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Mandrake changing its name!


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Guest foodcoman
Whatever they call it, I'm glad to Diskdriva now detects my card reader properly.  If only XFdriva would stop changing my conf file to use the nv driver when I'm upgrading to a new NVidia driver.  And shouldn't that be XOdriva?  It's also good to see drivaconnect with rudimentary ndiswrapper support.  One thing is clear, Mandriva Linux 2005 Limited Edition will be a solid release.


$ man driva

No manual entry for driva


Now that was funny! "Diskdriva" Really, Really Rich!

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Best comment from slashdot:


Avirdnam (Score:5, Funny)

You know that when your company's sounds better pronounced backwards, you've picked a lousy name.


The followup post clarifies:

A Weird Name (was Re:Avirdnam) (Score:5, Funny)

Now, ain't that "a weird name" really ...


Avirdnam - a vird nam - - a weird name...




On a side note, maybe it's me being anti counterfeelings, but I'm starting to like the name. Has a nice ring to it. Mandriva... Yeah, it's actually ok.

Now, if it works more or less ok, which is to be expected from the 2005 Limited Edition (yeah, this is from the company that makes up hated names) considering rc2 that I'm typing this on, it may well work out fine.


In a year from now, the world will have moved on and accepted that "among the distributions that are powerful yet easy to use, Mandriva Linux ('relative newcomer') is one of the best... It certainly holds its own next to SUSE of Novell, Ubunto of Canonical and Fedora Core of RedHat."

Edited by aRTee
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I don't have a good idea about how 'Mandriva' sounds like in French or German or English. But in Portuguese, here in Brazil, the coutry of Conectiva, when I read Mandriva I had feel something in my stomac that I can not discribe. Maybe if you try to speak Mandriva mading a strange mounth like French people, the sound looking good... Do you belive that?

Mandriva don't sounds like a tropical desies here. It sound like nothing. I think that the money people behind from Conectiva is crying now.

Very very very very very stupid name. Limited edition 2005 was stupid but Mandriva wins easy in stupidness.

Edited by ethraza
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Well.. it's official, so there is nothing we can do about that.


ConnecDrake is good.. but just way too generic. Besides, it sounds more "tacked-on" than Mandriva.


And if you count the "discussion" at slashdot seriously, you must be more mind-damaged than well.. the people who are making up the name "mandriva" :)

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Guest Grinning-Lizard

Actually, the name might not be so bad. Look at how successful "Mepis" has been - - - first time I read that name I thought someone couldn't make it to the bathroom in time.

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with that nick you must be a SUSE user. SUSE, previously SuSE, is also not a really good name.

Meanwhile, it does have the reputation of being one of the most solid, tested, usable Linuxes out there.


So I agree with you. The name won't close any doors that were open, except for the door to the courtroom with Hearse...


Let's continue to keep supporting this distro, whatever the name, and help to improve it!

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with that nick you must be a SUSE user. SUSE, previously SuSE, is also not a really good name.

you mean Novell Desktop Linux, previously SUSE, previously SuSE? ;)

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Whatever they call it, I'm glad to Diskdriva now detects my card reader properly.  If only XFdriva would stop changing my conf file to use the nv driver when I'm upgrading to a new NVidia driver.  And shouldn't that be XOdriva?  It's also good to see drivaconnect with rudimentary ndiswrapper support.  One thing is clear, Mandriva Linux 2005 Limited Edition will be a solid..




Let us know about Mandriva Linux 2005 Limited Edition will be coming out that will be nice from you.


From Mandrake-user :banana:

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  • 4 weeks later...

I agree to vote for a new name for Mandriva do you think? :banana:

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I agree to vote for a new name for Mandriva do you think? :banana:


Well that is a good idea lets change it why not,let to it.

So can I log in on Monday evening mandriva-user?. :banana:

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