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Services to disable in LE2005


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After experimenting with LE2005 services, the following is a list of which can safely be disabled:


apmd (didn't start anyway)

bluetooth (I don't use it)

cpufreq (doesn't work on my machine anyway)

dund (linked to bluetooth)

hidd (linked to bluetooth)

hotplug (either it didn't start, or I didn't think it was relevant)

mDNSResponder (added in LE2005 - to perform zeroconf service discovery - I don't use)

nifd (linked to mDNSResponder)

pand (linked to bluetooth)

postfix (didn't work anyway)

rawdevices (didn't work anyway)

ultrabayd (only relevant to Thinkpads)

xprint (didn't work anyway)


I did originally have haldaemon, messagebus and harddrake on this list as well. Whilst you can safely disable these, if you add any additional hardware, it won't find it, enable it or anything. For example, my USB hard disk would not work unless I had these three services running. If your hardware doesn't change and you know what you're doing, then you can disable these as well. Otherwise, if you find something isn't running - suggest you enable these!

Edited by ianw1974
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Yes, but there is an option for "On Boot" which means it would start at boot-up if there is a check-mark in the box.


Stop would disable them just for the current session, if you want to test beforehand to make sure all is OK.

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You probably shouldn't disable hotplug...


postfix does 'work', it's just not configured to do much out of the box (for obvious security reasons). If you're not bothered about good old-school *nix conventions (i.e. local mail delivery), though, turning it off ain't a problem.

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For some reason, it was already disabled on my system, but it all seems to work OK so far.


When I read the service description of postfix, I could see it wasn't relating to anything particular I was using, so I thought it would be safe to disable :P

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hotplug was auto disabled for me.

I disabled postfix without any problem.

I have to let enabled haldaemon, messagebus and harddrake for my sound card. I think it's better not to deactivate those services (test it with precaution).


Anyway, the list mentioned by ianw1974 (services that can be disabled) is the same for me :)



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Guest Adriano1

I've noticed that disabling postfix stops the daily automatic security emails sent by msec. Other than that, it should be harmless to stop it.

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Guest anon

Harddrake is only for finding new hardware, not hardware all ready found and configured. So unless you intend to add something new, you can disable it at startup.

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I found that if I disabled harddrake, when I connected my USB hard disk, it wouldn't pick it up. Even if I tried to mount it!


Prob just my machine :P

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I found that if I disabled harddrake, when I connected my USB hard disk, it wouldn't pick it up.  Even if I tried to mount it!


Prob just my machine :P


Toying a little with your udev rules should be enough to have your USB disks recognized and mounted automatically (by dbus) without harddrake running. Sorry I can't suggest certain settings, but the udev rules are absolutely specific to the present hardware.

Edited by scarecrow
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  • 2 weeks later...

This list seems pretty dangerous to me becuase it would be interpreted as "Everyone, just disable that stuff".


Postfix is used to send email both outside the machine and "within" the machine, such as security audits or backup reports.

hotplug is pretty useful in most cases, especially for usb devices




If you know what you're doing go ahead and disable the relevant services.

But if you knwo what you're doing, you porbably didn't need this "tip"


If someone want to go in details into what some of those services do and why you might want to consider disabling it, and what you might loose in the process, that might be more useful.

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A lot of the above services already weren't running on my system. I think the only ones I actually physically disabled were:











The rest were already disabled. Services that I disabled, because they failed to start are marked with an asterix above. The rest I checked on to make sure they wouldn't be a problem. The other services I initially mentioned were already disabled, so in reality, I didn't actually turn them off - they were already done by the system.


I can only think that postfix didn't start on my system because it must have been missing something. I only found it appeared after updating my system, although I'm not actually using my system for mail delivery in that sense. I only use my system as a desktop.

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