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What office software do people use?


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Just out of interest - I wonder what office suits people are using out there? I use cxoffice with MS Office XP - mostly because I have to use MS office products for work and I have never yet found another office suite that can actually open all MS files without any problems - especially powerpoint presentations.


Also, OpenOffice takes far too long to start up.


Let me know...

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I used a demo of Hancom for a little while and I really liked it. The two factors that stopped me using it where that it's not free ( :D ) and also that it doesn't open MS office files perfectly :(


Actually, if it had opened MS Office files perfectly (it was pretty good!) then I might have considered paying the cost.

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I use Open Office and while I agree that it takes waayyyy too long to open up once it's started it works great. I also use KWord and KSpread. Just depends on what I'm doing and how fast I want to do it. I'll admit that they're not nearly as slick as MS Office apps but they do the job well enough for what I use them for.


As for your second question I use Open Office because it's compatible with MS Office and it's free! I do have MS Office installed on a second HD but I only boot into that one for my job and I'm determined to not use Windoze products for anything other than what's absolutely necessary (the program I have to run for work).

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Guest jglen490

Another vote for OpenOffice.org.


Actually KOffice is becoming better. KWord could use some help with .doc formats, but .rtf works very well. Considering the few resources that the KOffice group has, they are doing a good job.


I haven't tried abiword, not have I tried gnumeric, but there are many good things said about those products, also.

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I use LaTeX mostly, in conjunction with Open Office. I use OO so I can see what I write/do right away, then I compile it in LaTeX to get in the format I want.


Why LaTeX? Is this a question I should answer? Just chek out the quality, and then lets see if you have the question again :)

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