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ssh on local net


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Several very similar threads here, but nothing helping . I had this setup working but now after upgrading to 2007 from PCLinuxOS on PC 2 I am in trouble. Here is my setup: PC1 running MDK2005, PC2 running 2007


PC1 was setup as, PC2 was setup as, PC3, etc.


-> DSL modem <-> eth0 PC1 eth1 <-> hub <-> eth0 PC2,3,4


I have ssh loaded and running on PC1 , also named, network, dhcpd and squid. I also had sftp connections using ssh from PC1 to PC2 and vice versa (for file transfer). PC1 is set to share 'net connection. I have had MDK2005 and PCLinuxOS on PC2, but wanted to try out 2007.


After fresh install of 2007 on PC2, I just check DHCP in ethernet connection wizard using MCC and am able to connect to net and then browse.


Previously, however, I used static settings in MCC ethernet wizard and entered for PC2, netmask and for gateway I entered which should be PC1 and I was able to connect to net and also via sftp from PC2 to PC1 (for file sharing) . I tried changing from DHCP to static settings on PC2 and now am unable to either connect to net or reach PC1 via ssh. Also, domain is not set valid but I can't find anyplace to alter it. I have ssh and network services running on PC2 but don't see named and the dhcpd service is loaded on PC2 but I can't make it start even tho it is checked to start at boot in MCC services. Are there any packages I'm missing?



Any help appreciated.



Edited by Trio3b
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Static addys are, in general, much easier to handle.

Have you rechecked your /etc/hosts file as well as the connection permissions? ( /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny ).


Also you should check shorewall configuration if installed,command line would be best and as root:


shorewall check


and check if any errors apear that prevents shorewall from start..



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update....am able to connect via ssh ( sftp:// in Konqueror) from PC2 to PC1 but not from PC1 to PC2. At this point PC2 is setup thru PCC using dhcp. Usually when I have loaded a new distro onto pC2 I am notified of the hosts file needs a new fingerprint.


If I setup the LAN connection on PC2 using static, nothing works including abiility to 'net connect. At least with dhcp in wizard i have the 'net.


I will try to muddy thru the hosts files.



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Back to PCLOS on PC2 and still MDK2005LE on PC1. Well, I looked at /etc/hosts, hosts.allow/deny on th PC 1 and nothing about PC2 is there. However, on PC1 in /home/user/.ssh/hosts_allow there is reference to PC2 and a fingerprint. This all happened after I removed the network interface eth0 on PC2 and then configured a new LAN connection in PCC as static which I know I had done before. I went to PCC -> manage host definitions (which I never had done before and listed PC hostname as user2.mylan, then in setting up the new LAN connection, entered it as the host name. I am able to ping and connect via .ssh from PC1 to PC2 after entering a fingerprint on PC1. I think all is ok. keeping fingers crossed.


I have all the network guides, rute guide, lnag.

Can someone please explain NOT the definitions of DNS, hostname, and DHCP (which I have ad nauseum) , but when and WHERE they are used as regards my particular setup.



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