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Good LCD


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So as you know I'm in the process of getting a new computer. I bought an Envision CRT Monitor and I was disappointed with the performace. The screen works fine , it's just that at the bottom of the screen the coners are pointing inward. There is no way to fix this ... and I'm not the first one to notice the problem.


So I don't want to spend my money on another CRT because after buying thise one, I know that it won't fit right in my room/desk. So I need to get something that has extremely good quality and it's good for an avarage gamer like me. LCD's are improving on gaming, I just don't know what to look for. I'm hoping you guys could give me some pointers.


Right now I know that for you to have a good screen you should get something that is under 16ms for gaming. So with that said I've been thinking about getting this one ...




This one has 12ms. So please please give me good advice, this was a major putdown for me. I feel like just scratching the idea of building a PC and just buying one from dell or something.

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But are they good for gaming. I want a screen that is good for gaming, that's all. Ofcourse it's LCD. Just need to know what specs I need to get.

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Have you thought about going to a local retailer and actually looking at one? B) I have found that here in the midwest I get decent pricing, especially when I include the shipping. It might be worth 10-15 bucks to go look at what you are buying!

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no because local retailers don't include much of info on what the screen has. They just tell you basic stuff which is worthless to me. Just to get you to buy the screen.

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Here's a current newspaper review by a tech columnist whose criteria for an LCD monitor included that it must perform well for gaming.


His 1st choice:



His runner-ups:



I'm not a gamer and I still use a CRT monitor, but from the LCDs I've seen, the specs, picture quality, and price of the Samsung 19" models that I've seen at stores like Sam's Club look terrific.

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Thanks for the link but they don't load, can you check the links over to see what is wrong with them?

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Thanks for the link but they don't load, can you check the links over to see what is wrong with them?

I messaged the text of the two LCD Monitor Review articles to Jet2k5. There were no graphics in the articles.


Don't know why the links wouldn't load for you.


You might try these links (which have the full houstonchronicle.com domain instead of chron.com):



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What you can do is go to your local retailer and if you need better specs, write down the model number and look it up online and see if it works. Plus, if you've already seen it, it doesn't matter as much what the specs are, right?

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