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Everything posted by Lowe

  1. Lowe


    That is amazing, what an achievement for opensource software.
  2. That's the thing, it doesn't give me the choice to set it to that. All that's there is eth0 and sit0.
  3. is for the modem. Oh and eth0 is my only choice, it's also what i used last time, i don't see why it's not working the same, i guess it was the update.
  4. Yes it's off in the screenshots, but only because i was wanting to post this topic. I've tried unblocking the connections and opened the DHCP port, yet it keeps blocking them anyway. Yes, i just used the basic settings and they never worked for me. I'm using this on my home PC im connecting through ethernet with a D-Link ADSL modem, which all worked fine on my older version of firestarter, that's why im suprised it isn't working this time around.
  5. I installed a newer version of Firestarter today (after upgrading to the new ubuntu) and ive had nothing but problems, as soon as i turn the firewall on i can't even view websites and ive messed around with settings for the last hour and just can't seem to resolve it, since i have no idea what im doing maybe the screenshots can explain what im doing wrong. Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Any help at all is appreciated.
  6. That amarok sounds intresting, but does it work in Gnome? Since it's hosted on the KDE site i presume it's KDE only?
  7. That's weird, it works fine for me. I guess it depends on what version you use among other things, no? Why don't you try beep-media-player then? It's xmms but looks a lot better it's in gtk2 i think.
  8. I use rhythmbox, it's certainly the most stable player ive used and plays loads of formats thanks to gstreamer(?).
  9. I forget, but ill upload the wallpaper for you. :) http://img109.exs.cx/img109/6828/kanna37wl.jpg
  10. Lowe


    I don't recommend doing this, you will not be able to access some sites, some require referer information, and if for some reason the site cant get it they will not allow you to connect. Every browser sends out referer information as far as i know.
  11. Never mind, i figured it out. *smacks head* Ok so i just reformatted like 2 days ago, I go to install mplayer, via apt-get everything seems fine that is until i start it. "Reading config file /etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf Illegal instruction" I remember getting something like that when i installed it a few months back, Honestly, i couldn't be bothered messing with it, so i downloaded from the mplayer site. Go to install it and another error. "Error: PNG support required for GUI compilation, please install libpng and libpng-dev packages." I checked to see if they were installed, and yup they were. So any ideas? I know the answer is probably pretty simple, but apt-get has been spoiling me. :P ---------------------------- Ok i got by that now this. "Error: X11 support required for GUI compilation" :unsure:
  12. The reason i thought it was dead was because i haven't heard much about it in a long while. Well yeah, i haven't even tried the distro so i can't really say much about it, maybe it was bad in the past? Maybe he was talking about it from years ago or something. It's just never intrested me before, i don't see that changing now. I'm happy with my Ubuntu. Maybe ill test it on my dads PC though, since it looks good for a someone new to linux. But then again Mandrake is very easy for new users aswell. :)
  13. Wow, i thought linspire was dead :P. Well according to the guy at my local Computer store, this should be avoided like the plague. It looks really bad aswell, not to mention everytime i see this distro it makes me think of windows and aol so not good at all. :lol:
  14. I just formatted last night, so just a simple one for now. :P
  15. I'm back! Ubuntu rocks! But i can't get Ragnarok Online workng :( but that's not Ubuntu's fault. Someone said Ubuntu final was out, but i find no information about it on the site.
  16. What the hell are you talking about, Ubuntu is like 10x faster than mandrake. In my opinion mandrake is the one that's slow. I have only tryed 3 distro's Mandrake, SuSE and Ubuntu and Ubuntu pwns them all.
  17. I hit reply by mistake. Or did i?
  18. hehe you seem to know everything. But i suppose when you have used gnome that long you will do :P . By the way nice desktop, I haven't really customised mines yet.
  19. You know i think spinynorman is gonna get really angry soon. < that was a bad idea BOO! mandrake club.
  20. It seems a lot of people are having that mouse problem. But i never got it :P . Didn't you find it rather annoying that there was no home folder on the desktop? took me ages to figure out how to do it.
  21. Well if i told you, i would have to kill you. (You do know were completely off topic)
  22. Bvc :o Ladys and gentlemen we have a sig stealer in the house. :P Who stole it from who though?
  23. Yeah, that may be right. But distro's like Ubuntu think all software should be free, As do i.That's probally why i won't go back to mandrake, you may think im just some cheap skate, heck maybe your right. But i really think all open source software should be free. And having a club only thing is kind of silly, if there gonna make money, they should just offer tshirts etc for sale, not some club where only members can get the latest downloads. That is very selfish. So much for share the software more like. "Your not getting the software!" "Unless you pay some cash" "And after one year you will have to pay again" "so let's stop users from getting the latest software" "Just to make our pockets bigger" Take it how you want, if this offends you, it was not intended to.
  24. For you lot who want mplayer and other video stuff installed. http://debian.udsu.ru/.1/debian-soft/marillat/ add them to your apt-get sources.
  25. Man i have to say this is honestly the fastest distro i have tried, it just zooms a long :P . Everything seems great the main problem seems to be with licensing though, like you have to install mplayer the hard way And uhm what's with that root crap, normal user as powerful as root. :huh:
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