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Everything posted by ianw1974

  1. What type of video are you opening? I would say it's a codec problem and that kmplayer doesn't have the required codecs, which is why VLC and/or Dragon Player works, but kmplayer does not. You'll most likely need to install the required codecs for kmplayer to work.
  2. I tend to have my virtual hosts set up under /var/www and then the sub-folders are the domains, for example: /var/www/domain1 /var/www/domain2 and I then create the VirtualHost accordingly in Apache's /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file (location in CentOS), and towards the bottom of the file is where you'll locate the VirtualHost section.
  3. In answer to your first question, yes you can create a virtual host that uses the sub-folder. For example, you could have a virtual host that uses /var/www/html and you could have the second virtual host using /var/www/html/test for example. I do this already to have multiple sites on a server and I have only one public IP address - but apache knows which host to display based on the domain name accessing the server. As for your second question, yes, you can also to the same with that and use a different port, but if you are using multiple IP's you wouldn't need to use another port, unless you have a particular reason for wanting to assign another port. Your config would look something like: <VirtualHost *:80> rest of config here for virtualhost </VirtualHost> <VirtualHost *:8088> rest of config here for virtualhost </VirtualHost> of course the * could have been replaced with your particular public IP, unless of course you are using the domain name to distinguish between which virtualhost is detected by the url used.
  4. After changing this, I suggest you reboot and see if it's any better. Otherwise, you need to kill the wpa_supplicant process before reconfiguring your card. If that still doesn't work, follow the ndiswrapper wiki and make sure you have the right Windows driver for your card. The lspci output generally will tell you which version you should be installing, but the ndiswrapper wiki tells you exactly how to go about all this. Try the above first though, killing wpa_supplicant, and then reconfiguring to mode managed and see if it's any better after that. If not, you'll need to check your driver versions with ndiswrapper wiki and make sure you have the right version.
  5. You could try: ifup wlan0 first and then retry the scan command and see if it's any better. Otherwise, I'd say there's some sort of problem with the ndiswrapper stuff - maybe wrong driver.
  6. Try doing this in a console window, and see if you get any results: su (enter root password when prompted) iwlist wlan0 scan if you see any results, you are seeing access points but is strange if you see them here and not in the gui tools.
  7. I would say remove ndiswrapper if you don't need it installed. It would probably get you back to where you were before with the wired connection.
  8. ianw1974

    Mandriva Help

    Yes, to boot Windows, just edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and add the following to the bottom of the file: title Windows rootnoverify (hd0,0) makeactive chainloader +1 assuming that Windows is the very first partition of your disk, then it will be hd0,0 - otherwise, change this accordingly.
  9. Remember it is a large file, even at 2GB but I'm surprised it's crashing if you can handle ISO images and open them normally with ark etc.
  10. As dude67 says, go into Bookmarks, then Organise Bookmarks, then you have the option to make a backup of them. Using the backup method, exports to a json file that you can then import again on your other system. I've never used the export to html option but I expect it works just as good. Make the backup, copy to a USB stick, and then repeat the same method, except restoring them on the Linux machine. Simple really.
  11. Yes, looks like it should be work based on the google I did also. But it should be like this: dd if=/dev/sda | ssh username@host "dd of=/home/username/Desktop/mbr.img bs=512 count=1" you need the bs and count inside the quotes, in your post it's incorrect.
  12. If you require the MBR to boot the recovery partition, I would say yes back it up just to be safe. If it's accessible through the BIOS, then no, you don't need it.
  13. The disks you make using the Acer tools just create a nice recovery DVD for you that you can start your computer from. I have an acer and it does this, and I used the recovery disks once to restore the system. You don't need Windows, you just boot from the recovery DVD's you created.
  14. Try: tar cvjf recover.iso.tar.bz2 recover.iso of course depending on whatever name the file is now be it recover.iso or recover.img :) bzip2 compression should be pretty good and compress it more than a standard .tar or .tar.gz or .tgz.
  15. Technically, I'm at fault cos I always default my image files with iso :) I should be more consistent :)
  16. Yes, just do: mount -o loop recovery.iso /mnt/iso of course assuming the file to mount is recovery.iso and the directory /mnt/iso exists :) Then just look inside /mnt/iso and see what you see. As yves says you can rename it to recover.img if you like because I generally create as iso, so I'm just silly :-) Mounting with the loop command and iso9660 won't work because it's not a true iso, hence my command above should mount it, cos it'll just automatically detect (or should) the filesystem (which will probably be FAT).
  17. Because you're doing it over SSH, the connection is encrypted, and so the creation of the ISO on the remote machine (mandriva) will take some time depending on how big the recovery partition is. I've done this once already for a 20GB partition, and this took about 50 minutes across my network. So you'll have to run it and leave it, but remember, the command I listed above, is ran from the machine where the recovery partition exists, and it dumps it over SSH (network) to your Mandriva machine. If you're unsure, post here, and we'll help with any further details. You don't need to read up as such on SSH, because SSH is just a secure shell giving us remote access to a machine to run various commands and/or administer the machine from a console window.
  18. You can do it very easy. From the machine with the recovery partition, type this: dd if=/dev/sda1 | ssh username@mandriva "dd of=/home/username/recovery.iso" this assumes that: /dev/sda1 = your recovery partition on your acer machine username = the user you want to use on your system to connect via SSH mandriva = ip address of the mandriva machine so you can connect over ssh recovery.iso will be stored in /home/username (of course replace where appropriate with your username like when you used to connect over ssh). Of course, means you have to be running some version of Linux on your acer machine, but doesn't have to be installed. It can be a Live CD.
  19. Yup :) I've done this a few times before myself. Of course, the conversion is one-way, you can't go back again - at least from what I remember convert won't do it, but there might be other professional partitioning apps that can.
  20. Yes, fat32 has a limit of 4GB per file size. Under Windows you can convert a FAT32 filesystem to NTFS, so if you have a Windows XP system or anything Windows NT/2000 or higher, then you can use the convert command from the command prompt in Windows to change the filesystem. For example, if the USB disk when connected is E:, then: convert e: /fs:ntfs will convert it. Of course, replace e: with whatever drive letter is assigned to your disk when you connect it to the Windows system.
  21. Try doing this: urpmf --name libdvdplay and see if it shows any results. If it does, then rerun the command replacing libdvdplay0 with the package that got displayed from the results above. There might be a few, but perhaps the package is libdvdplay now without the 0 at the end. If you don't have any results, please post us the output from this command: urpmq --list-media so we can see what repos you've got installed and set up from using the easyurpmi commands.
  22. The quote marks are allowing you to parse the results from the command, passing it to the rpm -e command. So it's quite handy when you want to remove a bunch of packages based on a specific filter :)
  23. The last command didn't work in your last post because of this ' quote instead of this ` quote. Try it again, then verify that you removed those packages, by doing: rpm -qa | grep -i openoffice.org it should produce zero results if the command removed all those packages correctly. Command again is: rpm -e `rpm -qa | grep -i openoffice.org` to remove them. And yes, you're missing a lot of packages, which is why you can't install. Compare your directory listing against the rpm ivh command you ran before, and you'll see why. openbasis-calc is one for sure, you'll see the rest when you see this doesnt appear in the directory listing. So either what you downloaded is incomplete, or corrupted in someway. I'd suggest downloading again just to make sure.
  24. What rpms do you have in this directory? Looks like you are missing dependencies for ooobasis3.1-binfilter
  25. You could be missing some of the xine plugins that kaffeine uses, can you post output from: rpm -qa | grep -i libxine primarily some packages called libxine1 should be installed, but there might be other libxine1 packages available. In Ubuntu they have libxine1-all-plugins, but I don't know if it exists in Mandriva or not, but you can also check by doing: urpmf --name libxine to find what packages can be installed. If no results from the first command, then check and install this package(s).
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