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Everything posted by ilia_kr

  1. This what i get when i try to install some KDE theme. What does it mean and how can i solve this? [moved from Software by spinynorman]
  2. As far as I know there are two main GUI libraries availible: QT and GTK. KDE desktop environment is built using QT while Gnome and others are GTK based. Moreover, linux applications are either QT or GTK based. I have a few questions: - what are main diffrences between these two - philosophy, licence, usability etc. - many independant software developers like Mozilla, Gaim, XMMS and its forks and others choose GTK. I know that there is plenty of QT pased programs but most of them are products of KDE group and not of independant developers (maybe I'm wrong). Why ? - if i use a program based on on of the libraries on a DE that is based on another - will it increase RAM usage (by loading another library) ? [moved from Software by spinynorman]
  3. Yes, it will run linux: http://www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/20210.wss
  4. What could be the consequence of that on mozilla? WinZilla?
  5. Hi there! I'm looking for a good Windows/Linux, open source program that can do the following: - automatic thumbnail generation - easy image resizing - image web optimization The goal: i want to upload my photo album to my site, but I don't want to waste my time on manipulating each photo. Thank you.
  6. I had the same on my mind, it's just hard to get used to...
  7. A minimalistic Gnome: Currently trying to decide wether not having icons on a desktop is a good thing... Your advice would be appreciated.
  8. Thanks arctic, you were absolutely right. Themes that don't have scalable icons are faster indeed, like the 'clearlooks'. When I removed scalable folder from Tango, the icons became shrinked and ugly (use 75% zoom in nautilus) but loaded faster.
  9. [ilia@linux-fc4 icons]$ cd Tango-Blue-Materia [ilia@linux-fc4 Tango-Blue-Materia]$ ls 16x16 22x22 24x24 32x32 48x48 index.theme scalable As you can see, I have both scalable and ordinary icons (.png & .svg). What will happen if I delete the scalable folder? Trying right now...
  10. I use FC4 with Gnome 2.10 on an old Plll mashine. I've noticed that some icon themes are drawn in a nautilus window slower than other, I mean that when you click on a folder it takes more time to view its content using some themes. Usually all themes I've ever downloaded are slower than these come with default installation. For example: Tango-Blue-Materia wich I'm using now is slower than Clearlooks. Also I noticed that in native themes there is a "icon-theme.cache" file while downloaded ones doesn't have it. Two questions: why some icon themes are slower? How can I make Tango theme faster, if possible? Thanks.
  11. When you are in Control Center, go to Network tab, click on the 'setup network' or something like this, I don't have mandy right now so can't tell exactly. Anyway, set up your connection as LAN, and follow the wizard. Also, check if you sould connect through DHCP or a static IP. In most cases DHCP option will work, so go on it. Good luck.
  12. I feel neglected Is there anybody who knows something about IT/networking who can help me?
  13. So, how can I open the same ports for more than one mashine, if possible?
  14. I found the problem: I had same ports opened for 2 different mashines. Didn't know that it is not allowd. I want same ports to be opened on both computers, how do i do that? The first is an XP, now it is disabled so I got highID on aMule in linux (second row).
  15. I have wxGTK-2.6.3-, aMule 2.1.1
  16. Thats great, but I need some advice here, please...
  17. Yes, I have a DHCP. If I use static IP addressing will it solve the problem? My network looks like this: adsl modem/router --------------> router ------------------> PC x 2 ( ----DHCP--->( in= out= -----DHCP + NAT---------->(PC x 2)
  18. I've installed aMule but it allways connects with a low-id. I have opened ports in my router but that didn't do a thing. The iptables daemon is disabled. On xp eMule works great. What else can I do?
  19. Have no idea, don't have an iPod. But you can check on their site: http://audacious-media-player.org/Main_Page
  20. Good idea. Might be very usefull indeed. I think that it should be included in Gnome/KDE/other by default !
  21. Audacious gets 10 out of 10 from me! Using it for one day, so far so good. Nice player, solid and simple, the one i allways looked for my linux. It supports mp3 and wma without any tweaks - huge bonus. Got tired of configuring XMMS wma support in Mandriva and in FC4. No bugs so far in comparison to XMMS.
  22. ifconfig is what i need, thanks SoulSe
  23. OK with me I want to recheck my network settings once again, maybe i oversaw something. How can i check what IP did my router assigned to a Linux box (i use DHCP) from CLI?
  24. Well, we should join the 'Desperate ICQ Users" club :P
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