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Hello everyone.


I have My Main fully operational Computer complete with extensive Hardware upgrade and running with Mageia-1. It is connected by Wi-Fi to my ADSL-2 Modem operating over landline.

My Spare and Backup Computer, now using major components taken from my Main machine, and running Mandriva2010.2 is now fully functional and connected to the same landline ADSL-2 modem by Wi-FI also.

Both are working perfectly this way.

Now I would like to be able to swap Photos, Videos and Music between them.


Can anyone tell me what programmes I need to install to be able to do this. Please keep the suggested methods as simple as possible.

I would hope to be able to do it via the Mandriva/Mageia Control Centres. I have tried some considerable googling on this subject but most of the suggestions are overly geekish and very difficult to understand or follow.


Any suggestions please.


Cheers. John.

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Hi John,


If you wish to do it via MCC, then the easiest will be to install the drakwizard application which will add a ton of stuff to the MCC panel. Then you will be able to click and install samba to run on one machine, and then connect to it from the other one. You only need to configure the samba server on one of your machines. The other will just be a client which will access the server and allow you to copy files from it to that machine.

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The easiest way to sync to PCs is using unison http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/unison/ . It should be in the Mandriva repositories. Once you installed it on MainPC, create a configuration file on that PC. It must be a text file with extension .prf, something like this

# Unison preferences file
root = /home/AussieJohn
root = ssh://AussieJohn@OtherPC:22
path = Videos
path = Music
path = Photos

This presumes that you run the ssh server on the PC named OtherPC and your username is AussieJohn on both PCs (change as appropriate). ssh is not the only way to use unison, please check the documentation.


Be sure to save preferences in ~/home/AussieJohn/.unison/example.prf on the MainPC. Once this is done, you are ready to go.


I always have unison on both PCs, so maybe you will need to install it on both PCs too. In that case, you will need to use the same versions on both machines. Since your machines run flavours of Mandriva which are 2 years apart, you might find that the versions in the repos differ. If so, just download the latest gtk static binary from the Unison website and place it in /usr/local/bin on both PCs.

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Yes NFS is good for Linux only hosts, although you have to mount from the command line or CLI, you cannot do it directly in konqueror or nautilus. With samba, you can, and so it's easily accessible without mounting it :)


I know John would prefer to mount in the gui, and not have problems for example if the other computer wasn't turned on when he attempted to access his files on the other machine. Although, this wouldn't necessarily need to be a major problem. With samba, you can access it on the fly without having to remember the sequence in ensuring one computer is on before the other as you would need to do with NFS.


I use NFS in the office with a NAS, but then it's always on and accessible :)

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Yes NFS is good for Linux only hosts, although you have to mount from the command line or CLI,........................


For me it is no problem mounting those through MCC:



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Thank you all.

Isadora, your nfs seems to be what I need. I have installed the two NFS packages on to their respective machines. Then reboooted.


Can you please walk me through the rest of the process because I do not seem to find where to start. Lets imagine that my main computor which has Mageia-1 is named <partyinside> and the other machine with Mandriva2010.2

is named <partyoutdoors>. Now I go into MCC then Network Sharing.

Where to from there ??. Is it Share Drives and Directories using NFS or is it Access NFS shared drives and Directories ??.

If is the former then what data do I insert into ADD. I am afraid that that part has me baffled.

If it is the latter as shown in your post then do I click Search Servers ??. When I do that nothing happens.

Are there other packages that need to be installed such a Samba or whatever.


Cheers. John

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Hi John,


I can't tell you how to do it with drakwizard, or the MCC tools, but on one machine you'll need to make one directory accessible for sharing. For example /home. Then from the other machine, using MCC, you should be able to mount the partition somewhere else, so for example, you connect to machine1 and mount /home to for example /mnt/home (if this directory existed on machine2).


NFS is not browseable, this was why I suggested samba as it can be easily got at than compared to NFS.

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Hello John,


"Share drives and directories using NFS" gives you the ability to share drives and directories on the local machine (partyinside).

"Access NFS shared drives and directories" gives you the ability to connect to shared drives/directories at a remote machine (partyoutside).


So, to make it possible at partyinside, to connect to drives/directories at partyoutside, you have to open MCC at the latter, and choose "Share drives and directories using NFS", and define whatever you want to share.

Back at partyinside you start MCC and choose "Access NFS shared drives and directories", click at "Search servers", takes a while and will return to you the defined share. Selecting this share gives you the opportunity to mount it, or whatever.


Samba-packages are not needed, everything necessary will be asked for during setup.

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Thank you Isadora.

I think I am starting to get the gist of it. However when I am in partyoutside (my spare machine) in <DrakNFS manage NFS shares> there is nothing there until I press the Add button. Then up pops a <Modify entry> panel.

In ....Directory.. clicking on it brings up the entire Mandriva tree. Since I want to access anything in both ...Home... and .....MixedMedia... which are both partitions what do I select here or should I select....root ...??.

In ...Host access..... the <Information> is full of gobbledegook. There is a * in the window and when the down arrow is pressed it reveals the following * *. and what do I choose here please ???.

In....User ID:...it is showing <No user UID mapping> which seems to be the default. Should this be changed to one of the other alternatives available, if so then I guess the next two lower bars come into involvement ??.

In the ....Advanced section.. (further down) I have changed the read only from <yes> to <no> since I want to both read and write.


At this point the two sections I need advice for is

(1) What to select in ....Directory

(2) What to select in ....Access


I suspect that...User ID:....can be left as it is .


I have currently NFS in running mode on both machines.


Would I be correct in thinking that once I get it working in this first direction then I can do the same for the opposite direction so I can my sharing which ever machine I am on at the time without having to come back to my main machine (partyinside) to do swapping ???.


Cheers. John.

Edited by AussieJohn
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In ....Directory.. clicking on it brings up the entire Mandriva tree. Since I want to access anything in both ...Home... and .....MixedMedia... which are both partitions what do I select here or should I select....root ...??.

In ...Host access..... the <Information> is full of gobbledegook. There is a * in the window and when the down arrow is pressed it reveals the following * *. and what do I choose here please ???.

In....User ID:...it is showing <No user UID mapping> which seems to be the default. Should this be changed to one of the other alternatives available, if so then I guess the next two lower bars come into involvement ??.

In the ....Advanced section.. (further down) I have changed the read only from <yes> to <no> since I want to both read and write.


At this point the two sections I need advice for is

(1) What to select in ....Directory

(2) What to select in ....Access


Cheers. John.

John, you'll probably want to make two shares /home and /MixedMedia.

For access I found "allow real remote root access" works best if you're going to create directories on the remote share.

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