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Anyone using AbiWord for word processing? I almost did switch (from OO 2.0 Beta), but its saving as other formats capability seemed kinda of weak compared to OO.o, then again, I was using 2.2.7. Anyone know if it's better in 2.2.9 or anyone using it? :P

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That was kinda my experience. I liked how it was pretty lightweight and was "main program is limited and to extend it you need plugins" Firefox-type philosophy rather than Openoffice which does include every feature I'll ever need but is very bulky.


If they get document formmating working better, I'll probably start using it.

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I use Abiword, prefer it to Oo. It's lighter, slicker and not half as ugly :P


I'm using the latest version now and I do notice improvements with every release. That said, I just write on it - no tables, etc. So perhaps fancy formatting gives problems with .doc, but for the basic stuff I can confirm that it works better than just ok.

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I sometimes use Abiword locally, because it just feels a lot better than OO,

but if I want to send a file to someone else, then OO is pretty much the only option,

it and its' sleak pdf export.


Haven't tried latest versions of Abiword though.

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I'm surprised the view of AbiWord/M$Word compatibility is so dim - I only just read an article in Linux Format mag that said AbiWord had the edge over OOo in that arena. Guess you can't believe everything you read...?


I use OOo 1.9.128 ATM and still get some nasty incompatibility issues. Been thinking of trying to get Office2K (to run in WINE) off eBay - probably a pretty cheap item nowadays...

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I've been using abiword mostly because I'm currently using gentoo and I can't face the Open Office compile times (I know I should install the binary, but I haven't yet).


Notch one up for being lazy.


If you run ~arch, you should put =app-office/openoffice-bin-1.9.128 in your package.unmask and go for it! OOo source ebuild filters out ALL your CFLAGS optimisations anyway, so you might as well! I did the source install at first... never again!

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I've been using abiword mostly because I'm currently using gentoo and I can't face the Open Office compile times (I know I should install the binary, but I haven't yet).


Notch one up for being lazy.


emerge openoffice-bin

precompiled. ;)

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As someone who kind of relies on word processors to make a living, Ive always thought - as some have already said - of Abi Word as a deluxe Notepad. I know its got a bit more but if you need to Word Process with a capital WP, and give it to others using M$...its Open Office all the way.


Which, btw, Im beginning to prefer over M$Office, for its stability and not-as-trigger-happy mouse response that was driving me crazy in Word.


Just highlight these two words her------hey, hEY! WAIT! STOP!!! NO, dont Highlight the whole THIRTY PAGES!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhh!


....sums up MS Word, imo......

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As someone who kind of relies on word processors to make a living, Ive always thought - as some have already said - of Abi Word as a deluxe Notepad. I know its got a bit more but if you need to Word Process with a capital WP, and give it to others using M$...its Open Office all the way.


Which, btw, Im beginning to prefer over M$Office, for its stability and not-as-trigger-happy mouse response that was driving me crazy in Word.


Just highlight these two words her------hey, hEY! WAIT! STOP!!! NO, dont Highlight the whole THIRTY PAGES!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhh!


    ....sums up MS Word, imo......

I don't know what you do for a living, but I write. The only tool I use in my job everyday is my Wordprocessor. I used Abiword exclusively for one year working at a large publishing company on one of their titles without a problem.

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