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No Sound


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No indications that 'Running "/usr/sbin/draksound" ... works.

M9.1 on a Gateway 400MHz, 256 RAM.

Sound - KDE Control Center details:

Sound Driver:3.8.1a-980706 (ALSA v0.9.Orc8 emulation code)

Kernel: Linux localhost 2.4.21-0.13mdk #1

Config options:0

Installed drivers: Type 10 ALSA emulation

Card config: Ensoniq AudioPCI ENS1370 at 0x1080, irq 11

Audio devices: 0:ES1370 DAC2/ADC (DUPLEX)


Midi devices: 0:ES1370

Timers: 7:system timer

Mixers: 0:Asahi Kasei AK4531.


Ran through the 'Sound trouble shooting commands.

0:off, 1:off,2:on,3:on,4:on,5:0n,6:off

(Really don't know what this means.)


Yes, I'm a Newbie

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Had Aumix installed. Found Kmix and think I set all the volumes to around 50%. I don't know how to test, unless I install a music CD?

I'm having a difficult time with Linux because I can't seem to locate information about a specific subject. As an example, how would I find the documentation that would tell me that I should have Kmix, not Aumix?



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It doesn't matter kmix or aumix, whatever you feel comfortable with.


I would find a simple mp3 and wav file to test things out. A quick google for "sound files" will find you something.


If you run into further questions on this... let us know what kind of file and what you are trying to play it with and someone here should be able to help as documentation on Linux stuff can be very sketchy or very hard to understand.


and welcome to the board.

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did you try running sndconfig? that will detect your sound card. if not, got to terminal->type sndconfig->enter. follow the promtps & let it do it's thing. it takes a little while & may even look like it's hanging or doing nothing at some points, but be patient. when it finds your sound card, it will tell you what it found & ask you if it's ok to use it. after you give it the ok to do that, there will be a test sound button so you can check if it worked. and, as was mentioned above, you need to have aumix & kmix (if you're using KDE) volume levels set to your liking. aumix seems to over ride kmix when it comes to keeping your volume level where you set it upon log in, so make sure you set both & save the settings afterward. one final note, with sndconfig...........when you type that in terminal, if you get "command not found", that means that you have to install sndconfig first. it's on one of the installation cd's, so go to "install software" in MCC & type sndconfig in the search area. hope this may have helped.



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I got sound and I really want to thank you for all your help. This entire

Linux installation is rewarding, although it feels like I am in a library without any card index and no shelf markings.


As suggested, I went to Google, found a classical music site (my preference) and downloaded a 'mid' random file. I opened KMidi, turned the volume knob on the speaker to max, and got sound. Setting on KMidi was 40% and I didn't know where to go to adjust that. Volume pulldown on KMidi had 'linear', 'exp4' and 'exp6', which was meaningless to me and didn't change the volume.

Then downloaded an MP3, opened Kaboodle and "heard ?" what sounded

like squirrels running on a tin roof.

Tried another .mid and got acceptable, low volume performance.


I thought the easiest solution to checkout sound would be to link to a radio station, something I do with my WIN computer. Looks like I have to spend time understanding wav, MP3, midi, and whatever, first.

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Just a suggestion, the sound mixers all will be at the same level when you check them. aumix, kmix, what you do to one happens in the other, because they are both gui frontends to the real action. They are merely reporting what they find.


But, I turn my master sound up to 90%, or even 100% if I do not hear clipping. I then use the other controls in the various programs to adjust to a pleasant listening level.

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