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Nero for Linux


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It is perfectly acceptable to express an opinion in the manner that scarecrow did.  If you feel a post is inappropriate in anyway then please feel free to contact a moderator or admin so that we may address it.


Thank you




Been meaning to crack down on this, but was too tired to post earlier.


Right, you may think what scarecrow wrote was perfectly acceptable and that's fine, however I don't because scarecrow wasn't expressing his opinion instead he was comparing it with other programs, the topic creator did NOT ask that he simply asked what people thought about nero linux.


K3B does way more, in a better way and with no cost at all.
< who really cares, the topic creator obviously isn't intrested in that so why does scarecrow need to bring it up here? Couldn't he just keep it to himself? Hmm to be honest I think this is more a case of if you don't agree with the admins leave, well no such luck because i won't be leaving, like it or not.
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There is no need to get nasty here. Everyone is allowed to express their opinions, as long as it is done within the guidelines of this board. In the future, if you have a problem with a post and feel it is outside of the guidelines of the board, please contact an administrator or a moderator so that we may deal with it as that is our job. Please return to the topic.

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There is no need to get nasty here.  Everyone is allowed to express their opinions, as long as it is done within the guidelines of this board.  In the future, if you have a problem with a post and feel it is outside of the guidelines of the board, please contact an administrator or a moderator so that we may deal with it as that is our job.  Please return to the topic.


Right, I understand everyone is allowed to express their opinions, I still don't see why scarecrow had to compare nero linux and k3b when the topic creator never asked that. I'm not being nasty either, I just simply don't want to be pushed away from the community like last time, just because an admin doesn't like my opinion.

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We're just trying to keep things friendly and within guidelines ;) If you feel there's a problem, please start a thread in forum discussion.


Back on topic:


I have not used Nero Linux yet, but I'm interested in giving it a try. If only I wasn't a broke college student :P

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continuing on topic, I'm also interested in Nero for Linux. Nero is one of the very few reasons I still have a win2k machine in my office at home. I have Nero Ultra 6 on it, and there's no way k3b does everything that Nero does, at least from what I know about k3b. Although I use grip & k3b alot for simple ripping & burning, if I need to do any trimming, fade-ins or -outs or other minor editing stuff, I use nero on my win box.


I'm not dumping on k3b, I like it. Especially when nero ultra edition costs something like $90 or more for the retail box. So bottom line, I'm glad nero is continuing their linux version. But I doubt the $20 linux version will do everything the $90 "ultra" win version does. Its probably more like the "nero burning rom" program that comes bundled with some burners.


After some people here use it a little, post your comments & thoughts about it... !

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I use Nero in windows and k3b in linux. When I get my computer back up and running, I'll give nero a try in linux. But, I do think that the newest windows nero is better than the old. I have always liked k3b, but then I like kde, too!

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null said:


...nero ultra edition costs something like $90 or more for the retail box. So bottom line, I'm glad nero is continuing their linux version. But I doubt the $20 linux version will do everything the $90 "ultra" win version does. Its probably more like the "nero burning rom" program that comes bundled with some burners.

That's probably a fairly accurate comparison, I'm not sure 'cause my Windows copy is a full retail of Nero 5.5, I'm not familiar with the bundled stuff. But you don't really expect to get the $90 "Ultra" program for $20 do you? Get real.


And of course, it doesn't include the video editing features of Nero 6.6 for Win (which I've played with a little but don't have myself). Maybe if they sell enough Linux copies, Nero will think about that. We can always dream I guess.


Still, I've found the new version of NeroLinux to be very nice, and it does a lot, like copy multiple data tracks, something k3b doesn't do. And I won't have to install friggin' KDE anymore to run it. kb3 was (I think, I hope) the last reason I needed KDE. (Sorry Ixthusdan.)

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Still, I've found the new version of NeroLinux to be very nice, and it does a lot, like copy multiple data tracks, something k3b doesn't do.  And I won't have to install friggin' KDE anymore to run it.  kb3 was (I think, I hope) the last reason I needed KDE.  (Sorry Ixthusdan.)



No need to apologize. I am never "offended" by cogently stated opinions. Now slap and dodge is another matter. :joker:

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It's only because I use a distro that isn't based on either rpms or debs. I suppose I could use rpmunpack but there doesn't seem a compelling reason to bother in this case. The only other time I've had to use rpmunpack is for the ATI drivers - but that's not necessary anymore.


So I don't seem to be struggling as a result of not using rpms or debs...

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Why can't you install a .deb or .rpm?  If really true for some reason, you might want to consider fixing that - commercial software is usually only gonna be available in those formats, and mostly .rpm.

Phunni is not using a Debian or Red Hat based distro and hence can not natively use their package formats. It is, however, possible to install the infrastructure for either in almost any distribution of Linux.


Your comment abour commercial software is not entirely true either; the most commonly distributed package I've noticed is a .tgz that leads to a compile envrionment which should work on any distro. Rpms and debs are just bonuses.


To get back on-topic: I have not seen the latest version of Nero for Linux, but the initial release was not amazing and I found it to be similar to Gnome Toaster in some ways. Not very friendly.

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It's easy to install Nero on Arch Linux. Just get the RPM version and then use "rpmextract" (from the extra repo) to extract the files (rpmunpack also goes). The directories are fairly common (/usr/bin, usr/lib and /usr/share/nero )and the files statically built, so it works.

It detects the burners as root only though, it "may" work as a user as well if you change the files' ownership from "root:root" to "root:optical" or "root:burning" in case you use a "burning" group for K3B, I haven't tried it yet.

It remains totally unimpressive for me, and by the way the .nrg images it creates are NOT usable under windows! :cheeky:

The audio compiler is still awful (no pregap track adjustment, no CD-Text editing, no direct .flac or compressed format input, no...).

May I ask WHAT do you like about it?

Edited by scarecrow
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1. Which isn't software related: Some of the big sofware companies have open their eyes to the linux world

2. For all those who use anothe DE than KDE and don't want to install KDE stuff it's a good substitute.

3. NeroLinux does detects burner as user out of the box.

4. It's still a test for the company to see how the market are in Linux area and we will properly see alot of cool stuff which is nero brand on the market in near future, well it again depend how well it's welcomed etc.

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