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2010.1 release date?


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I don't think anyone knows the actual release date. All that Mandriva has indicated is that it will be after the ongoing negotiations about the future "ownership" of the distro are concluded.





Edited by jkerr82508
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According to some countdown-clocks on the net (ie MIB Mandriva International Backports) release within 10 days from now.

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Given that the new owner of Mandriva appears to be Linagora, maybe Mandragora would be suitable? ;)


Mandragora would close the circle started in 1998, since it's an alias for Mandrake... :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm still waiting for the release, the page stated "june 2010" :unsure: what happened w/ the 2010.1 release? Does anybody knows?


Mandriva Spring (2010.1) will be released at July 8th.

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Mandriva Spring (2010.1) will be released at July 8th.


Thanks! but how do you know this stuff? in mandy's page they used a "strikethrough" font where it says june and wrote beside july without an exact day... :mellow:

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Thanks! but how do you know this stuff? in mandy's page they used a "strikethrough" font where it says june and wrote beside july without an exact day... :mellow:


By the time i answered your question, it was mentioned by Anne Nicolas (Mandriva SA).

That on the Mandriva Cooker Mailinglist at 11:20 this morning local time.


Now you can find releasedate at:


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