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Everything posted by Darkelve

  1. I use Grub, because SuSe uses it as default. In Mandrake I used both Lilo (long time) and Grub (short time) and I have to say I think I liked Lilo better.
  2. One of my criteria for buying an mp3 player is that it should NOT be able to play WMA's... :P Really...
  3. Hi, we can help better if you give more details, e.g: - Which brand and model? - What kind of problem? - When does it happen? - What feedback do you get? Darkelve
  4. Just be patient... someone will get to your question. Not all are online at the same time, and not all have the time or the knowledge to reply to you. And a substantial amount of my time goes into checking the HW forum topics regularly and moderating the HW and Workbench forums. E.g. me I don't have the knowledge to help you with this problem. Another person might know but not have time to help you today... and maybe he'll help you tomorrow or the day after when s/he has time... Just a few examples. Usually you get a reply here the same day, if not it's in 2 or 3 days. But we can't make any promises about this, this is a free board after all. If you want more direct contact, you can also try our IRC channel (see link in the top right corner of the boards menu - 'Chat')
  5. Superfluous posts from and in response to Adlai deleted. Adlai kindly agreed with my request to start a new thread of himself. Darkelve HW Forum Admin
  6. - Try EasyTag: http://easytag.sourceforge.net/ OR Ktag (not 100% sure of the name though)
  7. Clippy tha' Annoying Office Assistant! B) http://www.vcnet.com/bms/departments/innovation.shtml
  8. extraordinary, my dear Arctic, extraordinary ;)
  9. Yeah I've read it. While it's true that more companies involved that respect the philosophy of OSS is always a welcome thing, I don't like the negative, 'let-me-talk-down-on-them-for-a-bit' tone of the article. Am I a freak because I run Linux? I've got quite a normal job, thank you and a normal (though not overly exciting) private life. I guess all the new people who sign up on this and other boards daily, are freaks as well? So they didn't like the Desktop Summit. Big deal. But how that leads to the conclusion desktop Linux is still in a dismal state is anyones guess. My personal experience with Linux in the past few years says otherwise. Personally, I find it a bit insulting, really.
  10. I understand the argument about OSX loosing its glamour running on X86 and the problems to support the plethora of hardware out there. However, if it would be an interesting idea for Apple to develop their own Linux distro, besided OSX. That idea intrigues me...
  11. For all of you who wanted to find something to play with, Xandros 3.0 OCE is out: http://www.osnews.com/comment.php?news_id=9706 Torrent File: http://support.xandros.com/downloads/deskt...ion.zip.torrent Darkelve
  12. Interesting article here: http://linuxplanet.com/linuxplanet/reports/5741/1/ It's interesting, but personally I wanted more detail and concrete examples.
  13. Thanks for your reply! B) My impression is that sometimes, the most valuable help for newbies comes from other newbies. Hmm... seems like I'll have to update my article "Troubleshooting your (Linux) Hardware" now :lol:
  14. I think it would help if you were a little more clear on what exactly your problem is. To be honest, I don't understand what you're trying to say either. Darkelve
  15. And here's a pretty good and clear explanation as for what this might mean, for non-lawyers: http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=20050210075456474
  16. Ah, thanks... I knew there was a Linux article I still had to read today... just forgot which. B) Edit: I like those guys in Peru... seem to be very smart people to me.
  17. Did you run the command SoulSe suggested?
  18. Maybe XFCE would work as well? Also, for Word Processing, TextMaker is the lightest on resources there is (well, except Vi(m)/emacs etc... :P ). But it's commercial, you can get a demo though. Next is Abiword. OOO Writer is heaviest on resources. I understand that VectorLinux is one distro that specifically targets these kind of machines, but if aRTee says Mandrake will run on it; and because you're more likely more knowledgable about Mandrake than Slackware, I think I'd still go with Mandrake.
  19. Darkelve

    Xorg Problem

    Topic closed as per Raghugs request. Also, I marked it as 'solved'.
  20. People who don't want to risk loosing their data...
  21. Welcome to the board! Enjoy playing it... B)
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