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space disk 4 mandriva 2011.0 ?


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hi !


salut , j'ai une petite question :pc:


les mises à jour me propose la version 2011.0 de mandriva ..


il y a la possibilitée de cocher une case pour instaler la version " complète " avec le message d'avertissement suivant :

ATTENTION :excl: beaucoup d'espace disque dur nécéssaire ... :wacko:


..qui pourrait me dire de combien de place mandriva 2011.0 a t'il besoin pour la mise a jour ?

:thanks: merci

Edited by leito666
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Welcome Leito.





I agree, :thumbs: I tried to translate it but didn't work ;)


I think it has something do to with mandriva 2011 installation and not having enough space to install :unsure:

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hello, I have a small question :pc:


updates offered me version of Mandriva 2011.0 ..


there be possibilities to check a box to the instaler "full" version with the following warning message:


ATTENTION :excl: much hard drive space required ... :wacko:


.. that could tell me how much space Mandriva 2011.0 was there a need to update?




Edited by leito666
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terminal run ???


.... since when computers will know how to run ..? :unsure: ..with those little legs ?.. :blink:



if I have 70 GiB free disk space.

(But I can do more if it is not enough for the version of Mandriva 2011.0) :bandana::thumbs:




me too .. K Bergen I still do not understand half of what you write :lol2: , i joke ...

(Thank you google translation! :party0046: )




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