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Second hard drive [solved]


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I searched around for a while and was not able to find anything that was related to my problem. I just recently decided to try out Mandriva 2007 as my main OS instead of Windows XP Pro SP2. I have the OS running just fine but I backed up all my media onto my second hdd which was just a storage hdd for my last setup. The only things I have on my second hdd is all of my music, movies, videos, documents and what not. But I can't seem to be able to get Mandriva to use the drive. It is able to see the drive and it tells me how big it is. But it won't let me acess my second hdd to get to my media. What do I need to do to be able to get to my media? Or is it a lost hope and I might as well forget about everything that was on that drive? Thanks for the help in advance.

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No you don't have to forget your content on the other harddrive.

Is it formatted with the NTFS filesystem?

If yes, just follow this:


First off all have you added some software-repositories to RPMdrake?

If not then look here: https://mandrivausers.org/index.php?showtop...52&hl=repos


When or if you have done it, then open konsole and log in as root:

Write su hit ENTER and now type your root/administrator password and hit enter again.

Then you just have to write this:

urpmi ntfs ntfs-config

And yes to the extra packages which have to be installed regarding dependices.


When done press ALT + F2 and write ntfs-config, hit enter and type your admin password when promed and mark both check boxes hit enter, and you should have write access to your Windows, and to your external device.


Mandriva/Linux can not write to a NTFS filesystem by default, so thats why you have these "problems" right now, but after installing

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I was able to get the updates done with EasyURPMI, at least I'm sure I did. I followed the directions exactly and ended up downloading something through my Terminal, and when I logged back into my profile it did some updates. To answer your questions yes it is formated in NTFS, and when I open up terminal to input the code you posted above it replies with:


No package named ntfs

The following packages contain ntfs:










And it never asked me to do anything with extra packages. But still I went ahead and did the ALT F2 and typed the ntfs-config and hit enter. It then replied:


Could not open location 'file:///ntfs-config'


Whats that all about? Any clue as to what to do next?? Thanks for your help.

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Which version of Mandriva are you using?

When you set up URPMI, you have to use the repos which have the same number, so are you using 2007 then thats the one you have to use from EasyURPMI, but are you using Mandriva 2007.1 spring, then you have to choose 2007 spring on the first page at the EasyURPMI site.


I really can't remember ig ntfs-config and ntfs-3g was in the repos to the 2007 version.

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Would I be able to turn the NTFS partion into a FAT partiion without losing anything on the drive? I'm lost I have looked up on so much but nothing seems to work for it. I really hope I didn't lose anything on the drive.

You don't have to do that. All files larger than 4GB will get borked, and you will lose the metadata plus quite some space as slack.

Linux can read AND write perfectly well on NTFS partitions by using ntfs-3g ( urpmi ntfs-3g ). Then you just need to input a line in your fstab by hand, or use darkconf to set a mount point for it using a graphical tool.

Edited by scarecrow
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Ok after I did the packages for ntfs-3g, I went ahead and tried to get packages for ntfs-config. And it had packages to install for it, I then did the ALT+F2. It gave me the option to read/write to my second harddrive. Now Mandriva lables the harddrive as a Secondary Harddrive, and lables it as an NTFS-3G. So I'm guessing everything is working now??? If so how do I acess my secondary harddrive?? It does not show up in My Computer. Is there a certain way to acess it?

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Check the /etc/fstab file again, and it should show an additional line for the new disk, and then you should be able to see where it is mounting to, maybe under /mnt/windows or similar.

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