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Everything posted by kmack

  1. Is there any way to increase capacity of the xclipboard or does an alternative clipboard exist? EDIT: Or qclipboard ? Sometimes I copy text of articles rather than saving an html file and the clipboard capacity is small and thus requires copying longer files in batches. It would be nicer to be able to copy a small article at once rather than in sections. Thanks for any input on this.
  2. Sure. If you are in the default mdk KDE setup click on the Konsole icon--a monitor with a seashell on it just to right of the K. Try typing "whereis xxxxnameofprogram" and see what you get. Might be a long list that you have to scroll thru, but it should show you where the program is. You may be able to use slocate or locate too. In the example below I am looking for a program named "bookcase" The executable file you may need will likely be in /sbin or /usr/bin and you can look for it in Konqueror (like Windows Explorer) too.
  3. I don't know the tech details, but if the OL is XP make sure you have the latest SP and all security patches installed. The email system I help support has lots of AUTH problems with both POP and IMAP authorization unless everything is current. Whenever a user gets a new xp loaded computer we have problems until we get them updated. All we can figure is it is an MS thing. Sorry I am not much help... just a fellow sufferer!
  4. :lol: No activity on JOS for a L O N G time... Here in Indonesia, we have an energy drink :roll: for guys, called Extra Joss maybe that's what you need... 8) http://www.extrajoss.com/ Make sure you check out the jingle Dangdut in the downloads/jingle section for some of our local music to play while you are working on your new OS! :wink:
  5. If you have lots of books and want to keep track of them, bookcase is a nice start. It's a KDE application. You can get a Mdk 9.1 rpm (and a few other formats) at: http://www.periapsis.org/bookcase/ Enjoy-- :wink:
  6. I am not running a NTFS system here, and don't know too much about them, but the "ro" in his fstab entry is not present in my fstab for /mnt/windows. (mine is VFAT) Would that keep it from mounting? What's that about? Does that mean anything or is it normal in the case of NTFS? Also the "iocharsaet" is misspelled: is that a typo or is it wrong in the file itself? should be iocharset=iso8859-1 Hang in there! :)
  7. Better check out things before you try the fdisk route... I think it might not be the way to go yet. Don't do it in Linux yet is what I mean... I don't think you can on XP anyhow: http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=314058 Shows how to get back into xp recovery console this is source of this info: http://answers.google.com/answers/main?cmd...dview&id=215902 You are at a critical point so review your options carefully and get more advice if you're not sure and don't want to risk losing data. I am just offering some google help so you can see some options. The real pros like Ixthusdan, Tyme, Aru, bvc, Cannonfodder, and others are the ones with more experience in Mandrake. Everyone is here to help you all we can. Good luck!
  8. Don't know if you saw the other link in the LinuxQuestions site but here it is: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/history/58935 Sounds similar to what I sent above...scroll to the bottom to see the resolution. Here is another link with similar problems of NTFS becoming hidden: http://www.tek-tips.com/gviewthread.cfm/le.../616/qid/439106 I found many sites with same info that Partition Magic and some Linux setups caused NTFS to show up as hidden files and then it cannot boot. I'm not the expert the others are... but before you blow off the drive, I'd try to check this out. I think you can also use Motts suggestion if you can get into the xp partitions and manually get to the fixmbr command. Hope you can salvage it.
  9. Here's a thought to check. I did a quick google search on your error message and there are quite a few similar cases. Most relate to using Partition Magic and having problems, but not all. Scroll down to near bottom of this link and read. I haven't got it all sorted out yet, but a common thread is the files on XP are hidden and changing the attribute makes things work again. It's a lead worth following I think. Good news is several recovered from the problem! :)
  10. kmack

    what's a DCOP?

    I've seen things like this happen when cpu has been idle for a good bit and then it suddenly has to go to work. Kind of like me first thing in the am. :lol: Like I said, just a hiccup... if it keeps happening, then I'd spend time trying to trace it. Hopefully it is a one time deal. :wink:
  11. kmack

    what's a DCOP?

    Probably just had a hiccup or should I say ( he-cop :lol: ) on startup... Here's a link to what it is. http://developer.kde.org/documentation/lib...3arch/dcop.html :)
  12. I've got a multi card reader that worked by just plugging into usb with a formatted card inserted and booting up. It was detected and works fine for me in 9.1. It made an icon for the desktop automagically too. Now it hotplugs fine too. Here's my relevant fstab code: /dev/sda1 /mnt/removable auto user,iocharset=iso8859-1,kudzu,codepage=850,noauto,exec 0 0 Not pretty, but since it works I don't mess with it. DOlson has a good writeup of getting a CF reader going: http://pgshopping.com/mdkxp/?c=ttrls/jumpshot I also got some info from linux usb site but turned out I didn't need it. Lucky, eh? :wink: Go to the FAQ and first one is for USB storage devices. http://www.linux-usb.org/ and http://www.linux-usb.org/USB-guide/x498.html When the reader and card are plugged in, what do you get with this code?: [root@localhost kelly]# cat /proc/bus/usb/devices | more I can see this relevant code when it is plugged in: C:* #Ifs= 1 Cfg#= 1 Atr=80 MxPwr= 20mA I: If#= 0 Alt= 0 #EPs= 1 Cls=03(HID ) Sub=00 Prot=00 Driver=hid E: Ad=81(I) Atr=03(Int.) MxPS= 8 Ivl=10ms T: Bus=01 Lev=01 Prnt=01 Port=01 Cnt=02 Dev#= 3 Spd=12 MxCh= 0 D: Ver= 1.10 Cls=00(>ifc ) Sub=00 Prot=00 MxPS=16 #Cfgs= 1 P: Vendor=0aec ProdID=3050 Rev= 1.00 S: Manufacturer=Generic S: Product=USB Storage Device S: SerialNumber=20021224094927950 Hope one of these will help you pinpoint what is going on.
  13. I am not an expert and just used checkinstall myself yesterday. First, I did a search on this board :roll: and found a great help from cannonfodder... scroll down a bit and there are very clear and simple instructions for using checkinstall. http://www.mandrakeusers.org/viewtopic.php...ht=checkinstall I followed those instructions, answered the questions it asked me and installed 2 dependencies and a 5mb executable and everything works! I also did a bit of reading from a google search on checkinstall but nothing beat cannonfodder's wisdom. :) Hint: you can find checkinstall docs in /usr/share/doc/checkinstall xxxx Most all software installs a doc to the /usr/share/doc directory so you can always check it there. Sadly, documentation in open source is not as complete as it could be, but there is some! :)
  14. tyme Thanks! But nevermind I relied on a review on www.osnews.com that was linked from pclinuxonline and the article stressed that you need TiffLib... DUH... upon a closer check of requirements on the scribus site there is NO mention of this library being required. I wasted a good bit of time looking and all I found were some links to a very old file. Moral of the story: You cannot believe everything you read online. And you should check with the real source! :shock: :lol: Edit: Tried Texstar's rpm but it was a no go. I installed via the tarball files for 1.0-1 and it went OK using checkinstall method. Very nice! The only way to fly!
  15. Anyone using Scribus 1.0 yet? If so, do your remember where you found TiffLib? :)
  16. I got an email reply from Vincent Danen at Mandrake and he said the link was an oversight and we should use the newer link. http://www.mandrakesecure.net/en/kernelupdate.php is the preferred kernel update method!
  17. Yes, I wondered the same. Why not use urpmi as they have always suggested before. The URL they gave is for an older webpage and set of instructions. Confusing!
  18. kmack


    Here is some help for the Mozilla Firebird install: Firebird is a bit of an unusual install as it is not an RPM (that is the normal type of Mandrake program install. "redhat package management" is the system used.) Usually a Mandrake RPM does all the "work" for you and puts an entry on your menu. Then all you need to do is click it to run the program. But you have to do a bit more work with MozillaFirebird. Just unzip the file you downloaded into a directory you setup (I used mozfirebird) and then from that directory you can launch it from a command line (Konsole if in KDE) by running "MozillaFirebird" and hit enter) or ./MozillaFirebird to be more specific. Then it will launch from Konsole in a few seconds. Later you can use MenuDrake in MCC to setup a menu entry and put it into your GUI interface so you can start it from the menu if you prefer that. Open MCC (asks for your root pwd), then SYSTEM--Menudrake and you can put it on your user menu by choosing USER name and it opens the dialog window. The other browsers are in NETWORKING--WWW by default so I put it there. Just fill in the name you want on the menu (Firebird) and the directory and filename where the files were unzipped and save it. should be something like this (/home/username/downloads/directorywhere fileislocated/MozillaFirebird) That should put the entry to start MozillaFirebird on your program list under Networking--WWW. Check http://texturizer.net/firebird/faq.html for more helpful info. Hope this helps you get it going. It is a nice program.
  19. Thanks! Yes, that does help! It eliminates that as the problem, so I can keep looking for the real thing! Way to go Chris!
  20. Can someone using the Mdk KDM (default 9.1 install desktop manager) please run the following code and please post what your FONT PATHS are? [kelly@localhost kelly]$ xset q Font Path: /home/kelly/.kde/share/fonts/override,unix/:-1,/home/kelly/.kde/share/fonts I installed the MS Fonts via MCC and I want to check your font paths with mine.
  21. I'd say that is a pretty fair test and probably tells you that in that sense the memory is OK. I had similar results, ran it even longer, but in the end I still had a bad memory card as far as Mandrake was concerned. I tried another couple mem test packages too. Software mem tests will detect some errors, but I learned by experience that they are not infallible. Get some rest... this stuff can give you a headache. :roll: It will look better after you wake up and your mind is clearer.
  22. Glad I decided to do a bit more chewing on this and re-reading of the man pages, etc. Originally I did some googling and searched for help with a xfs (as in x FONT SERVER) problem. I didn't even think of the confusion with the XFS filesystem since I never have run that system. Several sources (including the XFree86 site) had references to reinstalling xfsprogs so being a noobish kind of user, I figured that seemed to be the solution that worked for many people so I should do a reinstall of xfsprogs. DUH>>>> Glad I read on! Lesson Learned! Got real wierd when I did a: [root@localhost kelly]# rpm -q xfs package xfs is not installed then a: [root@localhost kelly]# service xfs status xfs (pid 1202) is running... That was my first clue that I did not know what I was doing. (well, maybe not my first clue :wink:) After I did some urpmf & urpmq checking and found out which is which, I am going back to the drawing board and rethink this whole thing. I'll probably make a new post with some specifics of what my xfs (x font server) is doing. But I am going to keep digging on this first. Thanks for all your good input on rpm options for reinstall. You all helped me confirm a couple ways to do reinstalls... that is progress! :)
  23. I almost posted earlier that this reminded me of a memory problem that I had when I built this computer about a year ago. It ran just fine with Win 98SE, but Mandrake acted wierd and intermittent. I never could figure out what triggered the problems. It would just crash with no warning. I ran mem86 and other software testers and everything seemed ok. In the end, I solved the wierd problems by pulling ram down to one card and running on a single card. I then swapped cards one at a time until I found a card that didn't want to boot properly. (3 mem cards here) After a couple reinsertions of the card, it was clear that that particular card did not want to work in Mdk. On the Abit mobo site a few others indicated that they found Linux a bit more touchy than Windoze with ram mismatches, etc. I got a warranty replacement from Crucial and haven't had wierd ghosty problems since. Might be worth a check.
  24. Hmmmm.... hadn't thought of cooker... Not sure I'm ready for that, but might just take the plunge for fun! :shock:
  25. Thanks for the input so far! I'm still chewing on this a bit and re-reading the man pages and help files. Eventually, I'll just backup my /home files and bite the bullet and try one of them. Might play it safe and do a --test first though. :lol: Whatz Aru advise? :)
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