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Hi all. For those interested, Mageia2-rc has been released just a short while ago.

Various CD and DVD options available including boot net-install which I have downloaded and burnt.


Will be installing it as soon as I conclude this post.


Cheers. John.



[moved from Talk-Talk by spinynorman]

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Thanks John.


Downloaded the RC myself this afternoon.

Installation went smooth, and as far as i can oversee, another great product has been made by voluntary input.:thanks:

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Thanks John for the info, do post back with your thoughts and views on your install and how it's working for you :)

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Thanks Isadora and Ian.

An Update.


Installed AOK with no apparent hitches.


Some Points.

1. Yawp, the weather plasmoid seems to be a bit screwed up. When mounted it is initially near totally transparent. It does not set-up automatically responding to saved settings in home hidden files as it does in Mageia-1.

Also in Mageia-1 it was a default install but not in this one which is a bit of a disappointment but that is all.

2. Audacious, even though skins is installed it cannot be set for random skin selection when the XMMS style is selected, also the xmms style cannot be made double size as can be done in Mageia-1 which is a need for a large monitor.


The following are not complaints or criticisms, just observations which might inspire the Mageia team to bring them on.


3. Mahjongg-3D is still not available.

4. The 2 packages, apcupsd and gapcmon, that the great Adam Williamson produced in Mandriva for APC Backups fitted with USB monitoring still haven't been ported to Mageia. They are far superior to the current back-ups alternatives offered, are much more configurable and supply much more detailed data.


In my Mageia-1 I am going to try and install the current Mandriva packages of 3 and 4 for the interim in the hope that Mageia can bring them up some time soon.


Cheers. John.

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Also tried the RC on my desktop pc, all i got was a black screen with a cursor that can move and that's it

The graphic card is a Nvidia FX5200 and the mobo a VIA K8M800, nothing special. Mageia 1 worked well on this pc

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Doesn't work well on my lappy. But then - not one distro was able to work as expected on my samsung lappy. They all have problems with the screen. Gonna wait some weeks, maybe there will be a fix.

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Doesn't work well on my lappy. But then - not one distro was able to work as expected on my samsung lappy. They all have problems with the screen. Gonna wait some weeks, maybe there will be a fix.

Have you filed a bug report?

Without that no one will know there's a problem to fix.

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I copied the Mahjongg-3D, gapcmon and apcupsd from Mandriva2011 and installed them AOK into my Mageia-1.

Neither the gapcmon or the apcupsd appeared in the Menu. I started them up using the Konsole. After opening gapcmon I ticked the options of <Use TrayIcon> so the application did not shut down when I closed Konsole.

Mahjongg-3D didn't seem to have any dependency's and it did appear in the Menu.

I hope these 3 packages can be made part of Mageia-1 and 2 for others as well as myself.


I have noticed that a bug report notice appears at the bottom of the screen once my account opens whenever Mageia-2-rc is rebooted but nothing seems to be not working correctly so I just close the notice.


Mageia-2-rc seems to be pretty solid at this stage (with all updates) with no noticeable problems which sure bodes extremely well for the final release in a weeks time. I am really looking forward to it. Great going Mageia team.


Cheers. John.

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