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Is Mandrivausers dead?


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I'm using Linux Mint, as Ubuntu annoyed me after an upgrade called all sorts of problems and deleted all my emails (.evolution folder disappeared). Currently Linux Mint 10, but Linux Mint 11 is due at the end of the month. And my laptop has Linux Mint Debian, and it's really cool :)

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Mint is a nice distribution, used it a while in virtual machine.

This, of course, was Mint 9, code-name "Isadora". B)

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I have looked at Ubuntu, Fedora, and OpenSuSE, and they all look pretty much the same in different colors. I have not looked at Mint yet. I will check it out.





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Mint has two versions, one built on Ubuntu, but far more polished and finished off. There is also Mint Debian, which is faster than the Mint Ubuntu, but has far more updates as it's based on Debian Testing, but you never need to reinstall or change repos anytime, because it's constantly updated. Testing is pretty stable. If you know Debian, there are three versions - stable, testing and unstable (what they refer to as sid). Stable has far less updates, testing has more but I've never experienced problems with stability, unstable will have. I had this once and when I updated something broke, but after a day or two it was fixed again in the next update. Wasn't a serious bug, but could have been. So I would recommend Mint Debian if you don't want to keep reinstalling.

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Am downloading Mageia2011 RC right now. (35percent already.)


Beta2 has been very stable thus far with lots of updates but will do an upgrade process to see how that goes and then I will do a clean install to also see how that runs.

I expect both runs will be very good. Anyone care to join me ???.


Cheers. John.

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Thanks for the information on the differences between the Mint distros. I am not familiar with the Debian model, but I will check into it. I did read that Debian tends to be a bit behind the times on apps upgrades, which is the price you pay for stability.



I am interested in Mageia as well, but that looks to be a bit volatile for a while. I see that it has been climbing the popularity list at distrowatch.




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I will give it a go, but I want to try a Live CD first to see how it plays on my computer. I noticed that the RC 1 Live CD's are not out yet, and I cannot find the Beta ISO's anywhere. I keep getting redirected to the Download page that has only the RC on it.... sans Live CD ISO's. I guess I will just wait until they are available.




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I did read that Debian tends to be a bit behind the times on apps upgrades, which is the price you pay for stability.


If you have Debian Stable, then yes, but then the packages available and versions are far higher than that of let's say, Red Hat, CentOS which would be classed at the same level. But if you have Testing, then you'll find it's much better.

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Of course John,


Mageia for me is rock-stable without major problems.

Reported bugs is taking care for within the shortest of time.

I expect a good first release within scheduled time.


PS: Release Candidate 1 is out now!!!

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Installed RC both ways as I said I would. Absolutely no glitches or problems.


Looks good as well. Even better after I did my appearance makeover. :)


Cheers. John.

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Installed here as well, no problems during installation.

Updates during installation works , as expected ;-)


Flash-install went smooth after clicking link in Youtube-video for installing Flash, very nice.

Rock-stable so far, and great expectations for the official.:thanks:

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Installed here as well, no problems during installation.

Updates during installation works , as expected ;-)


Flash-install went smooth after clicking link in Youtube-video for installing Flash, very nice.

Rock-stable so far, and great expectations for the official.:thanks:

Now, that really sounds promising. When was the last time a Mandriva RC worked without problems? Seems like a very long time ago... I am looking forward to the final Mageia release. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sadly, Mageia for me in VirtualBox was a complete showstopper. Installed fine, but wouldn't start a graphical environment. Had what I expected was going to be the login screen, but no login box appeared. Disappointing. Maybe because it's the RC? Doubt it though.


Tried installing guest additions, but cannot because no kernel-devel available. Can't download it, because from the console, no way to get the mirrors set up to download packages and install without having to spend way too much effort, than if the GUI had been available, I could have logged in and clicked to set it up.


Had downloaded the Dual Arch 700MB CD which should have been sufficient to have a system working. Sadly it seems, not. If it cannot give a working graphical environment, it doesn't fill me full of hope. Every other distro I've tested in VirtualBox works fine.


Will try the full release in a couple of days to see if it's any better. The 700MB should have been enough to get the system working. However, seems I will have to download the full DVD so that I've got all packages available, including a kernel-devel. Kind of defeats the object, and that I have to jump through hoops to get a working system.



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