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Update mozilla in mandrakeupdate and lose your plugins


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Hmm.. I have a similar problem but different way. Java works without reinstalling, but I have to reinstall realplayer plugin, and flash plugin for those to works. I think it's caused since the old plugin are put in /usr/lib/mozilla-1.3/plugins while the new ones are put in /usr/lib/mozilla-1.3.1/plugins.


Oh well.. reinstalling those two is pretty much no brainer :)

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I upgraded via Mdk Update and had flash problems with Mozilla too.


I had added the libmozswfdec.so plugin and it caused the regular flash plugin not to work. Once I deleted the libmozswfdec.so plugin my flash returned to working condition.


Hope this helps someone else with flash problems after the upgrade. :)

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I didn't install mozilla from rpm, but with the nice graphical installer of mozilal itself(althgoigh rpm is better for cleanup I think...:)). Anyway for java you need to make a sumlink to the java-plugin in your java-directory like your mentionned....Before I install jave I first move my plugin-fir to another place.. and move it back afterwards..Now this is not the best way, but hope they'll change that in teh future....

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Well, how about this....I upgraded via mandrake update to 1.3.1, and have the java plugin symlink in both plugin directories, however, and rpm -qa java returns no pacages!


I must say that I didnt have a problem with flash since the upgrade--worked before and after the upgrade without a problem.


THis install is the boxed powerpack version. Are the problems on downloaded version installs?



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frosterrj, what do you get when you do

rpm -q j2re

I installed the jave rpm from Sun and the name is not java but j2re. And this one gets picked up after reinstallation w/o problems.


I think you should be able to avoid losing pluins by installing them in ~/.mozilla/plugins

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I agree with paleo to install the j2re1.4.1 from sun.com site and then just change/ add a couple of symlinks:


I forget where I found the instructions, but here's the short version (terminal/command line):

cd /usr/bin

rm java javac jar

ln -s /usr/java/j2re1.4.1/bin/java java


Now, in order to be able to use Java in browsers, such as Mozilla, Galeon, and so forth, you must complete these additional steps:

cd /usr/lib/mozilla-1.3/plugins/  (or with latest mozilla /usr/lib/mozilla-1.3.1/plugins/)

If you got the J2RE, use this command:

ln -s /usr/java/j2re1.4.1_01/plugin/i386/ns610/libjavaplugin_oji.so libjavaplugin_oji.so

Didn't even have to edit that profile file as in previous versions to point system to java.


Be sure to check your browser is set for the right plug-in folders and that you scan for the new plug-ins. Doing it this way your folder remains the same "/usr/lib/mozilla-1.3/plugins"


I had done this before upgrading to mozilla 1.3.1 and it automatically changed these links for me. (lucky me for once)


I think realplayer, mplayer, and whatever, are probally in other plug-in folders and were not affected.

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