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Connect to MySQL from PHP does not work


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Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_connect() in /var/www/html/templates/sql.php on line 4


...was the answer as i tried this command.

I installed LM9.1 + Apache2 + PHP4 + PHP-MySQL-Module


PHP is interpreted, only the mysql-commands not.

Does anybody...?

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Seeing how I just spent the last week reading up on MySQL issues :wink: let me make an attempt at this:


I would first doublecheck your $dbname, $dbpass or $dbuname are correct in your config file and check that you can first connect to your MySQL database. Webmin or phpmyadmin are two programs I have been using to check my databases.

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Yes, MySqlCC works too. This is the program that helped me fix my MySQL problem. For me, it found a problem in several of the tables and by clicking the quick fix button on each, I was able to salvage my database.


What is this line 4 of sql.php ? Do other php scripts run ?


And also lets double check which modules you have installed for php and apache.

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I would start at the begining, can you connect to your database from a console? If you can then it is an Apache problem, or failing that it would be a database error.

Once you know whats wrong you can try and fix it better.

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Well, shell-connect is no problem, the connect via other tools either.


In that line is only the connect-command, with hardcoded Database variables, as it was as it worked before...


I think, that php does not recognize the mysql-module, but how to proove?


The module ist htere, inbound in the /etc/php-directory, so no obvious hint for the failure...

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Gotta double check our syntax here:


(semi-colons look very much like colons sometimes)


and for a laugh, I was searching around for an answer here and came across this: http://www.phphelp.com/ then click on their forums link in top left box.

(Its a php help board that needs help with their php.)

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The syntax is correct!

Remember, i told that it worked before LM9.1....


It seems that the php-mysql-module isn't inbound, but how to do?

I read in "php.ini" that it just has to be situated in the /etc/php directory, like the rpm did it. But that's not working. In "phpinfo()" i can see some undefined things concerning mysql, so i believe, that this step isn't in order...

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Guest tezca

your correct in the phpinfo function, if it dosn't look like its enabled, its not


looks to me like you need a couple more rpms from the cd, the ones concerning php & mysql, not the packages themselves, but their "rpm modules" I dont remember the exact names, but trust me that is what the problem is, if you have a gui on that machine bring up the package manager and search for all items that have php and mysql once you see it you'll know what it is.


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_connect()


thats why it dosn't recognize this function.

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Guest xaff

You need to compile PHP with mysql to be able to use mysql. (./configure --with-mysql)


"Call to undefined function" = It's not installed.


Syntax for mysql_connect();

mysql_connect("ip", "user", "password");


Though I would recommend putting an @ on it. (Conceals errors)


@mysql_connect("ip", "user", "password");

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Hey , update apache 2 from any FTP and I think this solve your problem, but I have problem with

mysql_create_db, I dont know what is happening.


I you update , try phpinfo and mysql apears to be ok ...






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Guest tezca

you dont need to do all that you just need the "phpmysql.rpm" or something with a name close to that once you install that rpm restart apache and itll detect the new modules and php will work with mysql

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