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Everything posted by Reiver_Fluffi

  1. Personally, I have a mail only hosting account, hence no website. The only people I give my address to is friends, family, and other contacts in real life. Any sites I do give my email address to are usually trusted, i.e. amazon, etc. Similarly if I do use the address to register at a site, I check that my address is reasonably well hidden from everyday users (hence why I am not fond of mailman lists, too much transparency IMHO). In my opinion, spam is is just like viruses, phishing, etc that have grown exponentially with the increase in computers connected to the internet. Why, well it's obvious, computers have been increasingly been made available to more people of various incomes and aptitudes. Not everyone connected to the net, is net savvy, the spammers know this, and this is how their "business" grows. The best way forward is heavy regulation, but unfortunately the net is essentially borderless, hence we would need all governments working together on this....given the more important issues in the world, like poverty in third world countries, this is not likely to get any priority any time soon.
  2. It's the new icon theme for fedora, currently in development, think it's called Echo if I remember rightly.
  3. What is the basis of this opinion? From the figures, I saw a large increase in expenses and with a company like mandriva, that usually corresponds to employee salaries. I imagine that's their single largest expense. Do you have some inside info as to the current staffing at mandriva? Mandriva has made a lot of acquisitions over the past two years. Unfortunately, for the employees caught up in that situation, what generally follows is cleaning house and getting rid of redundant employees, mostly from the ranks of the acquired companies. You will get a steep but shortlived increase in expenditure from redundancy costs, after that expenses would naturally fall!
  4. AI, did you have a look at the Ubuntu guide? I'm sure there was a mention of one in the comments. Finally got this working on Fedora 6, pretty stable, a couple of bugs, but avoideable (like don't click on Help>About Gnome, causes the app to crash)
  5. Nothing revolutionary: Gimmie is nice, a wee bit buggy, but good none the less!
  6. Hy tyme, did you manage to get this working?
  7. The writer doesn't have the full picture at all at is making a limited opinion based on limited information. He has no cash flow statement to asses the liquidity of the company, nor does he have the balance sheet. Thus they have little knowledge about the financing and it's cost to the company. While a profit and loss account is the ideal tool for reporting performance, it can not be used by itself to draw conclusions on the viability of the company.
  8. So you're saying that I can't blame tyme or paul?
  9. And the real problem being that no one fits all of those requirements 100% IMHO
  10. I think what he is aiming for is convert a avi file that used divX for the sound to a mpeg (?), with the sound intact, rather than boost 2-channel audio to 5:1.
  11. If any of the mock-ups I have seen are credible, then it should be good.
  12. I never would've bought a ford to begin with, this is just one more reason not to! :D Yeah, my parents put me off the idea of ever buying one with the stories of the electrical faults that Ford acknowledged, but never recalled the affected cars to fix it :unsure: I've had two punto's, trading my current one in a part exchange for a 3 year old Astra, never buying a Fiat again, they are cheap for a reason!!!
  13. on the flip side, I will never be buying a ford again........ http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/6240479.stm
  14. looks like dri isn't enabled, try adding the following into xorg.conf: Section "Module" Load "dri" Load "extmod" Load "glx" EndSection (not sure how much of the above is necessary, the "dri" certainly is) and Section "DRI" Group 0 Mode 0666 EndSection
  15. The way I see it that's no more of an likely problem than using unofficial RPM's, DEB's whatever at the moment.....
  16. Uuhhmmmmm, not so sure about the bush x 2 pic...... :unsure: I'm sure about it. It's verry funny. It's political..... Don't start that again ! All I see there is a simple desktop image... And besides, it's kind of ok with mods and admins... Start what???? It was a valid point IMHO
  17. While despite boasting great hardware support, they deliberately break multimedia programs, it's not the fastest at booting (fedora, mandy, debian, gentoo, to name a few boot far quicker than suse), and the default gnome desktop is far from snappy.........same goes for their buggy/broken version of openoffice. IMHO, there should be a mandatory x-kill button on every opensuse desktop, because you need it alot. I'm sorry, but the last time I sat with a suse 10.1 install on my PC, the last thing that passed my mind was "robust". My 2.5 pence
  18. Uuhhmmmmm, not so sure about the bush x 2 pic...... :unsure: I'm sure about it. It's verry funny. It's political.....
  19. Uuhhmmmmm, not so sure about the bush x 2 pic...... :unsure:
  20. I thought that one of the principle objectives of the OLPC was low cost....... :unsure:
  21. You may also wish to create an extra partition for /home (My Documents for Linux......) That way if you destroy your install at any point, you can format the / partition and your docs will be safe in /home. If unsure, just ask :D
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