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UT 3 for linux?


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  • 2 months later...
some fresh BAD NEWS


Maybe some more BAD NEWS for you Linux people (glad I went back to Windows, although UT3 isn't that good :( . . )


Interviewer - What about Mac and Linux versions ?


Mark Rein - . . . and Linux, it's just kind of a pet project, so if it happens it happens.


http://s10.video.blip.tv/14300024331...terview246.mov (approx 48 seconds in)


Sounds a bit ominous to me, certainly a far cry from the way they led people to believe early on that it would be a certainty.

Edited by esulcer
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not sure it was necessary to post that in both threads, one would have been enough.


anyways, porting to linux is up to icculus. anything that doesn't come from his mouth isn't worth taking too seriously. he just put out the server for linux last thursday, so the client may be some time coming still.

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  • 2 weeks later...
not sure it was necessary to post that in both threads, one would have been enough.


Yeah, sorry about that, iirc, at the time, one of the posts, the first, wasn't turning up, at least it wasn't visible to me, so I did the second. Very sorry for the huge inconvenience it must have caused everyone.


anyways, porting to linux is up to icculus. anything that doesn't come from his mouth isn't worth taking too seriously. he just put out the server for linux last thursday, so the client may be some time coming still.


Yeah, but I do think that Epic, and hence Mark Rein have a little to do with whether or not we actually get a Linux client, I mean, if they say it's not going to be released, it doesn't matter what icculus does or says or thinks, it won't be released. From what some Epic employees have said, all be it off the record, some of the legal, and other problems with it, may mean that we won't be seeing it, or if we do, there may be some stuff that will make for some unhappy little penguins. But yeah, your essentially right, icculus is in charge of the porting, however he can't do squat if Epic doesn't allow it. So I think you could take what Epic/Mark Rein says at least with a little seriousness


But anyway, in the end, it wouldn't be much of a loss if the Linux client didn't come to fruition, as the game really isn't that good, and there are not many people playing it online, so by the time the Linux client arrives, if it does, UT3 may well be already dead. Many would say it already is. The reason I came here today was to update the link to the video, as the other one is now dead it seems, so without further adoo,




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  • 8 months later...
Guest madhead
Yes, this makes my very disappointed, plus I have built a new PC for UT3, which I have yet to fire up, haven't even installed an OS on it yet, up until recently you couldn't get Linux drivers for the 2 8800GT's I have in it, nvidia released beta drivers with support for the 8800GT a couple of days ago, but I don't want to use beta drivers, windows has had support for the card practically since it's release. I'm getting that old 'Second Class Citizen' feeling again. I think I'll be installing XP PRO on my new PC tomorrow (then I'll go and get Crysis :) ), only thing with that is, once I start to use Photoshop, 3DSMAX, ProTools and BFD again, I'll probably just say 'eff that', and change my other 2 PC's back to XP PRO. Man I wish Linux had the level of support from Hardware/Software developers that Windows has, but, it hasn't. Tell you one thing though, if it did, you'd probably see Microsoft go out of business overnight.


If I wasn't a vegetarian, I think I'd just go and eat worms.


Hey at http://icculus.org Ryan has an announcement that a Linux client is on its way :-) ...

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