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Tux key (try this!)


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I just did something pretty cool the other day. I've always wondered that even though I no longer use Windows, I use the Windows key all the time to access the K Menu. I had a thought... how about a Tux key! Obviously it would be great if they'd manufacture keyboards with them :P but since that's not gonna happen anytime soon I made my own, printed them out (highest-quality since it's low-res) and taped them over my Windows keys! It works great. I don't have a digital camera to give you a screenshot, but I attached the image I used if you want to try it.




Edited by Aomighty
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I'm the proud owner of a cymotion Linux keyboard, but I cant remember where i got it from.


I only bought it because I was in the process of removing all things microsoft from my possesion (including MS office keyboard), and of course because it had tux in the corner. now I've been MS free for a few months, and considering I'm still very new to linux i'm quite happy with that :D


anyway asside from me and my achievments, its a nice keyboard :P

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I had no problems with my MS hardware (other than initial cost), just felt like rebeling.


All my machines are now single-boot linux boxes and all my hardware is MS free :headbang:

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Guest Adriano

I don't have to put any principle into the equation. I can't spend 50 euros in a keyboard or mouse, even if S+arck designed them. So I get the durable, trusty cheapo keyboards with their nice win keys that I modify to my taste in GNOME, and a cheap optical mouse.

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Here is some news that will shock you. Microsoft do not manufacture any keyboards or Mice. They are mostly manufactured by LOGITECH under contract for Microsoft. In fact nearly all Microsoft products are manufactured by other reputable manufacturers.


It would surprise me if M'ft even had much to do with the designs either. They cannot design a stable and reliable OS so I can't see them designing the sleek professional hardware carrying their name.


I use Logitech Keyboards and Mice and have never had a problem or been disappointed.


Cheers. John.

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