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Show off your Desktop (August 05)


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Lowe, I do not think you are correct in saying that one has to install all of kdegraphics just to ge ksnapshot. I have ksnapshot, kpdf and kview but I DO NOT have kdegraphics installed and never have done.

There are some parts of kde that do require installing all of that part just to get the one feature you want, but kdegraphics is not one of them.

See the two snapshots and you will see what I mean. Note that package-installation says there is no kdegraphics installed.


Cheers. John.

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I really like what they did to nautilus it's a lot easier to browse files with now.

err.... a browser w/o an addressbar... :huh: ...that's brilliant :screwy:

Oh... well, good thing you can change it with gconf-editor

What is the point of that I wonder? Heh, you got the treeview to the left, so why would you need another above? Sheds more light on why it has taken 4 years to get nautilus functional. :wall: Such wasted time on useless code!

Edited by bvc
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a file manager isn't necessarily a browser :P. you don't need an address bar. if you want to go to a specific location quick, just ctrl+l and type it in ;) (I actually found it quicker to click my way to it sometimes...)

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I guess that's why they call it browser?

nautilus --browser

...ring any bells? :P


That was my point...I like browser mode and use it more than spatial, yet keep the addybar and treeviw turned off until I need them, but if you have treeview on the left you don't need it on the top. So, instead of fixing the way treeview bounces around and is rarely in its properplace while browsing, they add this top thing. Cover bad code with more bad code :screwy:

Edited by bvc
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If your interested, their is still some more i want to edit so play around


echo -----------------=[ System Information ]=---------------------
echo "Name:" `grep $USER /etc/passwd |cut -d: -f5 | tr " " '\11'`
echo "user:" `grep $USER /etc/passwd |cut -d: -f1 |tr : '\11'`
echo "group:" `grep $USER /etc/passwd |cut -d: -f3 |tr : '\11'`
echo "irc-nick 1:" `sed -n '/irc_nick1/p' $HOME/.xchat2/xchat.conf | sed 's/.........//'`
echo "irc-nick 2:" `sed -n '/irc_nick2/p' $HOME/.xchat2/xchat.conf | sed 's/.........//'`
echo "gaim-id:" `sed -n '/name/p' $HOME/.gaim/accounts.xml | sed '/setting/d' | sed 's/name//g' | sed 's/....//' |sed 's/...$//'`
printf "%-16s\t%-16s\n" "FQDN:" "$HOSTNAME"
printf "%-16s\t%-16s\n" "PWD:"   "$PWD"

echo --------------------------------------------------------------
printf "%-16s\t%-16s\n" "Operating System" `uname -o`
printf "%-16s\t%-16s\n" "Distribution" "Fedora Core"
printf "%-16s\t%-16s\n" "Release Name" "Rawhide"
printf "%-16s\t%-16s\n" "Arch Type" `uname -p`
echo -----------------=[ Security Features ]=-------------------
printf "%-16s\t%-16s\n" "SELinux" "enforcing"
printf "%-16s\t%-16s\n" "SELinux-type" "targeted"
echo -----------------=[ Primary Features ]=-------------------
printf "%-16s\t%-16s\n" "Kernel Version" `uname -r`
printf "%-16s\t%-16s\n" "gcc version" `rpm -qa gcc`
printf "%-16s\t%-16s\n" "glibc version" `rpm -qa glibc`
printf "%-16s\t%-16s\n" "gcj version" `rpm -qa libgcj`
printf "%-16s\t%-16s\n" "xorg version" `rpm -qa xorg-x11`
printf "%-16s\t%-16s\n" "gnome version" `rpm -qa gnome-desktop`
printf "%-16s\t%-16s\t%-10s\n" "shells" `rpm -qa bash` `rpm -qa ksh`
printf "%-16s\t%-16s\n" "terminal" `rpm -qa gnome-terminal`
printf "%-16s\t%-16s\n" "eclipse" `rpm -qa eclipse-platform`
echo -----------------=[ Hardware Information ]=-------------------
cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "model name"
cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "cpu MHz"
cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "bogomips"
cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "cache size"
echo --------------------------------------------------------------
cat /proc/meminfo | grep "MemTotal"
cat /proc/meminfo | grep "MemFree"
cat /proc/meminfo | grep "SwapTotal"
cat /proc/meminfo | grep "SwapFree"
echo -----------------=[ Desktop  Information ]=-------------------
printf "%-16s\t%-16s\n" "GTK2:" `gconftool-2 --get /desktop/gnome/interface/gtk_theme`
printf "%-16s\t%-16s\n" "Metacity:" `gconftool-2 --get /apps/metacity/general/theme`
printf "%-16s\t%-16s\n" "Icons:" `gconftool-2 --get /desktop/gnome/interface/icon_theme`
echo --------------------------------------------------------------
#/sbin/lspci -v |grep -i video
#/sbin/lspci -v |grep -i audio
#/sbin/lspci -v |grep -i ethernet
#echo --------------------------------------------------------------
#who am i
#sh $HOME/scripts/screenshot
import -window root -quality 88 ~/misc/screenshots/`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S`-lg.jpg


ripped cut out and used sed instead and added "gaim id"

echo `cut -d: -f3 $HOME/.xchat2/xchat.conf | grep irc_nick[1]`
echo `cut -d: -f3 $HOME/.xchat2/xchat.conf | grep irc_nick[2]`

Edited by cybrjackle
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Lowe, I do not think you are correct in saying that one has to install all of kdegraphics just to ge ksnapshot.        I have ksnapshot, kpdf and kview but I DO NOT have kdegraphics installed and never have done.

There are some parts of kde that do require installing all of that part just to get the one feature you want, but kdegraphics is not one of them.

See the two snapshots and you will see what I mean. Note that package-installation says there is no kdegraphics installed.


Cheers.                                      John.


Yes that's correct, however since I use arch they bundle them all together so you get a lot of useless stuff you don't need, since it has less package maintainers it would take longer to split the packages or so they say anyway.


I really like what they did to nautilus it's a lot easier to browse files with now.

err.... a browser w/o an addressbar... :huh: ...that's brilliant :screwy:

Oh... well, good thing you can change it with gconf-editor

What is the point of that I wonder? Heh, you got the treeview to the left, so why would you need another above? Sheds more light on why it has taken 4 years to get nautilus functional. :wall: Such wasted time on useless code!


Well, tree view is kinda annoying the new way feels a lot cleaner.

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Sure is, it's just bvc thinks he's always right.  :P

I haven't had any problems, well nautilus has quit 2 or 3 times, but that's normal for devel

...and you should read before posting :P

:woops:  that's my bad....I didn't notice that was 'Places' to the left and thought it was treeview. Nice to have so many diff ways for diff people :D

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