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May I use a 2008.1 rpm in 2008.0? [solved]

Roberto Oropeza

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Should be fine, may not be of course, but you'll even find 2008 .rpm's in 2008.1 repositories, I think I may even have spied the odd 2007 .rpm's in there.


Will it work, most likely you'll have no problems at all. Having said that there may well be the odd occasion where it wont.

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Welcome to the board! :)


It's not a yes or no answer, it all depends on the dependencies ;)

If it's a little rpm which only depends on itself and its own lib file, you'll have no problems using it with 2008.0. On the other hand, if it has a long list of dependencies including some core system components (like KDE, Qt, C++, common libraries), then you probably can't just update the one rpm without also updating all the others to their 2008.1 versions. And then updating the others might impact other things you've got installed, and it could get messy - it might be easier just to update the whole system up to 2008.1 and then everything's consistent again.


As daniewicz says, tell us which rpms you're talking about, it might be easy or it might be a right pain.


As for the 2007.1 rpms, I don't know, it's not usually necessary because everything in 2007.1 is also available (and probably with a better, newer version) with 2008.0. If you're not seeing common programs in 2008.0 then it might be you've not set up all your repositories. Have you got main? contrib? plf-free? plf-nonfree?

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Thank you, the RPM I'm interested is the beryl one (I founded the rpms in www.seerofsouls.com.)


If I try to install a 2008.1 rpm in my 2008.0 mandriva, is it possible to mess up my system, or may I just try if it works?


And, how can I update my 2008.0 system to become 2008.1?


Thanks again :) .

Edited by Roberto Oropeza
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Me again.


I was trying to compile from sources, but the ./configure stops saying cant find libstartup-notification >= 0.7 but I do have libstartup-notification 1.0 in the standard path, as I've verified with the Software manager (and many applications, eg, firefox are using it).


What can I do? by the way, is beryl better than CompizFusion?

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If you want to use beryl, you should only use the 2008.1 rpms on an 2008.1 system, as it has significant dependencies. You should check if there is a working rpm for 2008.0 available through the easyurpmi mirrors ( http://www.mandrivausers.org/easyurpmi/index.php ). You can also use the easyurpmi tool for upgrading your system to 2008.1, although it is not 100 percent safe and might require some manual tweaking later. I suggest you read this: http://wiki.mandrivausers.org/index.php/Software_management

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Compiz-fusion is Compiz + Beryl together. They call it fusion because the two projects merged a couple of months ago. Beryl is not developed anymore as a standalone project.

Mandriva has a backports repo for both main and contrib. If you need a newer version from a software try looking in them first. There is no real advantage using 3rd party repos like SOS anymore IMHO.

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You should only use packages from the correct repository for your version of Mandriva - so packages from the 2008.1 repository for 2008.1, from the 2008 repository for 2008, and so on. You will sometimes find an 'older' package in the correct repository - a package with a 2008.0 or 2007.1 extension in the 2008.1 repository, for instance. This is okay, it just means the package didn't actually need to be rebuilt during that development cycle. However, it's never right to use a package from a 2008 repository in 2008.1, or a package from a 2008.1 repository in 2008.


As noted above, there's no reason you should be using Beryl these days. It's obsolete. Compiz and Beryl merged back together to produce Compiz Fusion. Both 2008 and 2008 Spring include Compiz Fusion, and if you want a later version than the one they shipped with, you can find it in the correct /backports repository.

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You likely didn't have the -devel package installed. In Mandriva, library packages are split: the main package contains only the files needed to *run* applications which use the library. Files needed to *compile* against the library are in a separate -devel package.

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Guest Moshebagelfresser
You should only use 2008.1 rpms on a 2008.1 system. To do anything else is to invite trouble. What 2008.0 rpms are you having trouble locating?

I recently got Mandriva One vSpring 2008 edition. Where do I get easyURPMI from? And which version do I pick I am a newbe to Linux. I find the one that came with the disk is limited in downloads. For instance I would like to Upgrade Open Office and Firefox to the new versions.

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