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And now the rot hits 2009 [solved]


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I have a thread here:




In which I complain about the difficulties I encountered with a fresh install of 2009.1, particularly with regard to Nvidia drivers and their installation by dkms.


This morning I received an update to dkms-nvidia-current on 2009.0 which changed the driver over from 180.29 to 180.44. Or at least it tried to. Immediately this completed I lost my graphics exactly the same as I do in Cooker. I had thought that this was a problem with the 180.44 driver, so I downloaded it seperately from nvidia.com and installed it manually - it works perfectly. The dkms install however always fails (although it shows no errors during install, it all appears to have worked but then gives no graphics). It has been failing on Cooker ever since I started using it and it now fails on 2009.0 as well. I have got so tired of it interrupting the boot process on Cooker that I have removed the dkms module - I know I am going to have to install manually at every kernel change so I figure I might as well not waste time waiting for dkms to fail! It looks like I will have to do it with 2009 now as well.


There must be a problem with this dkms module in combination with my particular graphics card.


With my other two current distros (Linux Mint and PCLOS) I have no such problems.

Edited by viking777
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Hello viking777,

Did you file a bug at qa.mandriva.com?






Firstly it is too complicated, secondly it is usually a waste of effort and thirdly from what I have read on the forum I am the only one affected by this.

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It'll never get solved if a bug report isn't opened. It's not that difficult. They have been better at replying than they were some time ago.

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I also got today but drivers


And it's working, do not understand what the problem. He had previously built

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Firstly it is too complicated, secondly it is usually a waste of effort and thirdly from what I have read on the forum I am the only one affected by this.

my suggestion is to take this up with Anssi on the mandriva-cooker irc channel; he is on military service, so not always at the computer but when he is there quick to reply and submit fixes...

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rpm -qa | grep nvidia

All packages containing the name of NVIDIA

rpm -qa | grep kernel

All packages containing the name of kernel


Name of kernel, type of processor etc ....Lex

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I appreciate the help guys but it goes a bit deeper than just kernel and nvidia driver mismatch. If it were that then I could not install the driver manually either, but I can, every time, it is only the dkms install that fails (although it says it has succeeded but produces no graphics!?). Besides there must have been at least half a dozen different kernels on Cooker that I have used, and at least two on 2009. As for Nvidia drivers I have used 180.22, 180.29 and 180.44 for certain and I am sure there were a couple of others as well. The result is always the same.


If it is any use to you my current setup is 2.6.27-19-1 on 2009 and 2.6.29-1-2 on cooker. I am using the 180.44 nvidia driver on both, manually installed.

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I appreciate the help guys but it goes a bit deeper than just kernel and nvidia driver mismatch. If it were that then I could not install the driver manually either, but I can, every time, it is only the dkms install that fails (although it says it has succeeded but produces no graphics!?). Besides there must have been at least half a dozen different kernels on Cooker that I have used, and at least two on 2009. As for Nvidia drivers I have used 180.22, 180.29 and 180.44 for certain and I am sure there were a couple of others as well. The result is always the same.


If it is any use to you my current setup is 2.6.27-19-1 on 2009 and 2.6.29-1-2 on cooker. I am using the 180.44 nvidia driver on both, manually installed.


Open a bug with Mandriva. It's not difficult.

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Would it help if I filed the bug for you and reported back to you via PM or posts here?




I appreciate that offer Yves but I don't see how you can do that as you do not have access to my computer so that is going to be just about impossible for you. There is nobody on this forum with this problem except me which means it is almost certainly a waste of time filing it anyway, a true bug is one that affects many users not just one, what is more on Cooker I have already removed the dkms modules so if anybody asks me to test something I really can't do so.


So let me ask you these questions. Do you think it is worth filing given that I am the only one affected? If I do file it then which distribution do I file it against Cooker or 2009 - both are affected. Which module exactly do I file it against? If somebody responds and says 'try this' how do I do so? The problem only occurs with a kernel upgrade anyway, I can't engineer those in order to test things.


I have certainly thought about filing it, but the answer to the questions above mean that I don't see how my input can help, and as far as I am concerned manually loading the Nvidia driver is not a big deal.


If when you consider the statements above you still think I should file it then I will.

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Is this your problem? There is a bug report linked to in the thread.




I don't think that is it David, but I can't honestly be sure. Firstly the guy in the post seems to have put something to do with Nvidia into skip.list. Both my skip.list files are empty. Secondly he seems to run a test install every time, I have never done that, I just jump in! Thirdly in his test install he seems to have got some error messages - I didn't (but then neither did he when he installed it for real).


Part of the problem is that I don't really understand the function of the multitude of modules relating to nvidia, and dkms that Mandriva seems to carry - there seem to be so many, and being a simple soul, installing the driver for myself is a damn sight easier than trying to work out what is going wrong with the automatic method :unsure:

Edited by viking777
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