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Open source miracle horse stuns MS Japan


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I think their saying that if you use free and open-source you'll it'll help you become pregnant so you don't have to buy yoghurt.


Better give that to my StarOffice to my wife! :D


J/P i don't got a wife. lol

I am not all to interested in having foals for children...



but whatever floats yer boat :P

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Maybe you just have to understand Japenese Psychology?

Well I suspect it's a proverb of some kind.


In the meaning of "Being so baffled that you give birth to a horse" or something. Know what I mean? :unsure:


Maybe one of our Japanese members would know?




P.S. For things like this, we really need someone here:


http://www.mandrakeusers.org/index.php?showtopic=5604 ,


who can translate from Japanese :D

Edited by Darkelve
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SoulSe is the only one who has got it.


The Japanese advertising is taking the piss out of all those idiotic advertisements from Microsoft and there is not a thing Microsoft can do about .


I suspect that Microsoft sales people are so dumb when it comes to real intellect that this all just goes straight over their heads.


I remember the brilliant one from Fuji Film about the new born baby popping up a camera and snapping a picture. It was shown in Australia for a long time and extremely popular. It was not only cute and original but was taking the piss out of Kodak shitty adverts without making any reference to them or copying them and again dumb Kodak sales people could not see it although everybody else did.


If you do not think the japanese have not caught on to the Aussie "taking the piss" expertise then you should see the Japanese car makers and their ads. They are brilliant and funny. Love the ones about the dog and "bugger" . Some idiots tried to get the series of adverts banned and they were withdrawn for a few days but after the uproar from the general public who loved the ads, they were continued.


American sales people seem to think they are the worlds experts but you only have to look at adverts from around the world and you soon realise that is nowhere near the truth. Not even a quarter way to the truth.


So I am not at all surprised by this advert from Japan. Way to go.


Cheers. John.

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I suspect that Microsoft sales people are so dumb when it comes to real intellect that this all just goes straight over their heads.

Well, that was one of the most important reasons I liked the commercial.


But AussieJohn, given the position they are taking and their love for "classical, well-proven, pre-fab" commercials, they really don't have any other options. And I agree they probably lack the imagination for that. Or maybe they don't, but management never would agree.


Either way, there's nothing they can do about it.



I could probably make up a dozen of similar commercials myself (sometimes when I nap in the train I fantasize about what such a commercial will look like :) ). It's not hard, once you find the right concept. In an Open Source world, clearly treated as the "underdog" by M$, humor (and especially this kind of humor) is the key.


I didn't know the expression "taking the piss (out of it)" before, but I imagines that's probably a good way to describe it.



Edit: here's a nice article:



"Microsoft looks for $1bn savings"


Are you thinking what I thinking? Yes/No?


"Hint: why, this is excactly the same amount that IBM..."


Ah, delicious irony...


(someone make an ad out of this, quick! :P )

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but the thing is..... StarOffice isnt open source.....

yes, i realise it is the commercial version of openoffice, and that it is essentially OOo with stuff on top.


There isnt a reference to the free OpenOffice anywhere. Nor is there a reference to Open Source in the advert.


It is not promoting Open Source, it is promoting a commercial alternative to MS Office, taking the piss out of MS, a damn good alternative too. But it's not promoting OSS.

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