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Everything posted by aru

  1. even a -1 job. Only root can set negative priorities; so let your user start a job, and then tell root to change its priority with /usr/bin/renice
  2. why piping here? just use the output of your first command as a parameter for the second one: ~$ kill -9 $(ps -C mpg123 -o pid=) or ~$ kill -9 $(/sbin/pidof mpg123) but Steve Scrimpshire is right, the more stright forward way will be using /usr/bin/killall: ~$ killall -e -s SIGKILL mpg123 btw, usually SIGKILL (same as kill -9) is not a good idea since the process killed that way probably won't be able to close itself the right way. Is better to try to kill it with a signal 15 (SIGTERM), and if that doesn't work, then kill it with signal 9.
  3. aru

    core files

    If you want to get rid of those core files, edit the file /etc/profile with something like this: [ "$UID" = "0" ] && ulimit -S -c 0 &> /dev/null or simply ulimit -c 0 By default mandrake sets only root to be able to get core dumps (memory dump of a program that failed). But if you are not interested on that info, just get rid of it as I said before ("help ulimit" for more info)
  4. hehehe, it's not that much ;) you can start with: Bash programing howto ; then go to this valuable Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide ; and finally master all this stuff with the Bash Reference Manual :D
  5. IMHO that stuff is not really important but is very useful to interact with iptables as if it was an other daemon in order to start it , stop it, check its status, and so on... So my advice to you is to study the original script and edit your own rules. Normally you'll only need to edit/create some variables, and surely you'll need to hack the start() function. You can safely leave all the other functions and the case statement as they are.
  6. Ofcourse not, If you have wrote another that will do it better, then you don't need the original one. For example, I'm used to replace the iptables script with my own set of rules That test will work only if you use nmap from a foreign machine placed in the "outside" world of the firewall (ie from internet). Notice that if you run nmap from your LAN or even from your localhost, many rules of the firewall aren't working, so a local nmap test is unuseful. If you have no chance to do your own that test, you can always try a security test from sites like http://grc.com (there are many, but I can't remember their names right now, so to be sure test as many as you find)
  7. aru

    lost my hdb

    No, I don't think so :( the kernel must do that for you while booting. Since you followed all the above advices w/o any succeed, I don't know what else you should do... besides of searching in the dev/ide tree for the cd entry. Check you bios settings, check the output of "dmesg", and check the /proc/ide tree to find out where the hell your cdrom device is located (because it was a plain CDrom not a CDRW, right?)
  8. good!! So you want hints? OK :D For example, to read user's input within a script use the "read" builtin; ie: echo -n "enter a value: " read variable echo "The value you entered was "$variable"" But that is damn slow in daily basis usage; so you might want to read the parameters used from the command line (with "postitonal parameters" or with "getopts"), or from STDIN (with redirections or pipes). Here are three great resources of info: [*]Bash reference manual [*]Me! :roll: --> you can ask me whatever you want about bash. I'll be glad to answer you If you want to learn (I know why I'm saying this) Of course, I'll be very glad. But I know that you want to do it your own, make your own mistakes, and search yourself for the answers (that's the REAL way to learn); and then if you think you need help or advice, then ask, so that way the answer will really teach you. :D There are lots of approaches to this. First, my advice is to create a user's bin directory and add it to the users $PATH, so your user will be able to call the script from everywhere. The script whereever it is placed will inherit the current $PWD variable (that is, the path of the dir where it was called from, so you don't need to tell it where it has to do the job if the job has to be done from the current directory). If you call the script from another directory different of the directory where it has to do the stuff, then I use to have this code in my scripts: CWD="some_path" # directory of work cd $CWD simple, isn't it? Me too!!!!!!!! :roll:
  9. If I understand right, you are trying to get high resolutions but you only get 800x600, right? Since the defaults for the screen are correcly set to "1024x768", I guess that your problem is with the monitor configuration; I'm sure that if you take a look to "/var/log/XFree86.0.log" you'll notice that none of the high resolution modes are supported due to values out of rank. So check out that the HorizSync and VertRefresh values are right (with the monitor's manual)
  10. aru

    lost my hdb

    Because of the new devfs system, and the new nomenclature; so now the ide devices are named that way (/dev/ide/.../). They are no more named /dev/hda#; But to allow backward compatibility you can link "new named" devices to links named the "old way" (this can be done by hand[1] or through devfsd(8) ) Sorry for that explanation, HTH. [1] by hand means that you'll need to do it on every reboot because the devfs is a virtual filesystem Are you sure that mounting with the new name doesn't work? As an example here is my entry on fstab (notice that is a cdrw, not a plain cdrom): /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target2/lun0/cd /mnt/cdrw iso9660 nosuid,exec,user,ro,noauto 0 0
  11. aru


    Carthago == MicroSoft ?? (sorry for the OT)
  12. remember to quote "*.rpm"; if not, the shell will expand it causing a mess ;)
  13. No need for that, IMHO just doing: mount -a -o remount after disabling supermount should be enough
  14. Just in case someone is interested in, and to increase my post counter, here is the final script that I used to convert the html saved files into BBCode formated text files to copy and paste here: #!/bin/bash # mup_parser.sh # script to parse MUO_html pages into TEXT_files for backup purposes pre_regexp='<th class="thRight" nowrap="nowrap">Message</th>' post_regexp='Display posts from previous' pre_regexp_2='postdetails' post_regexp_2='SPAN CLASS="postbody"' for file in *.html; do interm="post_${file}" sed -n "/$pre_regexp/,/$post_regexp/p" $file | sed -n "/$pre_regexp_2/,/$post_regexp_2/p" | egrep -v "${post_regexp//"/"}|Reply with quote|_________________" | sed " s/<img.*Joined/Joined/g; s/<b>/[b]/g; s/</b>/[/b]/g; s/(class="name">)/1<p>[_remove_color=red]<p>/g; s/<span class="postbody">/1[/color]<p>/g; s/^ $/<p>/g; s/<span style="font-size: ..px; line-height: normal">(.*)</span>/[size=18]1[/size]/g; s/<span style="font-weight: bold">(.*)</span>/[b]1[/b]/g; " | awk ' { # ---------------- quote ------------------ if ( /<td class="quote">.*color/ ) # Substitues quotes with begin and end in the same line. { sub("<td class="quote">","[i]"); sub("color","i") } else if ( /<td class="quote">/ ) # Substitue quote string with [i] and increases the counter (end quote in a different line) { sub("<td class="quote">","[i]"); ++count_quot } else if ( count_quot > 0 && /color/ ) # Closes quote as replacing "[/color]" with "[/i]" # y el valor del contador. { sub("color","i"); --count_quot }; # ---------------- code ------------------- if ( /<td class="code">.*color/ ) { sub("<td class="code">","[_remove_code]"); sub("color","code") } else if ( /<td class="code">/ ) { sub("<td class="code">","[_remove_code]"); ++count_code } else if ( count_code > 0 && /color/ ) { sub("color","code"); --count_code }; print; } ' > ${interm} lynx -dump -nolist ${interm} > text/${file/html/txt} rm ${interm} done remember to remove the "_remove_" string before testing the above code ... and to copy and paste quickly the tips&tricks backups --as I didn't knew how to handle the cookies of this site-- I used this script alongside with opera: #!/bin/bash # pseudo bot. # open opera and log into Mub; then launch this script. for file in text/*.txt; do htmlpage=test/${file##*/}.html subject="Tips&Tricks $(head -12 $file|sed -n '/.*Post subject:(.*)/ {s//1/g;p;}')" cat > $htmlpage <<- EOF <html> <form action="http://www.mandrakeusers.org/posting.php" method="post" name="post" onsubmit="return checkForm(this)"> <table><tr> <input type="text" name="subject" size="45" maxlength="60" style="width:450px" tabindex="2" class="post" value="${subject}" /> </tr><tr> <textarea name="message" rows="30" cols="100" wrap="virtual" tabindex="3" class="post" onselect="storeCaret(this);" onclick="storeCaret(this);" onkeyup="storeCaret(this);">$(cat ${file})</textarea> </tr><tr> <input type="checkbox" name="attach_sig" checked="checked" /> </tr><tr> <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="newtopic" /><input type="hidden" name="f" value="22" /><input type="submit" tabindex="5" name="preview" class="mainoption" value="Preview" /> <input type="submit" accesskey="s" tabindex="6" name="post" class="mainoption" value="Submit" /> </tr></table></form> </html> EOF opera -remote "openURL($PWD/$htmlpage,new-page)" mv $file sent/ sleep 25 done
  15. no, "-type" is related to the type of archive (f=file, d=directory, l=link...) what do you want goes with the "-name" or "-regex" flags, as: -name "*.txt" -regex "[0-9].*txt" the "{}" string is automatically substituted with the match that find gets at each time, so the "-exec" will work as moving the matched file to the desired directory that's good!!! remeber that everything is on the man pages (check the find man page to get a full description of the flags it can use) :) instead of use the "postreply" button use the "quote" one ;)
  16. ... Mr Richard Stallman The main head of the GNU project and the FSF Just for curiosity, I've made a little search on this board for the strings "Linus Torvalds" and "Richard Stallman". Linus at least gave 8 matches, but Saint Stallman return NONE. Well that made me feel a bit sad, since w/o him we won't be here as GNU-Linux would have never exist. Thanks to such idealist man the Free Software is a reality now (remember that L. Torvalds just developes the kernel for fun but not for any idealism) . Newbies remember: --> Who made the miracle was R. Stallman (along with thousands of other idealist developers) --> Who made the kernel was L. Torvalds So again, thanks Mr Stallman (despite that my editor is vim ;) ) btw, Stallman is spending some days here in Spain :roll: Links: http://www.gnu.org http://www.gnu.org/gnu/linux-and-gnu.html http://www.gnu.org/gnu/gnu-linux-faq.html http://www.stallman.org/
  17. which version are you using? is it an stable version or a beta? you might look at the OO site for a newer / bug fixed version... Just an advice from someone that is still using StarOffice 5.1 :)
  18. at least some light in the dark :D
  19. What the hell is that command, DOS??? I think you are not taking advantage of your stay in the home land of Linux!! :lol:
  20. First of all DON'T SHOUT!!!! use normal caps!!!!! create that directory; as root: just open a xterminal and at the prompt type, su; then enter the root's password. Be careful now because you'll be in DANGEROUS mode from this point. Now create the folder as: mkdir -p /usr/src/wine Move to that directory as: cd /usr/src/wine and unzip (or what ever) the wine package in it. btw, do you know that there should be a compiled and packaged wine for mandrake, just to plug and play ? You should take a look to any linux basic manual to start moving around. Some links: Basics: http://www.mandrakeuser.org/docs/ A good wine installation tutorial (at least the last time I saw it): http://icculus.org/~dolson/mdkxp/?c=ttrls/winexcvs
  21. while what Omar said is 100% correct, it can be done in just one step, just using find: [arusabal@localhost ~]$ find . -size +80000 -type f -exec mv {} path_to_new_dir/;
  22. I think is more stright-forward the "2. The un-known $CDPATH shell variable" as was exposed at "Bash tips & tricks" also related, on the same thread: 6. The revenge of cd (pushd/popd) 3. More on cd (typing errors) :P
  23. cannonfodder Moderator Joined: 16 Apr 2002 Posts: 1056 Location: Rochester, NY, USA Post Posted: Wed May 22, 2002 8:33 pm Post subject: Defeating copy protected music CD's _________________________________________________________________ Interesting article this is on how to quickly defeat copy protection on music cd's.... http://www.cnn.com/2002/TECH/industry/05/2...reut/index.html I've posted this as the copy protection scheme prevents you from playing the CD on your computer. I'm not advocating CD ripping one way or another Razz Last edited by cannonfodder on Thu May 23, 2002 2:01 am, edited 1 time in total Dragonmere Frequent user Joined: 02 May 2002 Posts: 139 Post Posted: Wed May 22, 2002 10:45 pm Post subject: _________________________________________________________________ Reminds me of "greening" CDs. Remember that? cannonfodder Moderator Joined: 16 Apr 2002 Posts: 1056 Location: Rochester, NY, USA Post Posted: Thu May 23, 2002 2:01 am Post subject: _________________________________________________________________ Never heard of it. What is it? thayne Senior user Joined: 29 Apr 2002 Posts: 401 Location: Your dreams Post Posted: Thu May 23, 2002 2:24 am Post subject: _________________________________________________________________ I don't know why they bother. ANY security measure they impose will be cracked. They need to embrace the internet and MP3's or they can keep spinning their wheels and wasting money. cannonfodder Moderator Joined: 16 Apr 2002 Posts: 1056 Location: Rochester, NY, USA Post Posted: Thu May 23, 2002 2:33 am Post subject: _________________________________________________________________ thayne wrote: I don't know why they bother. ANY security measure they impose will be cracked. They need to embrace the internet and MP3's or they can keep spinning their wheels and wasting money. They are going a step further and trying to get hardware manufactorers to develop hard drives, monitors, whatever that prevent copy protection. They want to make it as hard as possible. One one hand I understand they are losing lots of money due to copying. But on the other hand they are trying to stay with a business model that is behind the times. How many Cd's have you bought where you just like one song and you had to shell out megabucks for it? huh Frequent user Joined: 02 May 2002 Posts: 59 Location: North Carolina Post Posted: Thu May 23, 2002 12:14 pm Post subject: protected cd's _________________________________________________________________ saw Leo LaPort (techtv) run a marking pen around the edge of a protected cd on one of his shows last week. got the impression that doing so would defeat the protection scheme, but not sure I_NEED_HELP Frequent user Joined: 01 May 2002 Posts: 61 Location: U.K.(East Anglia) Post Posted: Thu May 23, 2002 2:47 pm Post subject: _________________________________________________________________ How are they going to stop someone putting a line from their stereo to the line in on their computer and copying them that way. Even if they do manage to make a cd unplayable on a computers drive i dont se ehow they will ever manage to stop people doing this. I think they are wasting their money trying to come up with copy protection schemes as they will always be an alternative way of doing things. teòma Frequent user Joined: 14 May 2002 Posts: 28 Location: Sweden Post Posted: Thu May 23, 2002 2:57 pm Post subject: _________________________________________________________________ cannonfodder wrote: How many Cd's have you bought where you just like one song and you had to shell out megabucks for it? Actually, I have bought all my CD's and I intend to buy more and a lot of these have been after hearing one song. But then I don't listen to the trendy 'pop' stuff that only has one good song on a CD. Those people are the ones that invented and use the MP3 format. Unfortunately, even I have some CD's with this protection, which wouldn't be so bad if they would play on my portable CD-player, but no. One good thing about the music I listen to it that, people always want the CD's and pirates are frowned upon even more than usually, now if the few record companies that keep adding the pointless protection would understand that all would be good Smile and the other thing you mentioned, about the hardware, that will never work, they will try, but it is destined to fail. Sorry if I sound like I am ranting, but I really hate this development by some *coughsonycoughosmosecough* stupid companies. Last edited by teòma on Thu May 23, 2002 2:59 pm, edited 1 time in total cannonfodder Moderator Joined: 16 Apr 2002 Posts: 1056 Location: Rochester, NY, USA Post Posted: Thu May 23, 2002 2:58 pm Post subject: _________________________________________________________________ They are trying to make it so your computer components will not allow that by forcing legislation onto hardware manufactorers. teòma Frequent user Joined: 14 May 2002 Posts: 28 Location: Sweden Post Posted: Thu May 23, 2002 3:03 pm Post subject: _________________________________________________________________ cannonfodder wrote: They are trying to make it so your computer components will not allow that by forcing legislation onto hardware manufactorers. Yep and that will never work, the music business may have a lot of money behind it, but not as much as the hardware manufactorers, not to mention the legislation has so many stupidies in it, it's unbelievable. Forcing that legislation will never work, even if it goes thru. Omar Serenity Moderator Joined: 16 Apr 2002 Posts: 358 Location: Michigan Post Posted: Fri May 24, 2002 12:28 am Post subject: _________________________________________________________________ The legislation has very many evil things in it that can be misinterpreted to affect more than they think. thayne Senior user Joined: 29 Apr 2002 Posts: 401 Location: Your dreams Post Posted: Fri May 24, 2002 2:39 am Post subject: _________________________________________________________________ I think they will loose more in the long run. I mean how many people only want to listen to music in their home stereo or car? I know if they make it so I cant listen to CD's on my PC or Mac, I won't be buying any of them. Period. cannonfodder Moderator Joined: 16 Apr 2002 Posts: 1056 Location: Rochester, NY, USA Post Posted: Sun May 26, 2002 4:33 pm Post subject: _________________________________________________________________ Check this link out on slashdot Quote: Your Rights Online: Unique ID Codes for CD / DVD Manufacturers Posted by timothy on Sunday May 26, @05:36AM from the isn't-the-free-market-over-there dept. terrymr writes: "The movie & recording industry are lobbying hard for the European Union to require all CDs & DVDs to carry unique source identifiers to aid in combatting piracy. They are also demanding tougher penalties for infringers. It seems the only people who would be hit by the ID code requirement would be the legitimate manufacturers as the pirates simply wouldn't bother." http://yro.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/...ode=flat&tid=97 DOlson Moderator Joined: 16 Apr 2002 Posts: 2393 Location: Canada Post Posted: Sun May 26, 2002 7:56 pm Post subject: _________________________________________________________________ Thanks alot Metallica!!!!!! You bunch of frickin' losers! Just remember that it is because of pirates and underground trading and bootleggers that you guys ever even got big. I don't blame Jason for leaving... He probably quit because you guys were suing EVERYONE you could... But you and he may never admit that. You are like the Microsoft of the music industry. Where is the Linus Torvalds of the music industry? Oh, this isn't the Metallica message board? Oh... Silly me... AB2MS Frequent user Joined: 01 May 2002 Posts: 181 Location: Cambridge, New York USA Post Posted: Mon May 27, 2002 3:33 am Post subject: _________________________________________________________________ cannonfodder wrote: Never heard of it. What is it? A few years back "greening" cd's was a popular myth.... people were led to believe that if you colored the data side of cd's with a green marker it improved the audio quality, buyt there isn't any affect either way..... but then again, people these days will believe anything Rolling Eyes cannonfodder Moderator Joined: 16 Apr 2002 Posts: 1056 Location: Rochester, NY, USA Post Posted: Mon May 27, 2002 3:39 am Post subject: _________________________________________________________________ AB2MS wrote: cannonfodder wrote: Never heard of it. What is it? A few years back "greening" cd's was a popular myth.... people were led to believe that if you colored the data side of cd's with a green marker it improved the audio quality, buyt there isn't any affect either way..... but then again, people these days will believe anything Rolling Eyes No kidding. One of those "The heavier you are, the faster you fall" myths huh? teòma Frequent user Joined: 14 May 2002 Posts: 28 Location: Sweden Post Posted: Mon May 27, 2002 1:06 pm Post subject: _________________________________________________________________ I think the funnies thing about this whole copyright protection thing is, that the end user, the one who actually buys the CD's, is the one who suffers. You never heard the pirates complaining about a CD not working on the computer, why? Cos they have a way around it, which is another thing these people seem to fail understanding, if you can play it, you can copy it. The only copy-safe CD is one you can't listen to. DOlson Moderator Joined: 16 Apr 2002 Posts: 2393 Location: Canada Post Posted: Tue May 28, 2002 12:09 am Post subject: _________________________________________________________________ Quote: The only copy-safe CD is one you can't listen to. Bingo... There's the money shot. These guys are all morons if you ask me. I think the next step should be selling a human CD-guard with every CD purchased, which follows you around wherever you take the CD. That way, they can keep an eye on you and make sure you don't copy, lend, or publicly broadcast the CD. That'd almost work too. teòma Frequent user Joined: 14 May 2002 Posts: 28 Location: Sweden Post Posted: Tue May 28, 2002 1:54 pm Post subject: _________________________________________________________________ Laughing That I would like to see. Yeah, it is so unfortunate they are totally blinded by the money. Does anyone actually know how much it takes to produce a CD? fat_larry Newbie Joined: 03 May 2002 Posts: 23 Location: England Post Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2002 8:06 am Post subject: _________________________________________________________________ I_NEED_HELP wrote: How are they going to stop someone putting a line from their stereo to the line in on their computer and copying them that way. bad idea! digital->analogue->digital->compressed digital is always going to be a significantly lower quality than a direct digital->compressed digital transformation. theYinYeti Senior user Joined: 13 May 2002 Posts: 452 Location: Cannes (France) Post Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2002 9:17 am Post subject: _________________________________________________________________ thayne wrote: I don't know why they bother. ANY security measure they impose will be cracked. That's unfortunately not true. Hardware measures can be unbreakable, eg: some CD are flawed: small bits of it are voluntarily messed with, so that a standard CD player will use it's recovery mechanism (and we're supposed not to hear the difference Evil or Very Mad ), but a computer CD player will simply report a media error. Actually, the difference can be heard if you listen well. As a musician, I find this pure, unacceptable, horror. I say "unfortunately" above because it is (IMO) a serious attack on fair use, for people like me and many others, that never crack any media (tape, CD, VCR-tape...). I feel this kind of laws and practices, as injustice. I resent a lot that USA help spreading such injustice, by allowing any such kind of liberty-impairing techinical and legislative moves. And I call to everyone: stop piracy, please. You only encourage such laws, and "security measures"... Yves. DOlson Moderator Joined: 16 Apr 2002 Posts: 2393 Location: Canada Post Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2002 9:47 am Post subject: _________________________________________________________________ I hear ya, and I am trying to cut back on my MP3s. But just think of all the bands that you would never have started listening to if it weren't for MP3s... I know of dozens for myself. And I have only begun purchasing their albums. They have a lot of money coming their way in the not so distant future thanks to the MP3 file. theYinYeti Senior user Joined: 13 May 2002 Posts: 452 Location: Cannes (France) Post Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2002 9:48 am Post subject: _________________________________________________________________ cannonfodder wrote: They are going a step further and trying to get hardware manufactorers to develop hard drives, monitors, whatever that prevent copy protection. I_NEED_HELP wrote: How are they going to stop someone putting a line from their stereo to the line in on their computer and copying them that way. Simple: they will prevent the playing of those CD on any non-approved non-"enhanced" hardware. Ironically, I guess they'll have to "digitalize" all the way from the Cd player to the speakers so that all those parts are "security-enabled", and have a kind of protocol and "hand-shake" before encrypted data flows from part to part... Yves. DOlson Moderator Joined: 16 Apr 2002 Posts: 2393 Location: Canada Post Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2002 9:50 am Post subject: _________________________________________________________________ theYinYeti wrote: Simple: they will prevent the playing of those CD on any non-approved non-"enhanced" hardware. Ironically, I guess they'll have to "digitalize" all the way from the Cd player to the speakers so that all those parts are "security-enabled", and have a kind of protocol and "hand-shake" before encrypted data flows from part to part... Yves. Ahh, but then you can always put a microphone up to the speaker. They can't start securing analog waveforms. It just won't happen. theYinYeti Senior user Joined: 13 May 2002 Posts: 452 Location: Cannes (France) Post Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2002 10:13 am Post subject: _________________________________________________________________ DOlson wrote: you can always put a microphone up to the speaker. They can't start securing analog waveforms. It just won't happen. That's true, but what they would be able to achieve is a law, so that any music-transfer-enabled device is compliant with the "security measure" as I said above, with encrypted digital data, and so that no device is able to record anything coming from an encrypted data connexion. Then we'd have a situation where: - you can record anything you want from a microphone (but no backup afterwards Sad ) - you cannot transfer the data anywhere, except all the way to the speakers. Of course, you'd then be able to copy a song, but only after it has gone from digital form to analog form. Provided you have good material, and a record room, this is still better than MP3-like compression, but anyway, you'd not be able to play this on the computer. All this could be worked around with pirated hardware, where data is decrypted in the IN plugs, but not encrypted again in the OUT plugs. But then, you'd be a pirate, and risking prison. There has to be a better future, and I think only governments can stop it from happening. It is their responsability. Yves. theYinYeti Senior user Joined: 13 May 2002 Posts: 452 Location: Cannes (France) Post Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2002 10:30 am Post subject: _________________________________________________________________ DOlson wrote: think of all the bands that you would never have started listening to if it weren't for MP3s. Sure. MP3 are go.. Embarassed OGG are good Wink , not bad. But it is a different problem. If unknown authors choose to make exerpts (or even entire songs) available on Internet, that's OK, but if it is not their choice, you don't have the right to force them by making the music available yourself. The music industry has to learn to use internet in a intelligent way. That is possible! For now, it's too easy for them: they can arrange to make "unallowed" music available on internet (for the great pleasure of the listeners), and meanwhile complain that they have been robed of their music and money! That make me think of a certain M.......t company: "poor us, people have kept stealing us by making illegal copies of Windows", but they were in fact quite happy to see their product expand until what it is today. And now that they have a good market-share, they try to restrict as much as possible. If you make illegal copies of authors' songs, you play their game! You help them, while letting them the right to complain! Don't make MP3/OGG on your own. They'll have to learn that if they want to make a name, if they want to be known, they'll have to make the music available themselves, and not complain about it, nor risking their early listeners getting in prison. Yves. DOlson Moderator Joined: 16 Apr 2002 Posts: 2393 Location: Canada Post Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2002 6:53 pm Post subject: _________________________________________________________________ I will make OGG files or MP3 files on my own whenever I want to. Just because I do this, doesn't mean that I am going to distribute them on the internet. I have many many CDs, and I don't think that I should HAVE to switch them if I want to hear particular songs from particular CDs from particular bands in a particular order. I can easily fit 10 albums onto one CDR, which means that I have a much more enjoyable time listening to music. I think that the music industry is stupid, just as Microsoft is stupid. They are shooting themselves in the head, only they haven't got good aim... They haven't dealt a death blow yet, and that is unfortunate. I wish they'd quit pretending to commit suicide and just get it over with. Glitz Senior user Joined: 02 May 2002 Posts: 507 Location: The Great White North Post Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2002 4:46 am Post subject: _________________________________________________________________ Not quite. The hardware/software has no way to determine if an analog signal is copyrighted by the user or not. And since users must be able to record from a microphone and do whatever they want with material that they have the copyright for, then the hardware has no choice but to assume the analog signal copyright belongs to the user. If that were not the case, then no one (including a record company) could make a recording. Glitz. theYinYeti Senior user Joined: 13 May 2002 Posts: 452 Location: Cannes (France) Post Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2002 10:36 am Post subject: _________________________________________________________________ DOlson wrote: I will make OGG files or MP3 files on my own whenever I want to. Just because I do this, doesn't mean that I am going to distribute them on the internet. I can easily fit 10 albums onto one CDR, which means that I have a much more enjoyable time listening to music. Yes. That is what is called fair use. As long as it is for yourself ONLY, it's OK. Yves. theYinYeti Senior user Joined: 13 May 2002 Posts: 452 Location: Cannes (France) Post Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2002 10:44 am Post subject: _________________________________________________________________ Glitz wrote: Not quite. The hardware/software has no way to determine if an analog signal is copyrighted by the user or not. And since users must be able to record from a microphone and do whatever they want with material that they have the copyright for, then the hardware has no choice but to assume the analog signal copyright belongs to the user. If that were not the case, then no one (including a record company) could make a recording. Glitz. Read better. For this scheme from the record companies to work, I assumed they would have to "digitalize" all transfers between "approved" hardware, and encrypt all, along with additional meta-data. What I say is: if only such approved hardware is used, you have the situation explained above: you can only record on the same machine as the one having the Microphone (or other record device); and that would be analog-quality, ie very depending of the recording conditions. And if other people (recording industry) need to have more advanced rights (make the sound go through many machines before being actually recorded), one could imagine a payable subscription for a monthly/yearly licence, that would give such rights, in the form of a "identity" key, that would allows the encrypted data to go through all this-key-enabled machines. All I say is only valid if you don't use non-"approved" hardware (ie illegal hardware). In those conditions, I'm pretty sure I can have an answer for each of yours. What I unfortunately think is that what technology could never do, law can. Hence it is the governments responsibility to ensure that freedom and fair use keep existing in the future. Yves. Glitz Senior user Joined: 02 May 2002 Posts: 507 Location: The Great White North Post Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2002 9:36 pm Post subject: _________________________________________________________________ Actually, I didn't read the original post at all. Smile But still, then I would also buy this approved hardware and the appropriate licensing fee as well. If they can buy/license it then so can I. Second, who would be receiving these license fees and be approving this hardware? And again, regular people make recordings too and someone will sell "approved" recording equipment with a microphone. So, I'll just use one of those. In addition, regular people can be audiophiles too and demand premium quality recording equipment. Glitz. teòma Frequent user Joined: 14 May 2002 Posts: 28 Location: Sweden Post Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2002 11:04 am Post subject: _________________________________________________________________ DOlson wrote: I think that the music industry is stupid, just as Microsoft is stupid. They are shooting themselves in the head, only they haven't got good aim... They haven't dealt a death blow yet, and that is unfortunate. I wish they'd quit pretending to commit suicide and just get it over with. I couldn't agree more with this! The thing is the dead of M$ or the whole music industry is not the dead of music or software/OS/whatever, far from it, sure it would kill off the million clone boybands/Brithney Spears, but that is only a good thing. The funniest thing about this is the music industry keeps saying, they are trying to protect the artists work and if you ever created anything, you would understand that. NO! The music industry is protecting their income, if they payed even half of the CD's price to the artists, there would be a lot more rich people out there (lets face it one CD-R is about $1, here anyway) and saying we would understand if we ever created anything, that is just stupid, the music industry has never created anything, the artist has, you don't hear them complaining and why? Cos the artists make more money from tours and mechandise, thats why, what better way to draw in a bigger crowd than spreading MP3s so you reach an audience you normally wouldn't? And since we are on a Linux board I think everyone knows that dead of M$ wouldn't really affect anyone Very Happy I hope some of that made sense at least frew Senior user Joined: 01 Jun 2002 Posts: 214 Location: Mississippi Post Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2002 4:50 am Post subject: _________________________________________________________________ *frew args at the whole copy protection mess* I'll show em all! hahaha Editor's note: This thread was originally posted at the old MUB (Mandrake User Board at club-nihil). This post is the result of a 99% automatic backup, so due to its nature some text may be lost (improbable but possible).
  24. JeroenM Moderator Joined: 16 Apr 2002 Posts: 594 Location: Leuven, Belgium Post Posted: Wed May 22, 2002 2:40 pm Post subject: Added an applet to kicker and can't get rid of it? _________________________________________________________________ 1. log out of KDE 2. log into something else 3. open a text editor 4. open the file Code: /home/yourname/.kde/share/config/kickerrc 5. remove the lines at Applet 5 or whatever number it is. 6. just below that you have General->Applets. remove the same Applet_5 over there 7. log back into KDE Editor's note: This thread was originally posted at the old MUB (Mandrake User Board at club-nihil). This post is the result of a 99% automatic backup, so due to its nature some text may be lost (improbable but possible).
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