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Everything posted by ilia_kr

  1. wow. Reminds me DOS a little... I think i couldn't stay with that DE long enough, it is kinda boring...
  2. After fixining my HD problem on a linux box, i desided to go for Ubuntu. I have 6.06 Dapper now. My question is, how can i view and edit all services that start on boot? Mandriva and Fedora have a gui tool for that, but here I can't find one. Please help me with that. Thanks.
  3. Unfortunately, my hard-drive just died... So my linux pc isn't functional for a while :( I think its about time to buy the whole new package. Anyway, thanks for your help !
  4. startx doesn't help, because the gui login screen shows up, but all buttons and text boxes are locked. That means that X is up. I tried what you said but the terminal said that there is already one X session running...
  5. Hi there. I've just installed a corrupted gdm theme, so i can't login any more using gui. Please help me login somehow! I use Fedora Core 4. Thanks. moved from kernel forum by mystified
  6. I've done that on 32 bit, should there be any difference?
  7. Compiz and Beryl are Reuniting more...
  8. As far as i remember, you should chose a LAN connection, not a DSL. Have you tried this? When you set up a LAN connection, it should get all information needed from a DHSP running on your router, and thus, like in windows, it will assign IPs automatically.
  9. I also dual boot with XP, that is why i have this partition arrangement: / >> my linux partition, including /home swap >> swap partition hdc2 >> my shared FAT32 partition, so I can access it both from XP and Linux. It holds the music collection and some important data.
  10. urpmi mirrors are good, and should be enough for an average user (me...). You can always compile from source, in that way you can get a software that is not available on mirrors.
  11. http://www.turx.com/beta/gallery/planetary/planetxapo-6.jpg
  12. Nothing new but wallpaper and few icons...
  13. Nice. Can you post a link to your theme? Is that your new lap-top & Debian?
  14. Thanks, man, now it works. But what does that line mean? Another question: how can i remount all devices without rebooting?
  15. Hi there, i have a problem: I want to mount my windows partition on Fedora 4 and would like all users to have full access to it. By default the partition mounts so only root can write to it. When i use chmod to change the permissions: chmod 777 my-mount-folder it does nothing. I can set all permissions except one: only root can write to that folder. Nautilus doesn't allow me to change it too. What shall i do to? Thanks.
  16. ilia_kr

    Home Network

    Look here maybe you'll find something useful about samba and networking (...my old webpage, sorry for bad English)
  17. I've installed Ubuntu 6.06 lts and during the update the wizard froze. After rebooting i had no desktop - only a brown screen and a mouse. I've entered "apt-get update" from a cli and again it stalled on some packges, so i pressed ctrl-c to skip them. After rebooting i got this message: How can i fix that? Thanks.
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