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Which Mandrake version was the best one?


Which Mandrake release was the best release in your opinion?  

41 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Mandrake release was the best release in your opinion?

    • Mandrake 10.X series (not including 10.2RC/LE2005)
    • Mandrake 9.X series
    • Mandrake 8.X series
    • I don't have a favorite
    • Other

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steve: well it wasn't technically our fault, no, it was LG's for using stupid firmware calls, but still, end result is MDK Nukes CD Drive, which was not good. What was really odd though was that _it never got reported_ in the beta stages. I'm sure someone with an LG CD drive must have installed one of those betas...maybe they were too busy trying to get it fixed to tell us what happened. :)


The nuking-Windows-boot thing was actually a similar situation, it was an upstream problem that happened in other distros too (Fedora did the same, IIRC). To be fair, though, I think there _was_ a bug report about that before the final came out, so yeah, maybe that can be seen as more serious. In the end, though, didn't it turn out the boot wasn't nuked, you just had to change a BIOS setting? Ah well. Memories. :)


But how can a typical user know that it was MDK that nukled their CD-ROM?


Yes, it turned out that the boot wasn't nuked, but I'm sure several people reinstalled Windows and only tried the MDK install once more if any.

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If your distro requires many of your customers to get the computer to tech support, it's got _serious_ problems. Nevermind the problem could be solved in the bios: It's not good enough.


This is something Mandriva would do well repeating over and over. Write 100 times on the (chalk)board: "I shall test my distro better. I shall try to close the bugs."


Fair go, mandrake cant test every CD drive out there, nor every windows/linux installation out there. it only happened on certain configurations, so even if they did test it, it didnt show up.


As for me.... i dont know what to vote, my years with mandrake are a blur :P


9.1 was probably the one i used the longest, i was never editing config files so i guess it was working good. But mandrake 9.0 was a dud, with a really unusual problem with my screen that we never figured out.


9.1 was also when I had just got cable internet.... so it was my first really good experience with mandrake and urpmi.


As for the others, I used 8x for a week before i messed up that partition. I am pretty sure I used 10x for a short while last year..... but I dont seem to remember anything awfully special about it.


I'll vote 9x.



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My vote gos for 10.1 as it is the best one i've used (i had 9.2, 10.0 and 10.1).

Still i'm not very happy using it. I have some problems on 10.1. Gotta update to 10.2 on my server machine as soon as i can.

Edited by Murda
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I started with 8.0, but the best was 9.2 for server-related use. 9.2 was rock solid for my PIII-733... I like the 10.x series for desktop OS's, and 10.1 gets better and better with the updates.

Edited by static
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...For e.g., I'd pick 9.1 as my favouritest release ever, but 9.0 was frankly a bit pants and 9.2 was average, so where does that leave me?

I totally agree.
Anyway, as I said, if I have to pick a single release, 9.1. Other great releases - 10.0, 8.2....and I don't go back before 8.1 :)
I also agree.

9.1, then 8.2, then 10.0. Mdk10.0 has a good enough quality IMO, but I put it last of the three, because IMO (as a programmer), the 3CD-set has an unacceptable amount of missing -devel packages.

And older than that, I single out Mdk 7.2, the first Linux distribution to install on a journalized Filesystem (ReiserFS), and working very well with it.



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Having 9.0 been my first and 10.1 being my latest, I'm going to say that 9.1 was out-and-out my favorite. This was what turned me forever to MDK.

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I net updated my rc2 to the final release (urpmi.addmedia --update ~/main), installed KDE 3.4 on it (it somehow feels better than on 10.1) and my wholly subjective oppinion is that 10.2 final is very sleek. It's stable (2 days only, but I've done a lot of things on it already) and it feels fast.

I think this will be my favourite Mandrake/Mandriva to date, but that doesn't surprise me. I've always liked the latest Official better than the previous one (with the exception of 9.2 on my setup)

Edited by solarian
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Going back like four years or so I used Mandrake 7.2, which was OK, but 10.x is a far improvement and is my fave distro of Linux to date (not that I've used any others so maybe I can't say that :P ).


I only have 128Kbps broadband here in Poland, so when I'm back in the UK this summer, I will be hitting the office's 512Kbps to get my latest large updates, and maybe even LE2005! Unless I wait for the next release later this year or whenever it's due out!

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If you have 10.2 rc2 then the update difference is at about 200MB (without gnome and kde)

(you have to feed Mandriva the main (from easy-urpmi) as if it was update)

I don't suggest you to update to 10.2, do whatever feels/is best for you, this is just information.

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Thanks for that, I've appreciated all your replies re 3.4 upgrade over the last day or so!


I think I'll probably wait for a release that makes it a lot easier for me. I know that's a bit of a cop-out, but I won't have to worry too much about trashing my system when I know it'll work better :P

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