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Show Off Your Desktop: March 2005


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and another :cheesy:


The reason I'm posting this on is to show how stock icons are being fixed in Icon Themes. Wha? :o Yup! That's right. Grab the new d3a-icons and check it out. I haven't anounced the update at gnome-look because I'm trying to find out more about it and more to add. If you know or find anything, please let me know. I'm trying to fix media, and undo/redo... among others.


the new dir is d3a-icons/32x32/gtk

and you'll notice in this shot that the toolbar is complete despite not using the d3a gtk theme or an iconrc.



gtk theme= Clearlooks-Phacile_blue


Edited by bvc
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Nice !!!  :afro:


Any chance that we'll see a silver/metal GTK2 theme and icons to Gnome, bvc?

got a link to a screenie of what you have in mind? I have been thinking about that for a long time, but for a long time a lot of ppl complain that there's already too many gray based themes. I guess if it were a good quality one that couldn't be said though.

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got a link to a screenie of what you have in mind? I have been thinking about that for a long time, but for a long time a lot of ppl complain that there's already too many gray based themes. I guess if it were a good quality one that couldn't be said though.

Perhaps something in this style:




this one is also nice: http://skins3.wincustomize.com/starone/wb/...Silverblind.jpg


Here's a real silver: http://skins3.wincustomize.com/starone/wb/SilverDoe.jpg


Well...I had in mind shiny metal. Perhaps Shiny brown metal for ubuntu theme :cheesy:


Or a mix of glass of shiny metal....

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what's what?


You could do about half of that with gtk and metacity but it would be tough. I don't particularly care for the style to be honest. If I tackle something though, I'll be sure to post in art and design to get your input.


here's yet another Clearlooks:

Clearlooks-Lucidity (clearness of thought or style)

roughly based on Phacile-beige colors





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oh.  this is from before i switched to Gnome recently.  i modified the backgrounds on the kroller bar and fantastik monitor to match the weather monitor.  if i could only get gdesklets to work on my gnome system.




Did you:

'Run Application' ---> type 'gdesklets'


thereafter 'gdesklets /usr/share/gdesklets/Displays/<folder>/<display>.display

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