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9.2 rc2 released


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Hi johnj


9.2 rc2 is really similar to rc1 (exept for KDE 3.1.4 .. and I still don't get it). I put my appreciation in a post .. there: (with 4 screenshots)




Also, it seems to be more stable than rc1. I had to reboot basically everyday because of hard crashes (Caps and Scroll key light flashing on keyboard) on rc1 but 'till now, didn't have to with rc2. They still have to play with language packages .. I asked for French Canadian when I installed 9.2 rc2 and now the MCC is French but KDE is all US english. I don't care but that's details they could fix rapidly and easily.


Guys... you'll like 9.2 !



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I had to really tinker with it to get my sound card to work. Right out of the box it crashes loading the emu10k1 dirver for my sblive. I think it's something with the 2.4.22 kernel cause it worked jsut fine in rc1. I had to manually edit the modules.conf file just to get it to work without crashing at boot and it was loading snd-emu10k1 which didnt' work all that great. It should be using the emu10k1 driver to get proper sound and Kmix settings. Odd thing was if I ran draktools at cli as root and then launched kde it would work like a champ but wouldn't load at boot time.


. Also kept getting some weird keyboard errors after boot. I would press alt+f1 just to see if any errors was coming up and got something rather odd.


Anyways both things were reported and hopefully will be resolved with the final release.

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RC2 isa really nice and stable. Everything was detected correctly, except for my Nforce 2 ethernet card :evil: , and my NEC MultiSync LCD 1565 display (no drivers for it...) . Other than that everything is quite fast and responsive, well laided out. Gnome is great. I cant wait till 2.4 is released in RC3 (well I am hoping)..

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