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Everything posted by Reiver_Fluffi

  1. I hope you are going to share some of that ;)
  2. Have you totally ignored my comment above, i'm looking at things in terms of business processes, not a community project, maybe my flaw is comparing Mandriva to "real" businesses, fair enough.
  3. No assumptions really, bringing things into context, the guy (gal?) writing the original blog knew that the file had been uploaded and was available, that to me states that the file was publicly available. You don't need a formal notice to announce things like this, you get enthusiasts that check mirrors in anticipation of new releases, etc, then announce it themselves and generate the inevitable hysteria. A good manager that knew the market that they are dealing with would know that and would have taken reasonable steps to prevent that file appearing to the public before it could be adequately checked, that is where the QC failed in my opinion.
  4. So nobody tests it after it has been uploaded, such a simple thing to test? Looks like a weakness in the QC chain to me (last I looked they had a QC department, looks like they were sleeping on the job ). If this was a sponsored and/or community project I would have some sympathy, but this isn't hence the harsh criticism. ;)
  5. Mandriva's QC is as efficient as ever these days
  6. It's in backports AFAIK, methinks you need to be doing this: urpmi --media backports pidgin could be wrong though
  7. I never knew you could do that, thanks for the tip, I'm sure it will come in handy ;)
  8. Interesting, if the last few months are anything to go by, the beeb ain't exactly flavour of the month as far as Ofcom is concerned.
  9. or alternatively: su -c "kwrite /boot/grub/menu.lst" and then enter your root password. With this your login to the root account is restricted editing the file in this one instance, this way you cannot do any damage anything other than to the grub file you are working on (and kwrite should create a back-up). IMO it is better to do this now, rather than get lazy and leave root logged in unnecessarily.
  10. That depends on how much of your hard earned cash you part with and deliver to said company. ;)
  11. copy this part: title openSUSE 10.2 root (hd0,4) kernel /boot/vmlinuz- root=/dev/sda5 vga=0x317 resume=/dev/sda6 splash=silent showopts initrd /boot/initrd- and manually add it to grub, it should work. Don't let the fact that the Suse initrd isn't named *.img, that shouldn't be an issue.
  12. I'm sure I tried this before, but it didn't work for me and I was too lazy too find out why.
  13. Contractually Mandriva are liable, it is up to them to chase the sub-contractor not you, you should not need to have any contact with Dane Elec. It is a pity that linux as a whole will be tarnished by the negligence and bad business practices by one company.
  14. Pretty much what I do, on my system the Fedora installed grub is used to boot between Fedora, Ubuntu, and Win XP. This isn't a matter of preference, rather convenience, as Fedora doesn't use symbolic links for vmlinuz and initrd.img, unlike other distro's such as Ubuntu and Mandriva. Therfore grub needs to be updated everytime you update the kernel on Fedora, whereas it doesn't on others, only the symbolic links need to be updated. I suppose you could use your own symbolic links on Fedora, but I'm lazy.
  15. I did a similar thing in November last year, I have an email only account with 1and1, 5x2GB mail box's with anti virus, anti-spam, and regular backups, for little more than £10, IMAP rocks IMHO.
  16. Right behind ya Although Windows is better than one respect "better" at being vulnerable and useless out of the box :P
  17. Nooooooooooooooo I refuuuuuuuuuuuuse! As much as I am a wannabe geek, i'm no good when it comes to flicking through documents on screen. Although in my line of work, when you have several files (accounts, tax, correspondence, and then client record in their varying forms) to work with daily, things are so much easy when you can have them on a desk and flick through them as desired, having them all on screen isn't practical. My boss was considering a paperless office, he received a resounding no from all concerned (however I believe the reliability of our Win 2K3 server "hit the nail in the coffin" so to speak).
  18. BTW, am I the only one that uses a good old fashioned diary, and a pen?
  19. Hmmmm, wonders if any senior Mandriva officials will be attending, might be worth a skive off work :D (and a trip to weedgieland :unsure:, don't know what KDE where thinking about when they picked that slum). As much as John Riddell's words were inviting, I'm damn sure he will be peddling his shiny Kubuntu CD's to parties "interested in Mandriva".
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