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Spam Solution?


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Lately, since I started using linux mostly (as compared to windows), my spam has tripled in amount. I attribute it to not having my windows-based mailwasher application that allows me to preview and bounce spam email (manually). Plus it connects to a spam server to blacklist known spam email addresses. In the end, however, I have to manually view all messages that are marked as spam or mark them myself. I like this as it gives me control but allows me to bounce back spam mail, hopefully removing me from bulk email lists.


Can anyone give me their solution to this problem and how you went about it? I'm looking for simple solutions. I've been looking at postmail and spambouncer (something like that) and getting bogged down on how to do it.


The other issue is that I use Opera 7.1 for my mail and while it uses mbox format, it's not a single mbox, but a group of them. Not sure how to hook this in as a solution so the spam checker can go there first. Maybe it doesn't matter because the spam checker previews mail. Have to think about that..



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I have a pay Spamcop account. It's worth it for me since I have a lot of email accounts. I've used filters in the past, and they worked well, but this way, I don't even have to use up any space on my drive (or my ISPs, but I don't use my ISPs email system).

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I do a couple of things. One, I never use my primary account when I have to give out my email addy. This allows me to delete an account and create a new one if I start getting too much spam. The other is that I bounce unwanted emails back to the sender. I've been using KMail for about a year and a half for that purpose.


I did a quick search with google and found a couple of programs that you might check out - spamassassin and spambouncer. I've never used either of them so I have no idea how they work or if they'll even work. Good luck!


Btw, you're not counting my emails as spam are you? :wink:

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You might look into Mutt. You can set it to check for certain things in headers to "tipoff" suspected spam, or mailing lists, etc., and it color-codes the header list accordingly - then just hit "d" to blow 'em out as you go through the list. Not a perfect solution, (neither is spamassassin or anything else) but very fast!

I'll probably never use anything but Mutt again. Text-based, and very cool in a transparent aterm window. GUI mail clients just seem slow and clunky after getting used to Mutt. But beware! - setup can really be a bear! I can help some, but I'm still trying to figure out a couple of things myself...

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You could write a php script to poll your isp's mail boxes and retrieve your mail, you could sort the mail according to subject sender etc.

Make up your own filters and put the mail into different mailboxes according to what you want.


PHP imap/pop3 functions









You can roll your own solution based on your needs, use the source.


I'm kidding ok :wink:

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I forgot to mention Mutt does have a "bounce" command. It will also sort email into multiple mailboxes and color-code the indexes according to whatever parameters you set. If you don't want to write your own spam filters, it'll work with spamassassin, etc. Takes lotsa setup, but Mutt will do *almost* anything.

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