files from their website and tweak them. I disabled shorewall and used iptables instead. :)
  20. The good news is that by jumping from 8.2 to 9.2, you didn't encounter this feature in 9.1 as some of us did! :)
  21. See http://mandrakeusers.org/viewtopic.php?t=8453
  22. PCLinuxOnline report an hysterical attack on the Free Software Foundation by Forbes - the magazine for World business leaders. Forbes article PCLinuxOnline response
  23. OpenOffice.org is marking its 3rd Anniversary with a major initiative to bring the OpenOffice.org 1.1 office suite to students, schools and universities throughout the world. In the UK... "Skipton Girls High School, a Specialist Engineering School for Girls. . . are using this as an opportunity for global citizenship by getting students to burn OpenOffice.org 1.1 CDs for schools in areas of the world with no broadbansd access. This is good education, not just good economics. It has the potential to get pupils in contact across the world and generate greater international understanding." http://www.desktoplinux.com/news/NS2102609914.html
  24. In advance of the official release announcement, the MandrakeSoft web site maintainers have uploaded the images for the 9.2 Feature Presentation. Tux Reports now has copies of most of these images... http://www.tuxreports.com/article2385.html Not that interesting, to be honest... :?
  25. Can't remember. Go into MCC/Security/Firewall and check that 'Everything (no firewall)' is ticked. :)
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