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UT 3 for linux?


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I need any information about ut 3 and linux at all. I LOVE this GAME and i upgraded my PC with new Nvidia 8600GT but i play now only new Quake.

I need ut 3 on my PC more than a beer tonight ( not realy but.. ) I hate windows but ... i love UT 3 ... What i must do now? Still wait for UT 3 on linux or .. put another HDD install hated windows and .. o my god ... reboot in winmod and play my favorite GAME. Help me pls i need tis game on my linux box . :)

I had a bad day today and i need ...... DOUBLE KILL :)

Have a nice gaming on linux guis ... UT RULLLSSSSSSSSS :)

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Unreal Tournament 3 just went Gold today, so it's finished, will be released on the 19th I think, (15th here in Australia so they say), just have to wait a little longer for the Linux binaries to become available.

no linux demo at this time .. in previous ut2004 we had linux demo and .. i thing maybe something wrong now .. but ... i sill waiting ... and waiting.. and ...

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Considering that icculus (Ryan C. Gordon, the guy who's doing the port) just recently got the Linux server demo beta out, the Linux client might be a little while coming along. You have to keep in mind it is essentially one guy doing the port...so cutting him some slack is probably a good idea ;) (we may not even see a Linux demo of the game).

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Considering that icculus (Ryan C. Gordon, the guy who's doing the port) just recently got the Linux server demo beta out, the Linux client might be a little while coming along. You have to keep in mind it is essentially one guy doing the port...so cutting him some slack is probably a good idea ;) (we may not even see a Linux demo of the game).

Without linux demo .... u must be joking ... No oficial information at this time and i hope that linux client realise faster than linux client of serios sam 2 (6 -8 months after game out)

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or maybe try writing it yourself instead of being so impatient!

I'd like to see that. Ever ported a game, Maznislav? Any idea how much coding it takes? Ever written any code? If not, you certainly aren't in a position to criticize icculus.

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I'd like to see that. Ever ported a game, Maznislav? Any idea how much coding it takes? Ever written any code? If not, you certainly aren't in a position to criticize icculus.

i love every work of icculus but i think ... EPIC its a huge company and i think that they have a linux coders but ... linux sill in maze in for all this big companies .. i'm realy sorry for that i ask any information here this will be for the last time :wall: :wall:

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you're welcome to ask for information, but, i personally felt you were being overly critical and a bit mean towards icculus who works very hard to bring us linux games... :unsure:

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  • 2 weeks later...

sorry but ... linux version of UT3 maybe not on this year


While hanging out on IRC, I asked the big question of the day, "Has anyone heard from Icculus on the UT3 server or client?" Here's the dialog that resulted from the question:


<icculus> it's stuck in legal

<augustus> Legal? Seriously? Have you had legal involved in previous games?

<icculus> Not like this, no

<icculus> There's some issues with middleware

<augustus> so is the hold-up indefinite?

<icculus> augustus: not indefinite

<icculus> augustus: the politics should be worked out for the server soon, I'm removing the offending piece of code.

<augustus> icculus: And the client?

<icculus> augustus: that's going to take somewhat longer

<augustus> icculus: From the sound of it, there is no ETA then?

<icculus> augustus: I'm not committing to one

<augustus> icculus: I understand. Seems like it's quite out of your hands.

<icculus> If I told you what the specific problem is, you wouldn't believe me

* icculus declines to say more. :)


And, while I had his attention, I had to ask: "Are you doing a Gears of War port?"

<icculus> augustus: for Mac OS X, yes.

<augustus> icculus: Linux no then?

<icculus> augustus: There's something about a Linux port that the Gears publisher doesn't like...can't quite put my finger on it...

<augustus> icculus: I was afraid of that.

<augustus> icculus: Funny that Mac isn't a competitor but Linux is.

<icculus> I don't speak for Microsoft, but I assume it's just company policy to not do anything Linux related.



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Yes, this makes my very disappointed, plus I have built a new PC for UT3, which I have yet to fire up, haven't even installed an OS on it yet, up until recently you couldn't get Linux drivers for the 2 8800GT's I have in it, nvidia released beta drivers with support for the 8800GT a couple of days ago, but I don't want to use beta drivers, windows has had support for the card practically since it's release. I'm getting that old 'Second Class Citizen' feeling again. I think I'll be installing XP PRO on my new PC tomorrow (then I'll go and get Crysis :) ), only thing with that is, once I start to use Photoshop, 3DSMAX, ProTools and BFD again, I'll probably just say 'eff that', and change my other 2 PC's back to XP PRO. Man I wish Linux had the level of support from Hardware/Software developers that Windows has, but, it hasn't. Tell you one thing though, if it did, you'd probably see Microsoft go out of business overnight.


If I wasn't a vegetarian, I think I'd just go and eat worms.

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