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so the word from on high is mageia would prefer to start "afresh" with zero registered users, rather than leverage on the existing mandrivausers.org community


I'll report back as I discover info

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Yup strange and weird. But then Mandriva wasn't any different setting up their own forum instead of utilise one that had a huge userbase already. I guess some thing don't change.

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one step forward, two steps back ... who knows what's going on.


If somebody wants to represent us in IRC whilst I sleep (timezone differences) let me know.


Tux99 has been doing well in IRC :)

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Sleep? Paul, who said you could sleep? Man this place is just falling apart! :lol2:


I have an observation that may or may not be true. As a Christian in America, I am all too familiar with the lack of cooperation between churches, even churches within the same denomination. There is a possessive jealousy and lack of trust among congregations, and I could probably see this among other clubs and organizations. But the church example is best because Christians are admonished against such behavior. In the open source world, I have seen similar things. It ought not to be, but it is what it is. The notion of open source speaks against such, but it is something in people that brings this about. AT least that is what I think.


To not use existing users bases is an absurdity, and all-too familiar. :wall:

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Tux99 has been doing well in IRC :)


Thanks, but not well enough as I wasn't able to change their mind about IPB...


Anyway, as long as we have a Mageia forum soon, that will be still better than nothing and if Paul runs it, then I know it will be a great forum! :)


Paul, will you be using myBB then? AFAIK (correct me if I'm wrong) that's the only FOSS forum software that get's security patches quickly (which is crucial for a forum software).

Edited by tux99
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Well, Mageia does have several ex-Mandriva employees aboard - likely still thinking like Mandriva the company. Those employees could very well be steering this decision not to use MUB.


Heck, Mandriva's own forum is still phpBB version 2 which was retired by phpBB two years ago:

Commencing Wednesday 1st October 2008, phpBB 2.0.x download links will be removed from the download page at phpBB.com. Anyone wishing to obtain phpBB 2.0.x can continue to obtain the 2.0.x package at sourceforge.net.


Commencing Thursday 1st January 2009, phpBB 2.0.x will be formally retired, and support will no longer be actively provided for 2.0.x. Converting from 2.0.x to 3.0.x will continue to be supported.


Security patches, if required, will be provided until Sunday 1st February 2009.



Mandriva's official forum does not show forward thinking...

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Well, this whole Mageia forking affair got me here after ten years plus of using Mandriva and eight years on the Mandriva forum and I won't be leaving here just because Mageia is starting a forum. I suspect there is probably a unique role for each of these forums. Certainly your place here hosts a lot of useful resources that aren't likely to be replicated elsewhere. Hopefully the surrounding turmoil will continue to bring others here as well. - George

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Guest Herman the Hermit

Hmm, we should have stuck a fork into Mandriva years ago. The main reason I use Mandriva is the drake wizards. So as far as I'm concerned, we could just as well use PCLinuxOS or Fedora and fork only the wizards. We don't really need to fork the whole distribution.

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The thing about an existing forum, it has history and these posts are invaluable to resolutions to problems. Starting the mageia forum from scratch, there's nothing. So what happens? The same old questions get asked over and over again. It's like reinventing the wheel.


Will be good to see what it's like when Mageia gets off the ground and up and running.

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Hmm, we should have stuck a fork into Mandriva years ago. The main reason I use Mandriva is the drake wizards. So as far as I'm concerned, we could just as well use PCLinuxOS or Fedora and fork only the wizards. We don't really need to fork the whole distribution.


Just to be more clear, when I said "I won't be leaving here", I meant "I won't be leaving the mandrivausers.org forum" NOT that "I won't be leaving Mandriva". As for whether I will be leaving Mandriva or not, that remains to be seen. At this point Mageia doesn't even exist. At this point there really is no fork *yet*. When Mageia emerges, *then* I will decide which one I will go with. - George

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my last email

but they don't seem to be listening. they seem to want control.

The discussion I had with Anne lead me to believeforum.mageia.org will not offer support to "end users" as it competeswith the very community that is supposed to supporting the project.


If Mageia offers its' own support then why shouldcommunity leaders (such as myself) bother?


This is the same problem mandriva had.


If this forum is for developers, and the support is offeredthrough the community, then this "competition" does not happen.


In any case, the dns has changed over the last 24 hours.Forum.mageia.org does not resolve


Paul Willard.

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Hi Paul

Good news, at least we have our new server, we don't need to bother you anymore :)

thanks for your help !

so we just need to install on this new server phpbb3 !

i will do that during the night, we did not have any post for the moment so no need to save the db.

do you want to be admin of this forum ?



oh well that was fun for a week .. looks like they don't want our help, or our 20,000 users .. they would prefer doing it them selves

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