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Everything posted by spiedra

  1. From what I gather about neoyeo's 2 posts, he doesn't want our guidance or help. I would have understood and sympathised if he wanted to vent some frustration and critisize if after having asked for help, things are still not working, but he only registered to complain about Mandrake without attempting to tweak or fix the system through our help and guidance. How many of us have never had to tweak Linux or Windows for that matter? This is nothing more then an exit post that really doesn't deserve this much attention.
  2. Where did you extract your display sensor? Sounds like it's just a matter of pointing to the correct location of the Goodweather.display file. That path you posted is the actually gdesklets directory that contains all of your preferences so the file would'nt be there unless you extracted them there.
  3. Follow the Gdesklets Faq's. It will walk you through installing Gdesklet, the display themselves known as desklets, and running them. Should solve a lot of these problems. Then it will run from your startup script.
  4. Well, what do you want us to say? You haven't given us a chance to help you out. You registered only to complain. Would have been better off emailing the developers. And perhaps they'll incorparate some changes based on your feed back. Usually the people here register to help and be helped. Your 2 posts were only to say you're leaving. No offence, but since you haven't asked for help, I don't sympathise with you.
  5. tyme: Is that really OSX. Man that looks sweet!!! bvc: What is the icon set? Might go well with Flux.
  6. Add your sources and do from a console as root: urpmi gdesklets Or go to software manager and install it that way.
  7. Try unchecking the lock file in kppp set up. It fixed a similar issue I had some time ago that may or may not fix this.
  8. Turn your debugger on, it should tell you where the problem lies.
  9. Good deal. Canon's can be tricky in my experience. I found you either have to try all the drivers on the CD or use Turboprint. You should post this in the Tips and Tricks forum. I have one there about a Canon i450. Thanks for posting that tip. Maybe the nice Mods can move your post. :)
  10. We don't need attitudes like that here. These kind people were nice to offer some help. If you don't appriceate that, get off this board and post elsewhere. In fact, don't post at any Linux forum at all. Just stick with Windows.
  11. Ok you should have posted this in Other Distributions forum. There are some people here that use Fedora that can answer your question. You're likely to get a better answer there.
  12. as root try from a console: urpmi ltmodem-kv_2.4.22_1.2197.nptl-8.31a5-1.i686.rpm Should resolve dependencies.
  13. spiedra

    Gimp2 dependencies

    Try typing as root from a console: urpmi gimp2_0-2.0.3-1mdk.i586.rpm It should take care of dependencies.
  14. Sorry for this misinfo. Thought Mandy 10 was using supermount. Not Magicdev.
  15. But if you use Wm's like Fluxbox, WindowMaker, then you have to use idesk or ROX.
  16. spiedra

    Fluxbox bug?

    Looks like you have 2 entries for the dockapps in your startup script. Or maybe if you exited Flux with multiple occurences of that running, then they will appear again until you remove them. I had the latter scenario happen wih gdesklets.
  17. Which Desktop. If it's KDE, either click and drag the shortcut from the menu to the desktop and panel or right click on the mouse and link to the executable. But if you don't use KDE, we need to know which one.
  18. I copied /etc/xfce4/xinitrc to ~./.xfce and then edited the file to get apps to start up. I didn't know you can run with the Gnome panel. I've got to try!
  19. Got the apps autostarting problem sorted out. I am really impressed with this. Good DE or Wm or whatever it is. I just might be a convert from Flux.
  20. I'd also like to welcome you to the world of Linux and the MUB. All of us at one point were noob's, no need to feel silly asking silly questions. We all have. Best way to learn would be to ask, read, but the best way would be to just tinker with it and break it time and time again. I've must have broken it so many times before I learned what I was doing and now it is such a rock solid system. I know Nautilus has a 2 pane view, but I would try using all kind of software and just experiment with all the flavors available to you. You will find this is probably the friendliest forum on the net today. Welcome aboard!
  21. From a terminal as root type: supermount -i enable Does it fix it? You'll have to reboot afterwards.
  22. Thanks I will. He seems to be the Flux King. Already tried the Gnome route, I just can't get into it.
  23. Man, I really like that! Anyway to get this to work in Flux?
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