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Ximian Desktop 2


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*** A lot of background info , read if you have time/interest ***


I have been eagerly awaiting the XD2, which is available for free download now from their site/mirrors. However, installation seems a bit cloudy to me. My problem is that I cannot easily do networking under Linux, cause I have to lay a very clumsy cable then (I'm on wireless under windoze). So what I usually do is download the RPM's (prefer that, tarballs are ok too) under windoze, save it to a common FAT32-partition then install the RPM's under Linux.


I *did* find a bunch of RPM's for XD2 on the mirrors, but it does not go further than Mandrake 9.0. I don't want to download the whole lot just to discover it doesn't work with 9.1 because of some kernel or other compatibility problem.


However, there *were* a bunch of RPM files for Evolution 1.4; I downloaded them, and after some rpm -ivh (I used Kpackage for RPMs but I am turning more and more to the CLI for *simple* administration tasks) and figuring out the correct order in which to install them, I got myself Evolution 4.1 installed.


*** End of background info ***


So, actually I'm writing this post for 2 reasons:


1. Ximian Desktop 2 for Gnome is beautiful, plus offers a lot of improvements (e.g. font and M$-word import improvements under OpenOffice). If you like gnome and a clean and polished interface, I highly recommend getting it.


2. I installed Evolution correctly. Can anyone show me a way to install XD2 without connecting to the internet with WGET? Like downloading some RPM or Tarball?




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Can I install Ximian OpenOffice without installing the rest of the Desktop? Will it conflict with my current OO install?


OT: I actually am a KDE user - has anyone seen a similar port of OO to the KDE QT toolkit?




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Guest stodge

Using the red carpet installer, the only Ximian software I could install under Mdk 9.1 was Evolution 1.4. That was the only option it gave me.

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As far as i know - the XD2 supported only for RedHat and SuSe
correct...for the moment.
Can I install Ximian OpenOffice without installing the rest of the Desktop? Will it conflict with my current OO install?

1.It's is a choice by itself. But whether or not that is all it'll install?....I don't know. When made available for mandrake, you can try it, because it tells you what is to be removed/added b4 it does anything and give you the option to cancel at anytime.

[offtopic-but informative] I've canceled twice. Once this morning when I woke up to check my email and the forums, then again around 10:30AM while I was at work, my wife canceled so she could do the same, and then free up our only phone line for the day. It takes off from where it left off keeping the downloaded rpms in the cache and verifying them again when you start it back up. It's great for dialup users like me.


2.It will remove currently installed pkgs before installing its own. So BACKUP.


I don't know about now, but with ML8.1 it had no 'uninstall' and probably still doesn't (just not the linux way). If whatever you choose to install needs pkgs like glibc (core of the sys) be warned! It can be an interesting experience to remove Ximian and restore mandrake default, just to have to get all the updates again. It's almost better to reinstall unless you know what you're doing. At least, that was my experience when I was a newbie with 8.1.

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If you check /var/cache/redcarpet. There is a log of files installed. Supposely you might get away with uninstalling those. What I did was make some dup partitions and copied my mandrake stuff over there before I installed Ximian. It's my backup :)


So basically I can't use Ximian Desktop 2 because I have mandrake?

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So basically I can't use Ximian Desktop 2 because I have mandrake?
technically, yes. they haven't produced XD2 RPMs for Mandrake just yet...there are Evolution RPMs, however. And they don't appear to be sharing the XD2 source just yet...
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This is taking forever :twisted: The first night (am/morning of the 9th while the unexpecting slept) while I slept (3.5 hours) I got 78MB of pkgs. Now, 12 hours later I only have 216MB. If the mirrors weren't packed....I'd be in XD2. Then I'll have to turn around and get OO and the devel pkgs. I don't even want Evo, I use Moz-Mail.

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I've given up on this also. I think its too heavy for what I want. I don't want evolution either since I use opera mail. Plus I get a message "This copy of Ximian Connector has not been activated." each time I start it up. Same with a brand new user I created. I wouldnt' mind using j-pilot as a desktop organizer but I find the interface keystrokes to be a bit clunky and unintuitive.

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Well, I got the installer going, but it stopped at a point and the only reason I can think of is because I do not have a red carpet account... that costs money right? I'm not at my box now...


Anyway, after reading your posts, I am giving up. It sounds like GR8 software, but too much trouble.


Is there anywhere one can possibly get the free version on cd? I don't see why it shouldn't work on MDK...

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ximian without support is free. Did it ask you to register and you said no? Could be the reason. I'm stiil *sigh* getting XD2 for RH9...and it's free as well. I'm using the Ximian Installer (XD2 for RH9) but I think I'm might try the red carpet installer...this is getting old. They updated 1 nautilus pkg so now my deps are screwy. No telling how many pkgs I'll have to redownload. Stinkin dialup :twisted:

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XD2 is nice and reminds me of a more advanced dropline gnome... I installed redhat without KDE or Gnome and just a simple window maker setup and a few minor x aps and installed XD2 and I must say it ran pretty good. To bad they don't make it for MDK....

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:twisted: I had



they updated to


and said they couldn't find it. It was on the mirror I've been using and I couldn't get it to work, so I removed


and the other nautilus pkgs, and downloaded


and the other nautilus pkgs with mozilla.


NOW...it wants

nautilus-2.2.4-0.ximian.6.4.i386.rpm again and says it can't find it on the mirror! Duh...it's not there! :twisted:


I'm trying red carpet!

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Red Carpet is working fine, well except one conflict.... :shock: glibc version :shock: geez I chose RH9 for my distro :roll: . Oh well, hehehehe I took a chance and rpm -Uvh 2 glibc pkgs :cheeky: ...then nothing was working :P ...so I rebooted (not really expecting it to boot, but it did) then red-carpet worked :wink:

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