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I Have a Headache


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Right now I'm Linux free. Only have Vista on this laptop. (Which by the way runs just fine) Well I'm going into Linux withdrawals and I want to run one of the distros but not sure what one. I don't want Ubuntu. I can't stand the ugly brown. I don't want Mint, although not sure why. I'd like to run Fedora but it would be hoops to jump through with the wireless card. Same with Mandy and Debian. Which is a let down as with Ubuntu/Mint all I need to do is install. Connect the cat5 cable and download what I need. With Mandy or the others it appears I need to use ndiswrapper. Thought about getting virtual box for windows but that just isn't the same.


Also rocket scientist me bought a Kodak printer, which by the way is an outstanding, but does not support Linux. (I've already sent out an email to them and got my "Thats nice you use Linux and we are aware of the o.s. but guess what, YOU'RE OUT OF LUCK ANYWAYS, response)


Just thought I'd vent some. lol


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I'm using Fedora 8 on my laptop and wireless works perfect - although it's Intel Pro Wireless.. What wireless do you have? The only time I've used ndiswrapper is for atheros chipsets. Alternatively for atheros you can use madwifi, which works fine on my aging laptop with CentOS 5. That was a Celeron 2.2GHz, 1GB RAM, 20GB HDD and atheros wireless. First time I ever had that machine working with madwifi, never worked for me under Mandy on that machine. I was surprised when CentOS did it for me without any troubles.


I chose CentOS because I don't use this machine much, and didn't want to be inundated with updates each and every time I booted the machine rarely - hence why I didn't put Fedora on it. My main laptop which I use at work is Fedora, and everything working fine - even the fingerprint scanner :)

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Umm... Ubuntus colour theme can be changed with two clicks, so that should not be a showstopper, right? Anyways, in a few days, Mandriva 2008.1 is sheduled for release. Maybe you could try the Live-CD then and see if your wireless problem got solved in the new release.


And: Congratulations for buying a non compatible printer. :P :cheeky:

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Dude - colour in Ubuntu is not a reason not to use it. Like arctic said - two clicks and it's changed. One thing's for sure - it's gonna be a heck of a lot easier changing the colour of Ubuntu than it is going to be getting your wireless card working in Mandriva!


I thought you bought a Mac laptop?

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Thanks for the replies.


Yes I did buy a Mac laptop but since I have sold it, and made some what of a profit. (Don't ask. :P )


Printer I have is the Kodak Easy Share 5100.


I did end up downloading and install Heron last night.


AI I think I might take you up on your offer. I know how to change some of the colors but its like the load screen, log in screen, and then the brown screen that comes after the log in. I know how to change the log in but its the load screen and the brown screen that comes up after the log in that I don't know how to change. By the brown screen I mean the one that comes up for just a short time.


Thanks for the responses, all though!!

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Which version of Ubuntu do you have (I just moved to 8.04 beta).

Note the icon theme I mixed together isn't fully complete...and I'm going to remake it again as some of the icons changed name again in gnome *sigh*

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Doesn't the fact that you have posted this on a Mandriva forum send you some kind of subliminal message as to what distro you want??
Why should it? Many of the more active users on this forum don't use Mandriva as their main distro, at least not anymore. And musb has always welcomed questions about other distro's :)


I don't want Mint, although not sure why.
If you're not sure why you don't want it, why not give it a try? At least then you'll know why you don't want it :P


I've been using Mint for a few months now and it's pretty nice. No complaints so far, it's a good distro to install and not have to worry about. The main reason I've switched to it as my main linux desktop is because I just don't have the time to fuddle with arch's configs anymore (although my webserver runs arch now - tymnia.net)

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The main reason I've switched to it as my main linux desktop is because I just don't have the time to fuddle with arch's configs anymore
tyme not fuddling with arch anymore... hard to believe. :blink:


*me marks the current day in his calendar. Tagged: "revolution"* :P

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tyme not fuddling with arch anymore... hard to believe. :blink:


*me marks the current day in his calendar. Tagged: "revolution"* :P

Oh, I still fuddle with it, just in a different way: mail server, apache, etc.


Right now the mail server has me stumped...and irritated.

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AI I'm running 8.04 myself.


I'm playing around tweaking looks and stuff. Working on getting my Blackberry Pearl working with the charging, which I had working before. I'd like to also get it to sync with Evolution for the email addys and stuff.


tyme I have used Mint. I liked it also. Not sure what my deal is lately. I know how to do all this stuff just not up to it I guess. You all know what I mean. Get into that slump where you don't even want to look a pc/laptop? I think thats where I'm at. lol

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Oh, I still fuddle with it, just in a different way: mail server, apache, etc.


Right now the mail server has me stumped...and irritated.


You should open a thread we might be able to help :)

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