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ArchLinux drops ATi Catalyst support completely


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I guess they simply got fed up waiting for proper xorg 1.5.X support, and now xorg 1.6.0 is out, but the Catalyst driver is nowhere close to working.


Recently AMD released a second batch of information on their hardware to the open source community, which helps to feed into the radeonhd driver, but their closed source proprietary driver still remains, well, closed. The driver has always been second rate, but now it has gotten to the point that Arch Linux developers have decided to dump it all together.


IMO it's both a brave, and 100% CORRECT decision. Linux development must go on, without waiting for the impotent AMD/Ati devs to shave the bugs in their proprietary driver (which never was a first rate one, for sure).

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Or basically, just don't buy an ATI card because their Linux support is lame regardless of the distro. AMD/ATI get your act together.

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Or basically, just don't buy an ATI card because their Linux support is lame regardless of the distro. AMD/ATI get your act together.




I always recommend nvidia cards to people, and if it's only for web-browsing, E-mail, open office and alike then intel is good enough.

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I just hope you have Nvidia graphics!! (or Intel)

I do have nvidia on both my desktop and laptop, and Intel on the "musical box" and seedbox... but unfortunately my daughter has a laptop with ATi GPU.

I've just switched to xorg 1.6.0 and the latest nvidia driver is working perfectly with it. Plus, that the most spectacular perfrormance gains for the new xorg come for Intel GPU's.

Now... back on topic. I have always put some trust to the ATi devs, but it simply seems I was wrong. They simply cannot put three straws together.

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well amd/ati destroyed their image for 1% of the market (including solaris and bsd, it comes to 1%) 1% may not be so much, but system wise thats a lot of people, and they are already known on windows to have less stable drivers the nvidia.AMD and ATI, once the leaders, took a deep dive into the pool and are drowning.

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Why AMD? I'm an Intel fan, but the AMD CPU's still have the best price/performance ratios. Surely enough they still have nothing to compete the mighty Nehalems, but overall their flagships aren't bad at all, and more than that, they are cheap.

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Aye, AMD processors are good.


AMD bought ATI, and ATI's cards were crap when they were just ATI, and they are still crap since AMD bought them. AMD should fix the problem rather than let ATI bring them down.

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I'm going to have to disagree about the new ATI cards being crap. The 4800 series had beaten nVidia hands down in price/performance ratio when it came out. Nvidia had to drop 9800 prices all the way down to 4850 prices because it was wiping the floor with their Nvidia's previous gen cards, and it turns out even the 9800 gets edged out by it.


That said, I'm now pissed at ATI because they launched the 4800 series just before I built my computer and I think announced that they were officially supporting linux at the same time. Got me all excited and convinced me to go ATI. Now with the catalyst drivers being a flop I'm stuck with mediocre 3D support.

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I'm going to have to disagree about the new ATI cards being crap.

Nobody is saying the hardware itself is terrible, just that their driver support is... pathetic.


As you found out...

That said, I'm now pissed at ATI because they launched the 4800 series just before I built my computer and I think announced that they were officially supporting linux at the same time. Got me all excited and convinced me to go ATI. Now with the catalyst drivers being a flop I'm stuck with mediocre 3D support.

Just because a company says something - wait until you see the code. It's like people who buy software and expect updates to provide the features they want - and then the company goes out of business or simply stops providing updates. Media releases aren't binding.

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I'm going to have to disagree about the new ATI cards being crap. The 4800 series had beaten nVidia hands down in price/performance ratio when it came out. Nvidia had to drop 9800 prices all the way down to 4850 prices because it was wiping the floor with their Nvidia's previous gen cards, and it turns out even the 9800 gets edged out by it.


If the(ir) driver is lousy, then it doesn't matter how good the hardware is. You can buy the best of the best ATI and it will still be outperformed by an old Nvidia card, because the ATI driver litterally sucks.



I really wish that they do something radically fast (and good) for the ATI linux driver, as competition is a good thing.

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