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Show off your desktop - February 2009


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Hey Arctic,


There is this site, www.obamicon.me, where you can upload pictures and prepare posters in the spirit of Obama's campaign posters. So I took the liberty to play with your avatar. Hope you like it.


(I know it has nothing to with the Show Your Desktop topic, but I don't have my laptop with me at work and I don't feel like diving into code I need to revise right now, so you will have to take what there is.)


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Hey Arctic,


There is this site, www.obamicon.me, where you can upload pictures and prepare posters in the spirit of Obama's campaign posters. So I took the liberty to play with your avatar. Hope you like it.


(I know it has nothing to with the Show Your Desktop topic, but I don't have my laptop with me at work and I don't feel like diving into code I need to revise right now, so you will have to take what there is.)

:lol2: You should WORK, not play around!


/me continues his work. :whistle: ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...
So did you buy that bike yet or did you rather go for the sensible Honda CBR option? B)


Nope not yet, but I have the potential of two problems if I do. The first is the possible oil leak, and the second one is the threat of divorce if I do buy it. I'm still trying to figure out which one is more of a bigger problem than the other :D

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