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Might as well jump


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I'm having problems with my firefox browser. Whenever the processor is thinking, whether from URL to URL or if theres no connection or when idled (such as writing an email in gmail, the screen starts jumping " :cheeky: " up and down. At that point it freezes and I've had to reboot to close it, but it happens everytime I use the browser, in those conditions. I'm running Mandrive 2005LE and downloaded firefox via MCC so it's version 1.0.2. I'm hoping I just need to upgrade it, can anyone help?


Thank you very much in advance




P4 2.26

512 DDR

256 Radeon 8500

120 GIG - XP Pro

20 GIG - Mandriva 2005LE

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You may find this easier and quicker.

You can also use ctrl+alt+esc to get the little skull and crossbones to ¨kill¨ icon which you move over the program to be killed and then click the left mouse button.


Cheers. John.

Edited by AussieJohn
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Ok everyone, I have reason to believe something is fishy now. I came back to my posting, to see everyones suggestions again, this time using "Konqueror". And to my amazement, it did the same exact thing as it does in Firefox (jumping screen). I plan on updating firefox anyway, I just found that fishy. Does anyone know what could cause that? Because once I update it, I would think the problem would still be there. Speaking of updating, how would I do that, if you all would be so kind. Everytime I've tried installing an RPM or .TAR.GZ it said it couldn't due to missing dependancy libstdc++.so.5. What?????



Thanks again



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Just use "urpmi libstdc++.so.5." You need that RPM package to run it.


I did what you said as root and got the following:


[root@gian]# urpmi libstdc++.so.5

Please insert the medium named "Installation CD1 " on device [/dev/hdc]

Press Enter when ready...


The following packages have bad signatures:

/var/cache/urpmi/rpms/libstdc++5-3.3.4-4mdk.i586.rpm: Invalid Key ID ((sha1) dsa sha1 md5 gpg GPG#78d019f5 OK)

Do you want to continue installation ? (y/N) n


Should I have said yes to continue? And if so, what would happen by using an invalid key?


Thanks :headbang:

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Should I have said yes to continue? And if so, what would happen by using an invalid key?

Yes is fine... we all ignore the "bad sig" message.


I am thinking your "Van Halen" problem may be with the monitor. Double check the connection with the wire on both ends. I would then double check that you have the right monitor selected in MCC with the correct frequencies and such.

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The connection and correct montitor type/frequency were all fine. I was able to get "libstdc++.so.5" installed and was then able to get to update firefox. The jumping is still, however, it does not get in the way nearly as bad. Could it have anything to do with any of the settings I messed with in the "configure your desktop"? Is it possible to just get a not so well installation?


I bet you can't guess I am and have been for a while a noob :help:


thanks everyone

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It does seem that your monitor is to blame. Since you checked connections, did you try a different monitor cable as well ???. If you did then sadly I would start saving for a new monitor if I were you, if the monitor is out of warranty.


Cheers. John.

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I've seen this problem happen before (on a Windows machine), and updating never fixed it. It was with a laptop. I had no clue what was causing it either.


Does it happen more with plugins (flash, java, etc.). On my friend's computer it seemed to happen mostly with flash.

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If it's only firefox and konqueror doing it, then It's not the monitor.


Try loading up a graphics app ( the gimp?) and play around with a few pics. My guess is the same "jumping will occur. Possible reasons?

config settings for your card in x.org need adjusting.

Video card needs replacing or resetting.

Other hardware problem.

You might also want to open a consol and run "top" while you get this "jumping" it may show something eating up all your resources.

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I have had this very problem on different operating systems, It turned out to be the wheel on the mouse. It would occasionally stick part way between a roll, if you know what I mean. If your jumping is something like the three line scroll I would look at the mouse wheel. It's cheaper to replace a mouse than a monitor :D

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The best way, other than jumping, would be the lower end of the browser window (ie. status bar continuously moves up & down, quickly. Before I updated my firefox it would happen on the whole browser window, not its just the status bar area.


I tried the gimp and was messing around with some .jpg's, however, there was no problem there. I haven't installed any plugins or anything to the browser, because when that happens, the browser window would lock up, so I figured I'd better see whats up.


I've been having to boot to XP, because it doesn't happen there.


Thanks everyone :jester:

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