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Linux Version of WINISO


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Yes, I know you can do loopbacks and know how to do so. But this iso was some odd headers and footers and neither mandrake, nero, or anything except WinISO has opened it. Faced with a choice of buying WInISO for $30 bucks I thought I would stop and ask you people if anyone knows of a linux alternative (smart program with gui that understands different ISO formats)? I've already trolled soureforge and freshmeat? Any ideas? :evilmod::evilmod::evilmod:

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Hi Cannon,


Isobuster under Windows could work, without paying




Under Linux I am using 'mount-iso-image':



It's a neat and userfriendly konqueror servicemenu addon, right click on the iso file, action, mount iso! Works fine here with 10.0 CE.

(When installing it, running ./install.sh, the script is looking for a /home/$user/.kde/apps/konqueror/servicemenus directory which is missing, i had to create the /servicemenus manually.)

But I guess, this won't help you with your special iso file ...

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