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NWN client delayed


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Patience... I've been in contact with BioWare, but I can't let out secret confidential information.


I'm no longer worrying about it.


Just don't start bitching out the people that are on our team... We're lucky that they'd waste their time and money on us, especially since most of the people waiting are doing nothing but badmouthing them.

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Sorry, what I mean is can't they just put everything you need for the game to run on most linux systems right on the game disc without you needing a separate copy made for a different OS?

If your going to be buying the game for linux off of a store shelf and not downloading it.

I know the company that made the game is still getting the cash for the game but just how hard is it to do this?

Dosn't buying a game that runs in the windows OS still support windows in the end. Isn't the company that made the game in microsofts OS somehow in someway still paying them to use the tools at least to program in their OS.

I can understand needing the cdkeys and maybe the main game engine IF you downloaded it off the web. I would like to see the game on store shelves with the words "made for linux" on the cover. I'm sure Wall-mart would love to have games and other software all packeged and ready to go made just for the Wall-Mart/Linux computers. The best selling insentive we could have for linux is when people go into the store and finally SEE software made just for linux. It puts the final proffesional touch to the whole " linux is a viable alternative" thing. Does it realy matter if the same engine and main graphic files are the same ones as for windows. Its the look we need, not the content. We all know the content is what counts but we need the people who controle the buisiness spending to see the products when they go X-mass shoppong for their kids.

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What you are saying WILL happen - all in due time.


However, there are some major things preventing it right now:


1) Small-spread use of Linux BY GAMERS.


Once more people start switching over and STOP buying Windows games (for play with WineX) then the Windows game sales will drop. This will be easily explained to game publishers IF people email them asking about any possible Linux games. I am at this stage now, as are many others, just simply not enough to make a difference at this time.


2) Non profitability for the Linux games.


Electronics Boutique was burned by Loki games not selling, as evidenced by them still having the odd Loki title priced at $3... They have turned down LGP's titles, to the best of my knowledge... Most likely for the fear that they will end up losing money again. If Linux gamers had got themselves educated about what games were out there, and then actually went and bought them, then EB wouldn't feel this way today. There isn't any profit for Linux games. YET.


3) Companies offer games as DOWNLOAD-ONLY.


This has got to be stopped. I read up on the recent Transgaming "ports" of the Kohan series, and I, at one point, considered buying one. But I decided to get the Loki version instead, because of a few reasons... One, downloads are an inaccurate way to measure sales, unless you're only allowed to download it once, in which case, what happens if it gets corrupted during the download? Also, it's not a true port, since it uses Transgaming's version of Winelib - this is essentially a Win32 product packaged in an installer (I assume it has an installer). I refuse to buy any games that are "ported" like this. But I'm getting off-topic now, and my point is here that many gamers want the actual CD. There are lots of benefits to owning the CD. I'll let you think about them.


4) Not enough selection.


You know it as well as I do, but there just isn't enough selection to satisfy *most* Linux users. Out of this was born WineX, which also happens to draw warez kiddies to Linux as well... Unfortunately. Now, explain to me, how will the selection ever grow when people will just use an emulation layer to play the games because they are too impatient to wait for a Linux version? The LEAST these people could do is email the company telling them their interest in the game for Linux. But most of them don't.


5) Publication costs are too high.


It isn't feasible, in my opinion, for a company to release a separate boxed version of their game for Linux. This means twice the costs for publishing the boxes and manuals, as well as pressing the CDs. Perhaps at a later date, but not right now. The downloadable client method, for most companies, is the better way to befriend the Linux users right now. That said, there are a few companies that do publish Linux games. At least one that I know of - LGP. They are nearly done Majesty, and are porting and publishing Disciples 2 after that. These games are in separate boxes, but this doesn't cost the original company, since LGP has to deal with all those details.




All that said, I'll now respond to your comments about buying the Windows CDs...


This is a choice one has to make for themselves - further the Windows market statistics, or support Linux in the easiest, most unconvenient way possible - ORDER ONLINE.


That's right. You *CAN* order Windows games with Linux ports online. I order from TuxGames. There are other retaillers, and I'm sure they will report their sales as Linux sales, but I KNOW that TuxGames does, and that's why I ordered UT2K3 when it came out from them, instead of walking to EB and buying it there.


Will it be convenient for you? Pfft, no. You'll have to wait for anywhere from a couple days up to over two weeks, depending on your location and where your order ships from, to get your games. You may pay more for the same CD than you would from buying it in Electronics Boutique...


But the question still ends up being: How bad do you really want to see Linux succeed? How loyal are you? How much do you, personally, want to contribute to Linux's success in the gaming market?


Take part now, and get yourself bragging rights when this OS gets kicked up a notch and starts getting major attention from other big publishers.


Or reject this call to arms, and live with the fact that you just sat by the wayside and watched the Linux gaming market crumble.

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Right now the best if not almost the only way to get anything linux is by download or mailorder. The wait in shipping is no problem!! I just like the idea of dedicated publications in linux.

Almost all the games I have now for MS I have found can be made to run in linux in some way or another. Id's software is the only stuff I even want to try emulating in linux. Quake rocks!! Writing to the companies asking in nice ways for linux realeases sounds quite reasonable for me to do.

I haven't checked out your web site yet but do you or will you have a list of your favorate linux games maybe listed as linux environment games, MS ports only sofar and others that can be made to work with effort.

I'm not b-tching obout the low choice of games in linux, it's just something that takes time to build up. Heck the first comps I used were networked HP's with the green screen and princes phone modems! Now talk about a lack of games! TRS80's were the thing because we could make the printer play kids songs.

I will be ordering all of my linux games online no matter what just to get counted.


Thanks for the info though and keep up the good work.

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Id's software is the only stuff I even want to try emulating in linux. Quake rocks!!


Umm... Which id Software game would require emulation, exactly??

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I have a list of games like that on my site, and there are more too.


I am working on a major site update, at which point I will have more games listed.

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