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Everything posted by solarian

  1. No serious animation software, like Bauhaus Mirage fro Mac and Windows.
  2. I like Elinks when not in X. :)
  3. It has no help pages at all, just the standart credits, license, etc. Anyway I think it's moronic. I have opera and konqueror installed, could have used them if it needs, at least as a fall back. Sorry for my grumbling, but I really dislike to be forced into installing a particular software I have no need for. Ok, so I don't directly use the installed package and it takes up little space, but still..
  4. The other day I was QUITE unhappy that when uninstalling Firefox I had to uninstall Avidemux too because of some twisted, unimaginable dependency. What on earth does require a VIDEO EDITOR be dependant on a specific version of a WEB BROWSER?!!! I say specific because it didn't like Thac's Firefox.rpm Anyways, I had to reinstall the Firefox .rpm because I need to use Avidemux # urpme mozilla-firefox To satisfy dependencies, the following 3 packages will be removed (33 MB): avidemux-2.1.0-0.1.102plf.i586 (due to unsatisfied mozilla-firefox == 1.0.2) galeon-1.3.19-7.3.102mdk.i586 (due to missing libgtkembedmoz.so, due to missing libxpcom.so, due to unsatisfied mozilla-firefox == 1.0.2) mozilla-firefox-1.0.2-10.1.102mdk.i586 Is this OK? (y/N)
  5. strange.. because I have no problems with 2005 free edition. it's the most stable and fluid OS I've ever had, minus Kaffeine being unusable, but that's nothing.
  6. btw- one friend, after I showed him that linuxtoday nonsense, reminded me of this article -> http://madpenguin.org/cms/html/47/5937.html Switching from Linux to Windows
  7. i agree, it was the first thing that I uninstalled when testing 2006
  8. bwhahahahaha! Get the facts you need to make the choice between Windows and Linux. Just click on the whitepaper of your choice to download: -----------------
  9. well, I deleted all .mozilla dir, only imported my bookmarks from the old one for some 2 hours now I have had no such errors (knocks wood)
  10. I have the same problem with mdv Firefox rpm, so it's not an issue here. I just deleted the .mozilla folder, will monitor how things work from now on.
  11. No, no tuning. How do I check about that caching? Yes, I've tried a clean install and a clean (new) user dir, maybe I should do it again... The whole dir? Ok, I'll try sometime tomorrow, I'll report on how it goes. Hmm.. unlikely, all pretty standart stuff everyone's using. Adblock, Spellbound, Deepest Sender. p.s. I think it looks as some serious caching issues, but I have no idea from where that originates. :/ Any more ideas anyone before I delete my .mozilla dir? p.p.s. I'm using the .tar version atm. But I've also tried mdk .rpm's
  12. Darn, it just happened again, see the screenshot, pay attention to the address bar. It should have rendered this page after I had clicked (post new topic), the correct url loaded, but the page stayed the same in which I wrote this post: link to jpg
  13. Hi!, since I remember I'm having one particular problem with Firefox (on Linux). Till now I had thought that it's just glitchy software itself, but now some other people who also use Linux have told me, that they have no such problem. And it is: from time to time Firefox just doesn't render a page, particulary if it's a .php page, even more particulary if it has some argument behind it (.php?456346#). In such cases I see the correct url in the address bar, but the page either has stayed the same from which I clicked, or it's completely blank. In such cases I click on that link and refresh for a dozen of times till it finally loads, or if I get very frustrated, I launch Opera or Galeon which show no such behaviour. Then use Opera, somebody will probalbly say, and I would agree if not for particluar extensions. Firefox usually loads the page if it's freshly restarted.
  14. Thanks for the suggestion, I'll check it out! I really dislike using Windows.
  15. What I really miss on Linux most is good semi-pro video editing and animation software like Adobe Premiere and Bauhaus Mirage :( Same goes for software by Sonicfoundry. Then I wouldn't have to use Windows at all. I wonder when the big players will begin to make their software for Linux too. I'd buy it, can't really afford, but I'd buy as long as it runs flawlessly on Linux.
  16. By any chance are you Satyr @ sciforums.com? Same avatar picture ;) As for 2006, I've already given up on it, waiting out for 2007, hopefully it will be more polished. 2005 is very stable and with an updated KDE there's no real reason to have 2006 (at least for me). Maybe except SMART, but urpmi is good enough. edit: oops, it seems that I had already replied to this thread and said almost the same Had forgotten! Exams.....
  17. Maybe it's too complex for you! And I really like what you described about KDE. I like many options so I can make it suit my needs best. And I don't have to dig through config files like I'd have to in Gnome.
  18. I've been checking out Gnome from time to time and it has now been so simplified that it has lost its' usability for me. KDE and Fluxbox are my two favourite ones - taking in mind usability and aesthetics.
  19. I agree with Linus on his thoughts about Gnome.
  20. Hi, What command do I write in the shortcut config so it runs the application as a different user than I'm using atm, i.e., I am 'username', but through that shortcut want to run a software as 'sandbox'? Thanks!
  21. solarian

    grip help

    Yes, it appears that your problem isn't in Grip or ripperX Sorry, but I have no idea what that might be, let's wait for someone other to reply
  22. solarian

    grip help

    naturally - wget accessed the same servers as are configured in your urpmi database (wget is a really cool terminal app for downloading files off internet, but nothing more) good luck!
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