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Mandrake Update is fubar

Steve Scrimpshire

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I just did a fresh install of 9.1

You can see here my hardware fun:



The problem is when I try to run Mandrake Update it goes through getting the mirrors and downloading the lists and then says "The update list is empty, so you must've done all the updates already, moron." (well, not exactly that, but similar) and I hadn't. I *know* there are tons of updates to download after a fresh install. This happens no matter which mirror I choose. Any ideas?


Edit: Uh, disregard. It's working now.

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i'm glad it works for you! i've had headaches with the update mirrors for a couple of weeks now. i see there are various security & other updates on the MDKLinux site. i check the mirrors to see when they were last updated. i'll change my update mirror to one that should be good. but, it always give me the same message about the updates being void or you already have the updates. i know both of those to be untrue. i also do urpmi.update -a, but that doesn't seem to help as far as the mirrors are concerned. for instance, there's an update or 2 (i forget how many & what right now) that came out 6 days ago on Sept. 2. i know i don't have them. all the mirrors i use show they were updated with them. but, i can't get them. what gives???!!!



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This is a known bug in 9.1


Go to ftp://mirrors.secsup.org/pub/linux/mandra...pdates/9.1/RPMS, which is a pretty fast mirror, and download the updates for curl, drakconf, drakxtools, drakxtools-newt, gurpmi, libcurl2, rpmdrake, and urpmi


Manually update using rpm -Uvh and that should straighten out your Mandrake Update capability.



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ok, please enlighten me a bit more.....


SoulSe said:

Simply use urpmi.addmedia to add a set update source and after that your problems should dissapear (mine did).


i'm not sure what you mean by that. i've always added/changed sources using MCC->change update sources. i've never done that in terminal. are there other procedures or commands to use? also, which source would i choose, since none of them seem to work?


Germ said:

........and download the updates for curl, drakconf, drakxtools, drakxtools-newt, gurpmi, libcurl2, rpmdrake, and urpmi  


Manually update using rpm -Uvh and that should straighten out your Mandrake Update capability.


i went to the mirror you suggested, but there are several different rpm's for some of those packages. which ones would i use? and, again, i've always installed rpm's via MCC->install software. i don't know how to do that in terminal, nor do i know what -Uvh means or how to use that command.


and...........if this was a known bug, when i did it become known, where/when was it announced, & why was my update function in MCC working ok until just a few weeks ago?


little help, please! :?



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ok, i've figured out how to add the source that Germ suggested, but it still shows "void/no updates needed". still not sure what do do about the rpm's that Germ suggested. still no updates available. tried SoulSe's urpmi.addmedia. all i got was help info about various flags you can use with that. i'll check back later to see is anybody can help me more.



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Well I did a urmpi.removemedia -a and then added all the sources with an urpmi.addmedia for each source.

I'm still having problems...

I manually updated curl etc. and still Im getting errors.

One in particular seems to be the texstar at ftp.knight.org.

I downloaded the hdlist no problem but everytime i try and use it I get an error.


However, not just this. I also had had probs in deb with apt-spy and lots of mirrors failing. I don't know if this is 'usual' but even after it tesyted and benchmarked them they ffell over later.


I think some internet crawl/slowdown might be doing something ....

All very mysterious ...

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Chris z,


Here's a couple links that really helped me learn about urpmi:




For adding sources use easy urpmi:



For me, I ended up printing out the man pages for urpmi that I used frequently as it was easier to follow them in written form than read onscreen. I guess it is a generation thing!


For some other basic linux things I like:



The other thing I would suggest you read is the DOCS at the top of the MUsB webpage. It links to a great set of instructions on using Mandrake. Don't be put off by the fact it is mostly for old versions. Tom Berger did an outstanding job of creating some very clear instructions to help us newbies figure out how to do things. Also our FAQ's have some instructions on using RPM and command line for installing software. HTH

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thanks for the input, all.



a while back i (inadvertantly) used the .removemedia -a command thinking that would also update. oops! but, i learned how to add the media back by doing that, so it was all good. i know all of my sources are current, so that still doesn't explain to me why i can't get the updates.



thanks for the links, but i already use easyurpmi. i've looked at the old docks here at the forum. i know i should learn more about command line & terminal, but all i want to do at the moment is get the updates that should be available & MCC->Mandrake Update is the easiest way. it bugs me that it no longer works properly & i wanted to figure out why. basically, i don't want to have to learn terminal commands for everything i need to do. i know that may be sacriledge. terminal for certain things, yes, but a simple update should just be that....simple (IMHO). why offer the update function in MCC if it doesn't work properly?


gotta get back to some other things now. i'll play around with urpmi & sources later. if i can't get it to work, then i'll just have to do without, i guess.



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  • 2 weeks later...

The hdlist here and at ftp.knight.org is corrupt.


Im currently walking brit thru the reconfig of her X so Ill come back later...


anon... your likely to see this before Paul


p.s. Anyone intersted we got X up and running with icewm

Im about to downlad the updated kde stuff and then it 'hopefully' will fix her botched KDE startup...

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Well, I've got the same problem too--but I have all the most current packages listed in the post above, so can that really be the problem? Its a good thing I have Ximian's red-carpet as well. THey seem to get the mandrake update packages too.


Still, I'd really like to nail down why Mandrake update would churn for 30 minutes (I'm on dial-up) and come back with some goofy error like "You're already up to date!!".



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the update mirrors have been squirrely on my end for sometime now. i'm constantly changing mirrors. some work sometimes, some don't. some tell me i have all of the updates even when i know i don't. i do urpmi.update -a on a regular basis, but that doesn't always solve the problem. there were 3 updates available yesterday......2 MySQL security updates & something to do with palm pilot). i installed the 2 SQL updates, but didn't get the palm pilot one because it didn't apply to me. this morning i checked for updates & it told me the list is void (blah, blah blah), even though i know i DIDN'T get the plam pilot update. go figure.........


all i can suggest to anybody having trouble with getting updates from the various mirrors is be patient, try different mirrors, & eventually you should be able to get through to one that works properly. you are not alone on this problem.



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